Your favorite anime is bad.
Reading kana only is surprisingly apps are out of the question. I cannot depend on them or use them at all.
I only have one book from Schwarz/Ezawa and been using the beautiful world of internets to learn what I've already learned.
Regarding the kanji it'll just be something I learn over time I suppose, but katakana and hiragana I've been trying to get down asap
I heard that the first two pokemon games didn't use any kanji at all, so I may be able to play rby/gsc in full japanese sooner than other games
Would also be an interesting relearning process with move and pokemon names, although I already know most of them since I just watch the anime with subs.
And you'll find learning kanji "along the way" isn't possible, or realistic rather. Japanese children have classes to teach them kanji over many years.