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practice, practice practice....how?


Smash Rookie
Mar 24, 2008
San Jose, CA
for all the pros out there, how did u get so good. i only have one friend who plays brawl and i dont get much out of playing the same person a hundred times. online is a complete joke. the only thing i can think of is LAN's and tourny's but there are none around me so wut could i possibly do?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I find someone better than me and play against them a bunch of times. I eventually learn all of their habits and can defeat them without a problem ever again


Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2009
Florida, USA
Go to Meet/Greet forum, and post in the 'New new members fight arena' that you want to brawl someone - presto, you've got a bunch of new ppl to brawl <----CAUTION - your ego is gonna take a hit from playing a lot of the ppl there; I used to think my MK was pretty good, now I know the truth -_-

Also - post your friend code/location in your profile/ID box (like me and PsychoINcarnate have). Find some ppl within about 300miles for some lag free matches


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
While Wifi is seen as a complete joke, it can be good if you find people that you don't lag with. I remember seeing a big list that AlphaZealot posted showing the top placers at COT4, (A recent tournament) and quite a few were involved in Wifi play. If you still insist on playing offline, go to smashfests and tournaments. They are probably the only way you'll get to see if you're good, and if you are you will most likely keep going.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2008
Olympia, Washington
Okay maybe this is cliche or sounds to easy but.

If you really like the game, go on aib and find in person tournaments, FRIENDLY THE CRAP OUT OF THE TOURNAMENT.

Playing is how you get better, there isnt a secret like you need to learn these attacks.. yada yada. Because at tournaments people who know what they are doing youll see them do it and youll learn from playing/friendlying/watching and or if they teach you some stuff.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2007
As far as I see it, there are 3 areas of this game that must be practised to become good.

Firstly is your knowledge of the game physics and the game environment. To practise this you must simply play the game... even against lvl CPUs you are gaining experience in this area.
Bassically, this is how well you can 'feel' the game... this is learning the knockback of moves for all players, how high your short hop is going to take you... where your vunerable frames are, when to dodge, ect. Just play the game A LOT to learn this skill, your brain is constantly learning while you play the game, its constantly analysing the exact effects of every input into the controller.

The second area of the game that must be learnt is your technical skill and knowledge of the game, this you learn through reading about the game, going to practise mode and experimenting with different moves, saving your replays and analysing where the weaknesses in your game are. Playing against other good players is the best way to improve this skill, finding ways to counter their little tricks and stratergies, finding the best way to DI, learning combos (ok fine... pseodo combos...). To improve in this area I suggest attending EVERY tourny that you can, reading guides about your main(s) on their character specific board, watching videos of professionals playing. It is important to remember that you shouldn't just be building a technical skill for your main(s). You ARE going to eventually come across every charcter on the roster and its important that you know what to expect from other characters... their weaknesses and strengths, try to play against as many good differnt character mains as you can, and try to pick up every charcter, get a feel for them and what they can do... playing A them give you a much better perspective on how to play AGAINST them.

The third and final area of succeeding at this game is the most important... it is not just the best advice u can get for this game... its the best advice you can get for LIFE. This is a very difficult skill to learn and takes a huge amount of dedication.
You have to build the right mindset to play. When you lose how do you feel? bad. When your feeling bad, how do you play? bad. A huge amount of people, when they start losing, will become frustrated or some other negative emotion. This is very bad and untill you concur this, you can NEVER compete at the highest level of this or any game. You must learn to 'emotionally detach' from the game, don't feel what your characters is feeling. The one thought that should always be running through your mind when your playing is that you ARE going to win, that it is a certainty and that there is no force on earth that can prevent that outcome.
When you become frustrated, depressed, angry... or any negative emotion, it is clouding your judgement. You are letting your emotions take over your mind, and what is it that is inputing into the controller? (If you say "your hands"... just leave and don't return) So if your emotions are in control of your mind then they are in control of your playing, you will no longer be able to play cognitively. Your mind won't be available to analyse your opponant, calculate the next best move, react to any situation... Instead your emotions will cause you to play sloppily, they will cause you to play poorly.

I believe the key to succeding in this game is to master these three areas... Hope that helped.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
It's a lot more practical to find a tourney with good people, and play them. Great players are a compendium of knowledge, and will spill out a thousand helpful tips and hints at your request.
It helps too if you have recorded matches of yourself too. If you can see what you're doing wrong and you can correct it, you'll get better. I promise.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2008
Try your hardest to get a group of friends that will be willing to really get into smash with you.

I mean really get into it see if you can get them to make a SWF account bring up smash in everyday conversation with them.

after this is done all thats left is to enjoy long smash sessions.


Smash Cadet
Dec 25, 2008
I started off by watching a bunch of vids of good players that main the same character as me and tried to pick up some of the techniques they used. Then I just played against friends.

