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Project M Social Thread Gold

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
Wow! Wasn't expecting such a huge answer. Thanks CORY CORY I'll copy and paste this somewhere.

To be fair, I probably just hate steamed vegetables. As you said, they're bland and mushy. Haven't tried any raw yet though.

Is it possible to exercise too much? Obviously there is, but I mean is doing cardio everyday for 2hrs (1hr in the morning 1hr at night) too much? I want to burn off a ton of fat fast, but also healthy.

Edit: Forgot to answer what I'm doing now. For the most part, just little things. Two eggs for breakfast. Lettuce and chicken for dinner. Walk for an hour (eventually will build up into jogging or actually heading into the gym)
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Grey Belnades

The Imperial Aztec
Jan 20, 2009
Brawley, CA
Wow! Wasn't expecting such a huge answer. Thanks CORY CORY I'll copy and paste this somewhere.

To be fair, I probably just hate steamed vegetables. As you said, they're bland and mushy. Haven't tried any raw yet though.

Is it possible to exercise too much? Obviously there is, but I mean is doing cardio everyday for 2hrs (1hr in the morning 1hr at night) too much? I want to burn off a ton of fat fast, but also healthy.

Edit: Forgot to answer what I'm doing now. For the most part, just little things. Two eggs for breakfast. Lettuce and chicken for dinner. Walk for an hour (eventually will build up into jogging or actually heading into the gym)
On the cardio: yes. However, if you're just walking, then that's fine. Doing 2 hours of say running is a bit overkill though. Spending 30 minutes on a rowing machine or doing just 10-15 minutes of HITT sprinting would be much more beneficial and is less time demanding than all that running just to burn those same calories.

Losing body fat takes time but as long as you keep your diet clean, have your caloric intake at a deficit, exercise, and have plenty of sleep, the fat will come off. You just have to be patient and consistent.

Here's a great site with the info you want and there's even a calorie calculator.

And then you could bulk and start looking really really strong just like the Samoan rebel sexy badass Roman "Believe Dat" Reigns.


Smash Master
Dec 30, 2013
Greenville, SC
Your chem teacher sounds ****ing awesome, why are you complaining.
Kids these days don't appreciate levity in teachers at all. Just wait till you get some monotone college prof, you'll be crying like a ***** for your silly chem teacher.
****ing teenagers.:colorful:

For Valentine's Day I'm gonna get some wine, chocolate, and...

not spend time in Japan with the guy I'm currently mega-infatuated with.

Hey, is that vodka on my bookshelf...
He is monotone and before I thought his only hobby was watching ESPN.

So I'm really blown away and got completely roasted.


Smash Master
Dec 30, 2013
Greenville, SC
On the cardio: yes. However, if you're just walking, then that's fine. Doing 2 hours of say running is a bit overkill though. Spending 30 minutes on a rowing machine or doing just 10-15 minutes of HITT sprinting would be much more beneficial and is less time demanding than all that running just to burn those same calories.

Losing body fat takes time but as long as you keep your diet clean, have your caloric intake at a deficit, exercise, and have plenty of sleep, the fat will come off. You just have to be patient and consistent.

Here's a great site with the info you want and there's even a calorie calculator.

And then you could bulk and start looking really really strong just like the Samoan rebel sexy badass Roman "Believe Dat" Reigns.
Muscle_Senpai Muscle_Senpai too
Is it bad to only swim if I'm training for swim, b/c It's cardio so I'm not sure what I should be doing.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2015
what do you want? and what are you doing now?
in general, umbreon had some good points. personally, i'd say start to actually listen to your body. like, figure out if you're actually legit hungry or if it's just some stressor that's getting out worked up
I've been focusing on this a lot now and now I'm at the point where it's completely backwards for me and now I have to eat even when not hungry because by the time I get hungry it'll be too late and the headaches will start coming

Would like to reach some middle ground with this

Actually interested in any gyms in Akita, I feel super awkward jogging in my neighborhood and also find it awkward when my parents see me doing bodyweight stuff at home so I only do things when they're not around, over in japan though I'm less likely to give a **** because its just 3 months
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2014
Coral Springs, FL
Been really happy with my play for the past month. Been looking at my results since our region's PR came out, and I've only lost to our region's #1 player, Hero of Time, and two PR worthy Marths. It just sucks being the only Mario main in my region since I can't theory craft matchups, though on the other hand I get to **** up people who don't know the MU


