Once I win, I'm gonna stuff Neko's waifu body pillow in the toilet...
Where it belongs.
oooooooohhhhh why i oughta...
what is this?
a meme for ants?
I've beaten Knuckles Chaotix and now I wish I hadn't. I get this game was made back when Sega had no idea what they were doing at all, but to not even give the game an ending? Knuckles deserves better than to have his name attached to such a pile of crap.
Sonic Crackers 2 was an experiment that was supposed to Show Off the 32X's capabilities IIRC. Also, I'm not sure what you meant by Sega had no clue what they were doing with Chaotix. Could you elaborate?
Almost all the fighting games have deep mechanics; and aren't as simple as hitting and blocking.
But how does that make other fighting games have as much if not more freeform than smash?
I don't delve extremely deep into other fighting games so if I could get maybe 3 examples of games that are as freeform as smash, I'd be appreciative.
Preferrably with good reasoning.
I'd consider Arcana Heart pretty free form simply from the massive scale of the stage and the small size of the characters and their hitbox, and that each character has potentially dozen special moveset variations because of Arcana.
AH is a fighter where all characters have a normal moveset and a special move moveset, but then there are these things called Arcana. They're essentially spirits that alter the character in various way.
They alter health, movement options, movement speed and potency, alter certain specials, alter gameplans, and add a unique set of moves and specials.
To get a grasp on this, here is an example. There is an arcana called the Lightning arcana, and when equipped it gives the character a clashable after image when they back dash. What this means is that when they backdash, they leave an after image that can be attacked and any character that strikes it will be stuck in hitlag for a small period of time allowing for the lightning arcana user to punish the opponent.
Another example is the Time arcana. AH is a 5 button game. Light (A), Medium (B), Heavy (C), Homing (E) (more on this in a bit), and the Arcana (D) button. The arcana button is a dedicated button to all of the arcana specific specials and supers. With the time arcana, if you press and hold the D button, you do an attack while charging up. Then afterwards if you let go of the button, you release an afterimage attack that repeats your attack in the same spot you charged it up in, regardless of where you are on the screen, allowing for traps and extended combos on the fly and a bunch of nonsense.
Another arcana, Flower, allows you to plant seeds that bloom into flowers with 236E (QCF). While standing next to these flowers, you automatically build meter.
Earth Arcana slows your character's movement speed down but gives you a **** ton of health.
Wind Arcana gives you the fastest Homing (more on this soon) and gives you access to a triple jump.
The list goes on on how Arcana changes **** on a character per character basis and makes the neutral game very reminiscent of Melee's.
What ties this together is the Homing button. As you know, lots of fighters have 66 (double tap forward) motion that initiate a dash/run. Homing is different. Because the stages are sooo massive an attacks send you pretty much all over the place and combos are super positioning dependent, it can be super hard to complete combos. This is where homing comes in.
The homing button has your character fly and home in on the opponent. You launch a character waaaaaaaay into the sky? Home in on them and follow them automatically despite the attacks trajectory. It sounds pretty simple until you realize you can alter how you home based on the input of your stick. 4D (Back and Homing) will have your character dash back and then curve into a home. 8D (Up and Home) will have your character dash up and curve into a home. It's an 8 (I think) direction action to, so you can home diagonally. As you may expect this can have a lot of use in the neutral by allowing some clever movement and mix ups/cross ups.
Another thing homing lets you do is cancel out of certain attacks for the cost of 1 meter, to extend combos or start oki (tech chase of sorts).
So combine Homing with Arcana and you get what I feel to be a pretty freeform game. Yeah the combos can be dial-a-combo at times, but so can Melee's.
Here is a video to help you see what im talking about.
This is the best I could find in 30 seconds since I'm being called to help in the house haha. There was another video but that was like 51 mins long and I didn't want to overwhelm.