My friend long ago also told me Voodoo/Magic was another weakness he had. Going off of some villain in one of the shows/comics
Also I <3 my Central time zone, any early morning streams on these Las Vegas/Cali tournies is later for us so we get more time to maybe arrange a watch-fest
Also someday Phones/Tablets will be able to emulate Smash (they can now but at playable speeds), and those Nintendo to USB adapters or any other USB adapter (which you would convert to micro-usb via standard to micro adapter for Phones or otherwise a USB accepting tablet) and that along with probably even Wifi play through it and improved CPUs and that 20xx hack my friends is what will give people the practice levels necessary to initiate the 20xx
You could already even probably design a simple app now with controller support just to have a frame time based thing to practice/replicate Multi-shines/SHDLS/Double Aerials/Waveshines and stuff without the actual game (and it'd just give you a recreated visual of the game and clear indications if you screwed up at all)