Dec 2, 2001
dallas area
I've been focusing on this a lot now and now I'm at the point where it's completely backwards for me and now I have to eat even when not hungry because by the time I get hungry it'll be too late and the headaches will start coming

Would like to reach some middle ground with this

Actually interested in any gyms in Akita, I feel super awkward jogging in my neighborhood and also find it awkward when my parents see me doing bodyweight stuff at home so I only do things when they're not around, over in japan though I'm less likely to give a **** because its just 3 months
yeah, i usually have a really ****ty eating schedule. like, during the week it wasn't so bad because i could only eat at certain points due to work, and i'd be super hungry so i'd just eat the hell out of whatever i brought, but at home, on the weekends... i'd only eat, like, once a day sometimes ;x i'd just forget. or, on the flipside, i would literally just eat everything ever all day long. both of those regardless of physical activity.

it took me a while to start to figure out "ok, this is actually me being hungry" at, say, work. like, i'd just finished lunch (so, typically, something like a half chicken breast, cup of broccoli cup of kale, handful of mushrooms, about 1/3 a cucumber) and i'd be wanting to eat something else. eventually i figured out i just wanted a little dessert, so i'd grab a bunch of cherry jolly ranchers from a coworkers community pile and just let one slowly melt itself and felt fine.

the lack of eating usually came from when i had a lot of homework to deal with, so i'd just sit down and skip breakfast (not that hungry at that point, usually just due to lack of activity early in the morning) and start working, then next thing i know it's 4 in the afternoon and my gf is asking why i haven't had lunch yet and i have no real good answer because i've even done some pushups to decompress mentally.

though, i guess for you, it should start at the beginning: are you trying to cut down fat? or just maintain a healthy eating habit? if you're trying to cut fat, start tracking your rough caloric intake and keep it around 1900-2100, especially if you're somewhat active. there's a general eyeball measurement for basic needs, i think it's like... if you're really active and male, multiply your bodyweight by.. 18 or 19? that's how many calories you need to just maintain that weight. if you're not really active, it's 14 or 15. i can't remember the article, though. so you can go from there and get a rough idea.

if you want to cut down fat, you eat less than you take in, simple. if you want to maintain you eat close to that amount as possible. if you want to build muscle you'll have to eat over that amount (and it gets complicated the more you want to get lean mass rather than just "bulk up").

and why do you feel awkward doing, say, pushups or squats at home? just asking, that might be something you can work past if you can get down to the root level of it. if you actually find a gym while you're in akita, make sure to work with a trainer who can show you proper form and motions (and help you work on a good beginner strategy). if you can't find someone to help you with that, stick to basic stuff like squat, pushup into benchpress, lat pulls and/or chinups (which are executed slightly differently than pullups). make especially sure to watch squat form, pull up some videos to see how it's done and copy that. so, yes, stick your ass really far out and arch your back in. you don't want to blow something out day 1 and be worthless in all aspects of life for the next month because of that.

Wow! Wasn't expecting such a huge answer. Thanks CORY CORY I'll copy and paste this somewhere.

To be fair, I probably just hate steamed vegetables. As you said, they're bland and mushy. Haven't tried any raw yet though.

Is it possible to exercise too much? Obviously there is, but I mean is doing cardio everyday for 2hrs (1hr in the morning 1hr at night) too much? I want to burn off a ton of fat fast, but also healthy.

Edit: Forgot to answer what I'm doing now. For the most part, just little things. Two eggs for breakfast. Lettuce and chicken for dinner. Walk for an hour (eventually will build up into jogging or actually heading into the gym)
old man answered pretty well. walking isn't terrible and it's a start, but remember that walking is essentially controlled falling and we're kind of designed to be able to walk in a low energy manner for extended periods of time. make sure you're trying to walk quickly, you want to be breathing a bit harder and you want to feel your heart moving. even if you have to do that goofy powerwalk stuff, go for it.

i'd say start doing pushups today. just do proper form, and you can just do 5. (proper form means go into an actual plank position, hands right below your shoulders; keep your back straight as your lower yourself down, keep your elbows in closer to your body. control your descent and keep your head up looking forward. when you push back up, don't let your back down. this is going to feel awkward at the start because it engages your core while also using pecs and upper back for the big motion, then using your shoulders to stabilize. just focus on keeping your back straight, make whatever arnold-esque grunting and groaning sounds you have to in order to finish, you got this!)

