to me it doesnt matter that its small things, because its more of a principle and precedent to me.
small things turn into big things.
and while that is a bit of a slippery slope, it also holds truth in reality.
video games are a form of expression and really nothing should be sacred.
everything should be fair game in video games.
as such, there should be nothing about video games to feel guilty about.
because its just a video game.
but really no one should go out of their way to take action to stop a game from being made a certain way. that's just dumb and i cant say people who do that are my favorite types of people.
if you dont like it, dont buy it imo.
speak with your wallet, not with your outrage.
EDIT: this basically also applies to all forms of expression. books, music, movies, tv, games, art, etc.
nothing should be forbidden when it comes to forms of expression.