Oh please. The only person, out of the like 30 people that post on this dead forum, that feels the need to parade their GSP around is you. Why don't you just add it to your signature? It is ridiculous to try and qualify your arguments with the size of your "epeen" rather than the content of the post. I just assume that a majority of people posting here understand the game well enough to talk about it because, in general, they do. and regardless, do you really think that people are going to be honest about their GSP anyway? Its just moronic to even talk about it unless you're trying to help somebody and understand the meta that they are playing in.
Anyway, that was obviously hyperbolic statement (about who is "worthy"), and there is a difference between criticizing people and telling you why they annoy me. I've said multiple times that I don't blame people for playing that way since the game promotes it. You're taking my explanation for why i'm not really playing the game anymore and conflating that with me telling other people to be a certain way. I provided an honest answer as to why I don't enjoy the game anymore. QP has no depth, and most players use annoying strategies, which you have also complained about many times over. In fact, you go on massive rants that are far more directed at other players than anything that I ever say (how many warnings now?), so I'm really not too keen on your sudden high horse stance against my comments.
i'm just saying, you lack clout if you critize people on quickplay but cant be them. It just makes you look like a guy who cant win against juvenile trick which exposes you more then anything mr. Squirrtle.
Why wouldn't you be honest about your gsp? you guys all parrot that "epeening" is useless and meaningless so therefore incentive to lie about it should be low. Yeah, you did complain about the game allowing that "meta' f players? lol, how'd you even combat aginst projectiles. it's apart of the game. If I could, I just need buff to my mains.
Falco - Down A has to be stronger, I'd readjust his up A so it can have a slighty strong knock back and vastly improve it's putrid hit box, I'd make his side A a little more smoother and rigid...it's too wabally... and his laser NEEDS BUFF. I'd make it a CONSITENT 3% damage. So if you spam it, it constantly gives 3% damage, as it should. Don't even understand why they'd do it anyother way. It's the same plamsa laser. lol. Also make his side B go THROUGH SHIELDS. In mash 4, if people approcach me. I had the option of using side B through them, so if they block I had many options of turning back to grab or hit them. Or just continue running to the other side of the stage to continue camp.
Ness - Increase length of his up A roller, and make his up A grab also a kill option as potent as his back A. No nerf to PK scam.
Lemmy - Have it UP B bomb be unavoidable. To many people are able to wiggle out of his UP B bomb explosion. It's annoying. Make his go kart even faster. Increae hit box for UP A. Make his side A longer. And allow me koopa bots to go through people shield. Don't know why they stopped that in ultimate, but it needs to restart agaian.
Zelda, richter, inkling, snake, ken, gannadorf, bowser, bayoneta, all of fire emblem swordsmen, incenroar, ivsoaur, king deddee, rob, pulutaina, warioo, rosalina and joker ALL GET NERFED (and their echos).
Anyway, the only annoying stragies there are to complain about are the people online who use cheap character like these ^ online and jsutcheese with them. I mean, you just talk about people with little skill.
Lol, I feel bad. I got likes on my comment from coolboy and the other guy because they probably thought I was taking into account people who use items as people you deem unworthy. Truth is, I could give a dam about item setting casuals (Sorry coolboy, I like you....but jank stage with items all in the name of "fun"......I don't like that. Honestly, that isn't even "fun" to me, anyway. What's fun is sitting on team battle, playing when my partner is gandodorf and im in the back shooting laser as he takes them 2 on 1. As they try to take him two on one, they keep getting stunned by my laser which results in a ton of DOORYAHs to the face. LOOOOOOOOL. Then after they get eliminated, watching them the screen freeze as you know people are ragequtting after getting elimated in the first 1 min 30 seconds of the game LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.) As a matter of fact, I get extremly annoyed when people at the 4+ million GSP still using such juvenile rulesets and I have to play amongst them espcially if my falco and ness got thrown out of elite smash and I try to enjoy normal Team Battle on non elite smash. And they usually come on FFA. I just simply don't fight. Pick up all the items, then run away. Then when the last person standing, I just fight to push him off the arena so I can collect the items. And I throw them all with no mercy. That's what they get for putting such a dumb ruleset at our level of GSP.
The only reason I'm on "high horse" is because I was alittle dissapointed you didn't tell your gsp. I was interested in what it was.