then do 5 squats. http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/bodyweight-squat is a good resource for proper form on stuff, btw.

and that can be it. just do 5 of each a day for a week. next week, push yourself to 6 a day. next week 7. so on so on. i was hitting about 100 pushups (5 sets of 20), or 45-ish squats (70 pounds of weight, the most i had at home, 5 sets of 7 or 8), or 45 pullups (5 sets of 9, was working up to 10, but i found out my form was bad, so i actually ended up only doing about 6 or 7) a day before i started working out in the gym and i was not large by any means. so, don't worry about getting really bulky, like i said. you'll have to do A LOT of work to get bulky with just those exercises (and squats will give you ****ing nice thighs and help make your ass look good, anyway : p) and then you'd have to eat to match whatever you're doing in order to gain that bulk.

and the reason i push for strength training stuff to cut off fat is that more muscle mass means you have a higher resting metabolism, which means you burn more calories just sitting around ****posting on swf, which is the highlight of everyone's day here. so, basically, once you hit a point that you're happy with your look (however you want to define this for yourself) you just work on maintaining, so stick to your workout plan and match your calories decently close and you're good.

so i guess tl;dr: cardio is good, but it's good for hearth health which is REALLY important. keep at it. strength training is good for increasing your resting metabolic rate, so do some of that, too. if you want to cut fat, you need a caloric deficit, so increase your resting metabolism and that deficit gets easier to hit.

AND DON'T STARVE YOURSELF. this is really important. go check online what an actual good bodyweight for your height and gender is. if you have the ability, check your body fat percent and try to see how close you are to that. sorry if it comes off as rude, but you'll need to check for the gender you currently are if you haven't started hormone therapy because males and females have different body compositions and metabolisms due to hormones (basically, women have more body fat% in general because fat=baby making fuel. if you're still hormonally male, that matters to a point). make sure that you're checking the information for your activity level as well, because athletes are going to tend to be heavier while having lower body fat% than less active lifestyles.

so, yeah, find out what a good weight for your height is and work out how to get there safely. it's about 3500 calories to make or lose a pound. rda for overall calories is about 2000, so losing a pound in a day (that isn't just waterweight) is really scary. a pound or two a week, especially if you're on the higher end of the range, isn't too bad. but make sure you're eating enough. i'll go kamina you if you're trying to starve yourself down. work on increasing your caloric output, primarily, and try to stick to 2000-2100 a day, low process sugar (so, fruits are cool, candy not so much, and pour that soda down the drain!).

for what you described, an egg is generally about 70-80 cal, and chicken breast... about 230, it looks like from google. lettuce is almost negligible, in terms of calories (like, 5 calories for a cup ;x), so you're really low on calories and i would recommend fixing that. adding other veggies would help, but i'd say if you enjoy cheese, add some to your breakfast, eat another chicken breast at lunch, with some veggies (mix stuff up, too. add in beans and some rice, if you like that stuff. i grew up mexican so i don't like white rice but i ****ing love me some spanish rice!). if you can afford them (and like them) nuts are also pretty good. i personally love almonds and eat the **** out of them, but most any nut is a good deal as long as you watch how much you're eating of them.

if you go too low on calories your body will actually go into starvation mode as a natural reaction and that will slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow the **** out of your metabolism. try to hit around 1800-2000, probably, until you get moving up with exercises, then try to hit 2k a day. if you lose bad sugars your metabolism will probably fix a lot of issues on its own, even if you're technically eating more than before.

Muscle_Senpai Muscle_Senpai too
Is it bad to only swim if I'm training for swim, b/c It's cardio so I'm not sure what I should be doing.
for swimming you're using a lot of upper body strength. work on upper back and chest/shoulders a lot, since you're essentially using those muscles to literally pull yourself through the water. your legs provide some of the movement and are important overall, but if you want to straight up improve your swim times, strengthen those muscle groups.


