The man was sitting, observing, watching to guards. He was relieved; it seemed like the guards had finally come to a decision.
Jack Daniels. Had been working there for 8 years. The type of guy who, in the face of danger, would give it one look, say "whatever mang," AND GO BACK TO WHAT HE WAS DOING. He had a couple of screws loose like that. The absentmindedness seemed to continue to here, where he was barley active. Eventually, the guards had enough. They decided to off him by DROPKICKING HIM IN THE FACE.
As everyone was about to go to sleep (Except for ted. Don't ask what he's doing), the Man then just pressed a button. Suddenley, robots emerged from the walls, picked up the body, and then exited through the walls.
"Sir?" said the man's assistant, whose only job was to make the man look smarter by being dumb. "Don't you think the guards could notice those robots?"
"They won't"
"But they're karaoking to "Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto!" Don't you think people will notice?"
"They're wearing nickelback paper masks. No one will want to go within 20 feet of them."
Gorf, Regular Guard, Vanilla Townie, has been lynched.
Night 1 begins! Send in your actions by November 20th, 11:59 PM EST.