I don't think we have Graph Theory in this class but I know we'll be covering graphs at least. I'm taking an intro to C++ class right now and the language just makes me mad compared to java, lol. So used to being able to make functions as soon as I need them without having to declare them at the beginning of the file <_<. Also, when would you use a class over a struct? They seem nearly identical.
on a related note, I just saw this joke
Why do Java developers wear glasses?
Java tends to be a ram hog in larger applications, so you'll see C++ used a lot for games, as an example. Having that extra control over memory is great, plus Java tends to make new objects when you reference them in a certain way, which C/C++ does not, which adds to the memory efficiency. Any other programmer should correct me, because I could be wrong.
Structs are in C++ because they were in C. Learning C helped me out a lot, but your mileage may vary. The main difference between structs and classes in C++ is that structs have public members as default, and classes have private members as default. But both can have public and private members, and both utilize inheritance, and both can have member functions. At least, that's what I can remember. Been a while since I worked with C++, most of my time now is spent with Java and C.
Typically, I just use structs for any data structures, but it's up to you.
Also, that joke. Its even funnier when you realize how much the syntax in Java and C# are similar, but you can say that for any language based off of C(including Java).