Dec 2, 2001
dallas area
yeah, i usually have a really ****ty eating schedule. like, during the week it wasn't so bad because i could only eat at certain points due to work, and i'd be super hungry so i'd just eat the hell out of whatever i brought, but at home, on the weekends... i'd only eat, like, once a day sometimes ;x i'd just forget. or, on the flipside, i would literally just eat everything ever all day long. both of those regardless of physical activity.

it took me a while to start to figure out "ok, this is actually me being hungry" at, say, work. like, i'd just finished lunch (so, typically, something like a half chicken breast, cup of broccoli cup of kale, handful of mushrooms, about 1/3 a cucumber) and i'd be wanting to eat something else. eventually i figured out i just wanted a little dessert, so i'd grab a bunch of cherry jolly ranchers from a coworkers community pile and just let one slowly melt itself and felt fine.

the lack of eating usually came from when i had a lot of homework to deal with, so i'd just sit down and skip breakfast (not that hungry at that point, usually just due to lack of activity early in the morning) and start working, then next thing i know it's 4 in the afternoon and my gf is asking why i haven't had lunch yet and i have no real good answer because i've even done some pushups to decompress mentally.

though, i guess for you, it should start at the beginning: are you trying to cut down fat? or just maintain a healthy eating habit? if you're trying to cut fat, start tracking your rough caloric intake and keep it around 1900-2100, especially if you're somewhat active. there's a general eyeball measurement for basic needs, i think it's like... if you're really active and male, multiply your bodyweight by.. 18 or 19? that's how many calories you need to just maintain that weight. if you're not really active, it's 14 or 15. i can't remember the article, though. so you can go from there and get a rough idea.

if you want to cut down fat, you eat less than you take in, simple. if you want to maintain you eat close to that amount as possible. if you want to build muscle you'll have to eat over that amount (and it gets complicated the more you want to get lean mass rather than just "bulk up").

and why do you feel awkward doing, say, pushups or squats at home? just asking, that might be something you can work past if you can get down to the root level of it. if you actually find a gym while you're in akita, make sure to work with a trainer who can show you proper form and motions (and help you work on a good beginner strategy). if you can't find someone to help you with that, stick to basic stuff like squat, pushup into benchpress, lat pulls and/or chinups (which are executed slightly differently than pullups). make especially sure to watch squat form, pull up some videos to see how it's done and copy that. so, yes, stick your *** really far out and arch your back in. you don't want to blow something out day 1 and be worthless in all aspects of life for the next month because of that.

old man answered pretty well. walking isn't terrible and it's a start, but remember that walking is essentially controlled falling and we're kind of designed to be able to walk in a low energy manner for extended periods of time. make sure you're trying to walk quickly, you want to be breathing a bit harder and you want to feel your heart moving. even if you have to do that goofy powerwalk stuff, go for it.

i'd say start doing pushups today. just do proper form, and you can just do 5. (proper form means go into an actual plank position, hands right below your shoulders; keep your back straight as your lower yourself down, keep your elbows in closer to your body. control your descent and keep your head up looking forward. when you push back up, don't let your back down. this is going to feel awkward at the start because it engages your core while also using pecs and upper back for the big motion, then using your shoulders to stabilize. just focus on keeping your back straight, make whatever arnold-esque grunting and groaning sounds you have to in order to finish, you got this!)

then do 5 squats. http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/bodyweight-squat is a good resource for proper form on stuff, btw.

and that can be it. just do 5 of each a day for a week. next week, push yourself to 6 a day. next week 7. so on so on. i was hitting about 100 pushups (5 sets of 20), or 45-ish squats (70 pounds of weight, the most i had at home, 5 sets of 7 or 8), or 45 pullups (5 sets of 9, was working up to 10, but i found out my form was bad, so i actually ended up only doing about 6 or 7) a day before i started working out in the gym and i was not large by any means. so, don't worry about getting really bulky, like i said. you'll have to do A LOT of work to get bulky with just those exercises (and squats will give you ****ing nice thighs and help make your *** look good, anyway : p) and then you'd have to eat to match whatever you're doing in order to gain that bulk.

and the reason i push for strength training stuff to cut off fat is that more muscle mass means you have a higher resting metabolism, which means you burn more calories just sitting around ****posting on swf, which is the highlight of everyone's day here. so, basically, once you hit a point that you're happy with your look (however you want to define this for yourself) you just work on maintaining, so stick to your workout plan and match your calories decently close and you're good.

so i guess tl;dr: cardio is good, but it's good for hearth health which is REALLY important. keep at it. strength training is good for increasing your resting metabolic rate, so do some of that, too. if you want to cut fat, you need a caloric deficit, so increase your resting metabolism and that deficit gets easier to hit.

