I'd love if Wayforward did it and made it 2D. That would be odd, but interesting.
Flyer, that would be neat. I was thinking more along the lines of something like Ico, except Fox and Krystal work together to solve puzzles and fight. Fox would bring his blaster and be suited for ranged combat, and Krystal with her staff would be the melee fighter. You could switch between the two, and some parts of the game would split the two of them up.
Best part though? Campfire scenes! For heart-to-heart talks and OTP goodness.
WayForward is an interesting choice, as is making it 2D.
If we are using independent studios for the Adventures remake and possibly going for that Dinosaur Planet vision pre-Starfox, I'd say Playtonic. Indeed this was a Rare IP at one point before ADD FOX PLZ. I have full faith in the ex-Rare devs. I'd like to see how Yooka-Laylee (the only thing I ever contributed to a Kickstarter for) turns out before then. WayForward is definitely interesting choice I could get behind.
Speaking strictly in terms of Nintendo though if it's a straight up remake including the Star Fox IP, my vote goes to Retro any day.
Edit: Aw hell with it. It's two weeks in and it probably won't matter, but I decided to throw in a vote for Krystal. That makes 5 characters I voted for. King K. Rool (3 times), Bandana Dee, Shantae, Ridley, and now Krystal. I had to if those THIRTY playthroughs of Adventures with my sibling meant anything.