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Pro Diddy players?


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
Greater Toronto Area, Ontario
im pretty new to Diddy ( i quit Game And Watch cause ive found out to many flaws to him) and ive goten alot of tips from you guys about Stages that Diddy has advanteges on and Charachters diddy has advantages on adn it helped alot but, as i played ive noticed it kind of hard to KO my opponent. His Fsmash is great but lacks range his down smash is good but not great and his up smash is pretty useless. I rarely pull of a spike against a elite player so how should i try to KO them?.
Also what is a good stratagy when using Diddy?
Should i use the bananas alot and make some what of a combo with them or should i just leave them out and go for close combat?
TY for all your tips.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
im pretty new to Diddy ( i quit Game And Watch cause ive found out to many flaws to him) and ive goten alot of tips from you guys about Stages that Diddy has advanteges on and Charachters diddy has advantages on adn it helped alot but, as i played ive noticed it kind of hard to KO my opponent. His Fsmash is great but lacks range his down smash is good but not great and his up smash is pretty useless. I rarely pull of a spike against a elite player so how should i try to KO them?.
Also what is a good stratagy when using Diddy?
Should i use the bananas alot and make some what of a combo with them or should i just leave them out and go for close combat?
TY for all your tips.
you quit game and watch for diddy? lol, why not just main both, because you'll soon come to realize diddy comes with his own weaknesses that can be covered mostly by GW (mainly, space animal laser spam and aerial monsters like other GWs and Peach, not to mention beastly KO power)

As for his fsmash, try to get into the habit of always studder stepping the fsmash. It adds alot of range to it, making it a great move. If you dont diminish it, his dsmash is actually an awesome killing move. You're more likely to diminish it than the fsmash though, so at least try to save that one for killing. Upsmash should only be used as part of a dodge counter (i say part of a dodge counter since you can dodge all 4 hits with just 1 dodge). Suprisingly enough, your uptilt has more killing power than your upsmash.

you have the right idea in trying to spike them, but it doesnt have to always be a spike. You DO have to chase with diddy to be successful though. With your ridiculous recovery ability with upB and sideB, you can jump out quite a ways and land a fair/bair/dair. A fair against someone already off the stage is about a guaranteed kill, as it has great horizontal trajectory.

Strategy? Its hard to really give a concrete strategy for all characters. The only thing i can say is utilize bananas the best you can (depending on how well your opponent can get control of one, if he has reflector, etc). Diddy's attacks have low priority, so never ever approach them head on while they arent in the lag of another attack or on their ***. Everything you do is easily shield grabbable. Always chase them. Your hits wont kill by themself off the stage for a while, so go get them. If you decide to use bananas, don't get predictable in your tossing. Mix it up some. To make up for the lack of killing power, if they do get back to the ledge, try to stage spike them by either:
A. running off the stage and bair them while they are hanging (after invincibility frames run out). this will stage spike them and is almost certain death after 60-70% to chars that dont have 4-5 jumps like meta knight and pit
B. running off the stage and sideB towards the person. If you time it right after their frames run out, you will latch on with the diddy hump and you'll both start falling

but most importantly, continue to play good people. You'll get better that way in the game all around, not just with diddy. When you get better, new things you can do will come natural to you, just so you can survive in tourneys.

hope that helped some


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
He basically said every thing i would have ^.

To get my KO's I position them with bananas or glide toss them to a fsmash or dsmash. Diddy has great edge guarding game I use that a lot. Like gamedragon said don't always go for a spike. If your versing a wolf, who has a crappy recovery, go for the fair or something. If your versing someone like Luigi, who has an okay recovery, go for the spike. It's all about who your versing to depend on what you do.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Actually I would say Diddy is neigh impossible to shield grab. I'm probably shield grabbed an average of once a game, if that.

Chuck some nanas at them, dash attack, u tilt, u smash and their shield becomes butter and the shield grab window is incredibly small (and you can mix up, just skip the u tilt and go right to u smash).