AND DON'T STARVE YOURSELF. this is really important. go check online what an actual good bodyweight for your height and gender is. if you have the ability, check your body fat percent and try to see how close you are to that. sorry if it comes off as rude, but you'll need to check for the gender you currently are if you haven't started hormone therapy because males and females have different body compositions and metabolisms due to hormones (basically, women have more body fat% in general because fat=baby making fuel. if you're still hormonally male, that matters to a point). make sure that you're checking the information for your activity level as well, because athletes are going to tend to be heavier while having lower body fat% than less active lifestyles.

so, yeah, find out what a good weight for your height is and work out how to get there safely. it's about 3500 calories to make or lose a pound. rda for overall calories is about 2000, so losing a pound in a day (that isn't just waterweight) is really scary. a pound or two a week, especially if you're on the higher end of the range, isn't too bad. but make sure you're eating enough. i'll go kamina you if you're trying to starve yourself down. work on increasing your caloric output, primarily, and try to stick to 2000-2100 a day, low process sugar (so, fruits are cool, candy not so much, and pour that soda down the drain!).

for what you described, an egg is generally about 70-80 cal, and chicken breast... about 230, it looks like from google. lettuce is almost negligible, in terms of calories (like, 5 calories for a cup ;x), so you're really low on calories and i would recommend fixing that. adding other veggies would help, but i'd say if you enjoy cheese, add some to your breakfast, eat another chicken breast at lunch, with some veggies (mix stuff up, too. add in beans and some rice, if you like that stuff. i grew up mexican so i don't like white rice but i ****ing love me some spanish rice!). if you can afford them (and like them) nuts are also pretty good. i personally love almonds and eat the **** out of them, but most any nut is a good deal as long as you watch how much you're eating of them.

if you go too low on calories your body will actually go into starvation mode as a natural reaction and that will slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow the **** out of your metabolism. try to hit around 1800-2000, probably, until you get moving up with exercises, then try to hit 2k a day. if you lose bad sugars your metabolism will probably fix a lot of issues on its own, even if you're technically eating more than before.

for swimming you're using a lot of upper body strength. work on upper back and chest/shoulders a lot, since you're essentially using those muscles to literally pull yourself through the water. your legs provide some of the movement and are important overall, but if you want to straight up improve your swim times, strengthen those muscle groups.
wow, look at this nerd.


Dec 2, 2001
dallas area
this is the second time in less than 24 hours. it's a reflex. i see a long post, i have to call that poster a nerd. i've learned to keep it in pms, though, so that's progress. maybe one day i won't call myself a nerd. we'll see.

Binary Clone

Easy Money since 1994
Jul 11, 2014
Evanston, IL
so what are you peeps doing for valentine's day this year
Fingers crossed I'll be eating brownies and having sex.

Worst case, I'll be having sex.

I'm pretty okay with that being worst case.
Losing body fat takes time
The time is variable though! It is completely possible to absolutely starve yourself and lose weight very quickly, but this is the worst idea and do not attempt anything resembling it. There's one dude who did that and lost like hundreds of pounds in a year, but he could've died literally at any day during that year, pretty much, despite having doctors practically following his every move.

Always keep in mind when you're losing weight that there's a limit to how much you can lose how quickly without it becoming dangerous and actually unhealthy.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2015
Lizalfos Lizalfos
CORY pretty much covered it but you should be swimming with your legs not your arms, your arms provide the motion with form for pull but you still need strong legs for the push. When I was in Water Polo and Swim off season I saw myself get much faster times by spending some time in the gym with lighter weight focusing on time under tension and repetition. You don't even have to go 5 days a week either, if you can only manage 1 or 2 that's still fine as Swimming can be very physically demanding.

@Everyone trying to lose weight
If you're going to go on a diet, stick to it. Your body needs time to adjust to your new dietary preference/calorie restriction and will take anywhere from 3-5 weeks to adjust. Thats's why it's quick to lose weight at the beginning but stick to it and get moderate exercise.
If you're hungry load up on vegetables for Fiber. Stay away from excess dairy, and eat lean meats.
1500 kcal a day is very doable and still enough of a deficit to have good results.
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Smash Master
Oct 3, 2009
I've gone from 330+ in December of 2014 to currently being ~275, and it hasn't been miserable because I didn't rush. It's supposed to be slow going, people.
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Smash Master
Dec 30, 2013
Greenville, SC
I have lots of canned tuna.
IDK how to get more veggies for snacking and they aren't always available at my meals because the cafeteria sometimes has lots of fried awful **** and I just rather wouldn't eat. I also have eggs whites that I put in plain oatmeal or ramen or whatever.
I stopped eating cereal downstairs for snacks because It's just really sugary (except for maybe the granola one I hate).