If you can find someone that lives close enough to you to Brawl online so there's no lag, that would work to.


Smash Rookie
Mar 1, 2009
Houston and Las Vegas
Trust me you can get good with only 1-3 people to play with> outside of tournaments i only play Hiza and Sethlon. Just constantly try new things get better, and they will get better....thus forcing you to get better. also each of you use more than one character, that's what I just decided to do, instead of just using TL i now use Marth and snake now


Smash Apprentice
Nov 22, 2008
just don't look behind you
I find someone better than me and play against them a bunch of times. I eventually learn all of their habits and can defeat them without a problem ever again
thats probablly one of the best ways. also to play with a bunch of different skilled people.
cpus are okay, but u dont get real life expeirience. all they do is block and dodge. nothn much

Pink murder

Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2008
In Miami... sweating my *** off &gt;.&gt;
Believe it or not, i got all my practice from online play. I have no one to play brawl with, so i went on youtube and looked for good people. And from there i kept adding and adding to my friend list. It worked great for me. ^^
I really suggest you have a good connection though >.>



Smash Cadet
Apr 18, 2008
Hiding in the Playboy Mansion
5 easy tips from me :suess:

1. Get rid of items - Some people rely too much on them that they sort of forget their own skills...

2. Know the strengths/weaknesses of your moves and utilize them ALL

3. Know how characters execute there moves in order to dodge successfully.

4. Train with cpus one level at a time - Some people say just to train with level 9's which is ok, but I think the best way is to train up to a level 9 standard starting with levels 4-9. I used this training regime back in my Melee days and it helped me a lot. Once you think you mastered a level start training to the next. If you don't think you can handle the next go back to the previous and train harder. You just got to be patient with each level.

5. Try to avoid training with 3 cpus...... - I'm not saying this to be a coward, but everybody knows when it comes to cpus you are really the "main target"....They just love to play tennis with you as the ball and you will not be given a break. I don't care how good of a dodger you are they will ask-**** you right after you dodge one of the other cpus attacks. When you got 3 cpus targeting you it makes it so hard to to think and use the skills you've learn, that it will only set your game back by making you do clumsy moves. I would train against 1-2 cpus at a time. That's just my opinion of course....


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2008
♥ My post count is my age. Deal with it.
for all the pros out there, how did u get so good. i only have one friend who plays brawl and i dont get much out of playing the same person a hundred times. online is a complete joke. the only thing i can think of is LAN's and tourny's but there are none around me so wut could i possibly do?
but this is how I got better T_T
I suggest looking in the brawl online discussion board and look for the sticky that says something like the following:
"Improvoing wifi"

also watch alot of videos of people better than you and copy off them.
it works.

Pink murder

Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2008
In Miami... sweating my *** off &gt;.&gt;
...also watch alot of videos of people better than you and copy off them.
it works.
Forgot to mention that.
Watch a lot of combo video's, and look for online/tournament matches that feature a kirby.
I don't agree to only look for people who are better than you though. I've learned a lot from people who i can easily beat.



Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
I'd suggest.

First: Learn your character. What are his kill moves, racking up % moves, edgeguarding moves, momentum cancelling moves, etc etc. General strengths and weaknesses, good matchups, bad matchups. You don't have to go intensively in the matchups at this point, just know the basics.

Second: With your character, go in training mode and tinker around a bit. You aren't trying to find anything new or anything at this point, you're just practicing the majority of your game.

Third: Get a solid, good feeling with your character and fight level 9 CPUs. Some people say you should fight level 3s or level 1s, but at this point I think you're best fighting level 9s. The reason for fighting the lower level CPUs is usually to prep for a big event or tourney and make sure you have spacing and everything down, but since you aren't that great with your character at this point, you just need to get a feel for him or her. Fighting level 9s does this. As long as you don't do something that would be easily punishable by a human (like trying to excessively use bucket with G@W), you should be fine. Level 9 CPUs have insane reaction time but do stupid things, so the fights should be relatively easy.

Fourth: Go back and learn more about your character again. Learn their matchups more intensively. Make sure you aren't doing punishable things. Learn variety for racking up damage and killing. Look at pros of your character fight, and really observe how you play. Not much playing comes in this part, just knowledge.

Fifth: NOW is the point where you can fight other people. Sure, you could fight others before this, but you probably wouldn't learn much because you wouldn't know what's right or wrong with your character. Now that you have a semi-solid character and know what you should and shouldn't be doing, fight other people. In person is recommended, but Wi-Fi will work if you can't fight in person, as long as you have a decent connection.

Sixth: Make sure you save videos of yourself playing. It's a lot easier to catch mistakes when you're watching and not playing. See things that you do a lot that you could easily do better, and fix them.

Past this, I'm not sure. Hope this helped though.
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