Smash Rookie
Are you ********? Marth says Hi! Just play as Marth then if you want to be able to do that. I believe the move is done with Down+B.I have an idea. Let's make it so that if you manage to input an attack command within 2 frames of your opponent inputting the same command, your opponent's attack will actually damage him/herself. I think this would be a great idea that adds depth to the game and can really be used well against people who let predictability creep into their fighting style. Who's with me?
Oh, don't make assumptions about how competitive or how demanding of myself I can be. I have put holes in walls over losing games. I fully appreciate the competitive aspects of these games, but that doesn't mean I have to dogmatically advocate depth for the sake of depth.
As for the argument of Powershielding, it adds a level of depth in the game that can be easily achieve if you practice enough. That's why people that pull this off easily is considered pros. I play as Link exclusively and my best friend plays as Samus. I use to just dodge his Fully Charge Power beam. Seeing as how it comes at you really effin fast, most people would just do what I use to do and jam into that shield button. However, as time went on, I accidentally discovered Powershielding one day while playing with him and has since then strive to do it almost everytime he uses his Charged Power Beam.
I can pull this off 7/10 times. With the first 4 or 5 times, he was not use to it and would get hit by his own Charge Beam and is sent flying. However, he's now ready for it and usually leaps into the air towards me after he shoots his beam. So there you go, just that simple situation has added a lot more layers of depth to Smash thanks to a simple move that can be executed if you would just stop whining and just play the game.