I will make sure to change that setting in dolphin. As for battery life, it will mostly be used around my house, so that is not to much of a concern. Would changing the resolution to a lower one lower battery life, or is that just for compatibility? It is still lighting up the same number of pixels, just less strain on the GPU I would think. I don't need it to have great battery life when I use dolphin, that will be at home. But say I go visit my cousins, I don't want to be tethered to the wall. Still a solid price for what I am getting, so I won't complain, but just curious if that will help when I need to (as well as setting it to battery saver and stuff like that too).
Just a few more questions from when I was reading through the thread.
1. If I want to play offline, I don't need a different version of Dolphin as long as I am not playing Brawl, a Project M with modifications to it (I am considering this), etc... What about other dolphin games? I would need one? I would be saving, but not playing over netplay.
2. Is there any guides you recommend for how to get Brawl off of my disc. I would prefer not to illegally download it, but aside from homebrew, I do not know where to go from there.
3. By chance, do you know if there is a way to use an xbox 360 wireless controller to play on dolphin without an adapter? If not, I will just use the keyboard and mouse for other games, maybe do some testing with frame advance, and wait until novemberish when the official adapter gets released (assuming it works on windows, if not I would just get the mayflash and not bother trying to play with the GC controller on Smash 4).
Thanks for all your help. I will get back to you on how well it performs when it comes (fingers crossed for next week) as well as if I have any issues setting it up.