I usually try to do one of two things with nanas, either surround the opponent with them, in front and back, or keep them grouped right next to each other, so I can chuck one after another (glide toss) into other things. Keeping them grouped also makes it much more difficult for the opponent to dash attack pick them up.

You can also shield poke with the dash attack, dash in, then simply roll away.

As for KO's:

Always keep an active eye for trying to get a spike, remember, you have three options. Practice them OFTEN, be careless, test the limits, see what you can do and eventually you'll start making the right decisions (and not suiciding) and you'll start getting more gimp KO's.

glide tossing to either Fsmash/Dsmash at 130%+ will usually kill the opponent. Also, just learn to charge your Fsmash/Dsmash, in Brawl, opponents like to roll around you much more frequently than in Melee (where they would wavedash away from you), so predict the roll and be waiting for them with a charged Smash attack.

Uair will kill most opponents if they are in the air midway above the stage if they are over 140%.

Getting the opponents percentage up isn't that difficult with Diddy, I'm usually +100-200 in damage output over my opponent (heck, I had a match against Snake yesterday that went to last stock, I did about 700 damage and he only did 350, I won <.<)


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
the dash attack itself is pretty easily shield grabbable..but dash attack into utilt...ill have to try that one out. wonder why never thought of it o.o

and thanks AZ, i forgot to mention how great uair can be for a killing move, especially against snakes who like to recover early and fall from a high height onto the stage instead of recovering close to it to avoid being grabbed


Smash Apprentice
May 19, 2008
Palm Springs (SoCAL)
hmm well i have a very good diddy =]

very technical and fast

make sure ur quick and spam the bananas so when they slip there vunerable

glide tossing is great also, mind games are is diddy kongs middle name so DO ALOT OF MIND MIND GAMES ;]


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
how exactly do u glide toss?
you throw an item while in your rolling animation. the result is that you'll slide in the direction you rolled (but you wont actually roll) while you throw an item in either direction that you want. Just roll, and right afterwards throw it, with preferrably the C stick. Practice it to get the timing and whatnot. You have to be faster to do a backwards glide toss (roll back while throwing it) than a forward glide toss (roll forward while throwing)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2006
Berkeley, CA
gdx and az pretty much said everything that needs to be said...but def make glide tossing and stutter stepping a habit


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Yo Couch
yeah GW is a good alt for diddy... according to many responses to a thread i had once about alts. you can decide whether you want to use banana combos or close combat by watching vids on youtube. this guy named nannerz uses a lot of bananas and im not sure but i think pa0ol uses close combat.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2008
Tuckahoe, don't say anything...lol
I find that a majority of my KO's come from my aerial attacks. Diddy is a amazing aerial fighter, all of his air attacks are really fast and have little to no lag, a good aerial diddy is a deadly one. Juggle with the up air and uptilt, the cart wheel leads into a upsmash or uptilt, which leads into more up tilts at low percentages and eventually up airs which lead into kills. His forward has the best killing potential out of all of his aerials, running off the stage and immediately doing a forward air works wonders against opponents trying to recover from below the stage. Try to set up walls with his forward air, and if they are behind, the back air is really fast, allowing you to pull it off multiple times.

Always look for spikes. You have barrel spikes, **** spikes and dair spikes. His dair is probably the most reliable, since its one of the fastest spikes in the game, and you charge your barrels and try to set up a spike to add a suprise once in awhile.

Diddy Kong has great killing potential in the air, and he is also amazing at mind games. Shoot peanuts and throw bananas and trick your opponent into a down smash or forward smash, if your opponent grabs a peanut, charge him, he threw all of his attacks out the window.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
at low %s, you can dash attack into 2 utilts and then usually a shuair


Apr 10, 2008
I'm pretty new to Diddy myself, but I've come along real fast. I'm not exactly sure when to throw the banana and how when I roll to perform a glide toss. Is it AS I begin to roll? Just before? just after? mid way through the roll? I'm not sure. I didn't want to make another thread to waste space. thanks~
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