I understand and appreciate the philosophy, and I'm not really bothered by it either. In fact, I'm okay with it, as the ICs have been shown pretty definitively to not require wobbling to be viable. Infinites don't really belong in fighting games, imo.
My question was more aimed at the design question of viability. Yoshi has been shown to be quite viable in melee, and so has Pikachu, but they have both received buffs in PM. ICs and Sheik have both been shown (though on a larger scale because they are top tier characters which see more use) to be viable in melee as well, but these characters received nerfs in PM.
My question then is how viable is a viable character in PM if that character were ported over to melee? Is the aim to make every character at least A Tier or higher--where tiers denote how much the player has to compensate for the character's flaws by playing smart--but not necessarily that every character is in the same tier, requiring the same level of intelligence on the player's behalf to play for example Fox, Olimar, and Lucas to their highest ability?
Or is the aim to make every character, when played to the highest level to be definitively in the same tier as every other character? This is what I feel is the direction PM is going. By nerfing Melee top tiers (with exceptions, with the understanding is that characters like Captain Falcon would not be top tier if ported into PM directly) and buffing the low tiers, it seems that the design correction of PM is that every character, if ported into Melee (again, with exceptions made to compensate for MUs in PM not existing in melee) would be approximately A Tier.
Am I totally off base here?
ETA: oh hey Hylian, you ninja'd me! I'm currently stuck with just a melee setup, and I decided I might as well pick a character to practice on it till I can get a PM setup, so I'm currently getting into ICs (my skill with whom will hopefully transfer to 3.5), which is why I showed the interest. Didn't mean to chew y'all out like that. >.<'
I'm not really bothered by y'all's design choices, just curious, as they're sort of kept a bit vague imo.