Kaye Cruiser
I'm making a brstm pac featuring music from only ATS/BTS.
Any recommendations for dreamland, FoD and or PS2? I'm trying to have at least 3 songs for every stage( or 2 if that's the max for it.) Everything I have no goes hard as fawk
EDIT: I used, "From Whence You Came - For Dream Dance Act 2" on BF and skyworld by mistake. Which stage do you think it feels better on? I'm leaning more so towards skyworld, but no one really plays it
such a waste of epic music
The only song I have on PS2 atm is, "
Sea Devil Chase! - For Fortress Flow Boss Act"
I have "Flying High - For Cloudy Crowd, Act 1" on dreamland
and nothing for FoD yet a few other stages I don't have complete but I think I can figure them out.
No worries bud, I've got your back. Let's look at the funk.
Now for Dreamland, I would've put any of the following: Star Shores Act 3, either Horizon Heights Act 2, 3 or the 2nd Phase Boss Theme (Breakfast Time); Maybe Perilous Paradise Act 1 and Foliage Furnace Act 1.
For FoD: Metro Madness Acts 1, 2 and the Boss Act; Fortress Flow Acts 1 and 2, Titanic Tower Acts 2 and 3, Redhot Ride Act 1, Parhelion Acts 1 or 3 could work well, but
particularly suggest, and by that I mean "demand", that Neon Paradise (PP Act 2) be added there. It's perfect for it. Totally not biased cause it's my favorite song in the game, don't get the wrong idea. D:
Also, maybe Storm Station Acts 2, 3 and the Boss Act if you aren't using them on Dracula's Castle, Battlefield and Final Destination.
Edit: If you like slower songs, Lost Levels Act 1 would be a perfect choice for FoD, too.
For PS2, Fortress Flow Boss Act was a damn good choice. Keep it there. You can also consider the following: Parhelion Peak's Boss Act, Redhot Ride's Boss Act, Foliage Furnace Acts 2, 3 and it's Boss Act, Sugar Splash Act 2, Rocky Ride's Boss Act and Hilltop Height's Boss Act.
I would probably have put Dream Dance Act 2 on BF or FD over Skyworld, so keep it on BF if that's where you want it. If you want to keep Cloudy Crowd Act 1 where it is, it's a good spot. That one would probably do better on Skyworld as well than Dream Dance Act 1 would have.
Hope this gives you some ideas for what to put where. :3