Can I eat nuts or something instead. b/c idk what veggies I can just eat raw
I don't really have much time or means to spend lots of time prepping meals.

Also my roommate owns 3 fedoras. How do I let him down easy.
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2015
Even unsalted nuts have too much excess, and stay away from excess carbs. Until you cook healthy for yourself it's not really about liking what you eat. When I dieted I forced myself twice a day to eat a bowl full of raw spinach and half a tomato with squeezed lemon juice on it.
About the roommate though, I would say let him grow out of it but he may be past saving.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2015
Helsy Helsy Helsy
I'm lucky enough to live with people that really enjoy cooking diverse food(and I've learned a few things in the past as well). Rice dishes, indian curries, noodles, exotic salads, etc. Healthy enough, tasty, and nothing too fattening. I'm sure there's gaps in there, and it takes a while to actually become good at cooking those kinds of dishes. And you have to make sure you know your spices. Though, I'm most definitely fortunate enough that I don't gain weight very easily even with high caloric intake. I could definitely improve, I know for a fact I don't get much in the way of protein, just because I've gotten so used to vegetarian dishes.
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Player -0

Smash Hero
Jun 7, 2013
Helsong's Carpeted Floor
CORY CORY What I'll do is hold sword out and charge limit irl.

Then my arms will get tired and I'll be like, "I'M AT MUH LIMIT."

Then I'll be super weeb and yell really loudly, "LIMITS ARE MADE TO BE BRRRROOOOO-KAAAANNNN."

then spin and finishing touch everyone in the vicinity.

No one can judge me if they're all knocked out.

Also I may or may not be doing my ESAM cosplay of Pikachu sleeper outfit + panda hat at the same time


Sleepy Chainz
Nov 21, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
Is it possible to exercise too much? Obviously there is, but I mean is doing cardio everyday for 2hrs (1hr in the morning 1hr at night) too much? I want to burn off a ton of fat fast, but also healthy.
When I was in track I used to run 6 miles everyday. 3 in the morning, and 3 in the afternoon. Probably try doing something like that if you got the endurance.

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
Thanks guys, you're the best PMS a person could ask for!

Just copy and pasted every bit of advice into a notepad, will be using this for a while.


Sleepy Chainz
Nov 21, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
Thanks guys, you're the best PMS a person could ask for!

Just copy and pasted every bit of advice into a notepad, will be using this for a while.
If u need more running advice, feel free to ask me! I'll admit it's been years since then, but I still remember some of my old routines.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 4, 2014
Thanks guys, you're the best PMS a person could ask for!

Just copy and pasted every bit of advice into a notepad, will be using this for a while.
This may sound a little blunt, but you should do boot camp provided by your colleges sports coaches. That's how i lost what is now 50 pounds in four weeks. Oh and if you want to not feel hungry when you already ate, just make sure your diet has some green like spinach and kale. Because of the micro nutrients in them your body wont be acting up when you already ate.

You can even eat the foods that you love. Just make sure that you get the nutrients that comes from vegetables. I guarantee that you will increase the weight you want (Muscle) or lose the weight you always dreamed of (fat lose)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2014
Coral Springs, FL
so what are you peeps doing for valentine's day this year

i'm tryin to lose my cuddle virginity if you feel me
Valentine's Day is actually a pretty important day in the relationship I'm in since it's where I gave the hint that I liked her as more than just a friend, so I'm probably going to call her on the phone and say "Hey remember last year on Valentine's Day where I hinted that I loved you, because I do too"

Also seeing Deadpool again


insincere personality
Nov 2, 2013
I haven't been back long, but tbh I thought Kurri ★ was pootiskang, that bowser main from NY/NJ from way back when, that everyone wanted, from way back when

Who remembers???

Jonyc128 Jonyc128 o deadpool is out mang?? I DIDNT EVEN KNOW LOLL
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Player -0

Smash Hero
Jun 7, 2013
Helsong's Carpeted Floor
Pootiskonga disappeared. Kushina is still here though.

Also running is cool. Check yer running form before ye wreck yer shins though.

Edit - If you're building endurance 1 session of longer time is better afaik. Just cardio you can probably just do like 1 session of semi short time.

Running an hour. Peeps be cray.

Also people wanted Pootis? I think ez is just trying to get into everyone's pants
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 6, 2015
Yeah she hasn't been playing Smash much lately, I'll let her know PMS remembers she exists
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