Here's a speed update (By that I mean less talk more pics!) as I'm going through a lot of projects and preparing for a nice holiday this coming week, (Already posted a notification about that on profile) so here's Mewtwo update!
A few things I wanted to say here, I went and made a bunch of recolors, taking reference to Smash 4 but at the same time the inspiration came from Smash 3, also made a purple Armoured Mewtwo as I couldn't think of any other good recolors for Armour Mewtwo that would fit the bill.
Another few things, when I made the brown Mewtwo I looked and realised it was very similar to the grey one PM has, so I switched them out, but included the main one because I did say I'll be making a PM pack, I chose this pose for icons and BP reasons but also to match up to Lucario's pose side by side, you'll see that in the future.
Also another debate I see is X and Y Mewtwo, I wasn't going to add them but I do know people love having Mega's in their builds, so I included them as a bonus, I opted to use recolors for consistency and color reasons, and Y model is quite smaller than the main one, you'll see with the pose right there it was hard to fit, in either case enjoy!
However we're not done yet, re-opening Samus CSPs but with updated models/textures from 3.6b
It's tricky to keep things consistent but I reworked the CSPs for the alts quite a bit, these ones include new alt icons, new BP/CSP/Icons for Fusion,Dark, Dark recolor, IWG's Samus and Snes Samus.
Also mentioned that I would do a IWG pack for Samus so here you go!
Additional Smash4 IWG Pack:
A quick mention I would make (And probably will update in more detail in the front page) is that compared to the Smash 4 Samus, the icons are colored to match the model, Brawl Samus does this and the reason I chose to do this over the Smash 4 way is because it stands out more in Brawl, and works well to tell who is who for competitive reasons and overall visual reasons.
EDIT: Will add DL link to packs one sec
MEWTWO CSP/BP/Icon PACK: Pack.rar?dl=0
SAMUS CSP/BP/Icon PACK Pack.rar?dl=0