No offense, but this is why I thank God, Allah, Buddha AND Jesus that you guys aren't working on this game. Stupid twitch-reflex mechanics that add depth for depth's sake are not more valuable than actual content. If you want excessive depth, play Tekken. Powershielding is completely pointless, makes no sense, doesn't fit in with the spirit of the game, yadda yadda yadda.
Single player content won't matter in a year to most people, especially casual players. What almost everyone loves about the smash series is the amazingly customizable and complex multiplayer. And one of the main reasons for that is how, 6 years later, people are still learning new things and new ways to kick each other's *****. Remove powershielding and 90% of the people who own the game wouldn't even notice or realize, but it would still remove options that are important for people with the timing/reflexes to pull it off. Try being less selfish.
The "play (insert other fighting game) instead" argument? Troll somewhere else.
And, lastly,
"Jumping in midair is completely pointless, makes no sense, doesn't fit in with the spirit of the game, yadda yadda yadda."
"Airdodging is completely pointless, makes no sense, doesn't fit in with the spirit of the game, yadda yadda yadda."
"Jigglypuff's rest attack is completely pointless, makes no sense, doesn't fit in with the spirit of the game, yadda yadda yadda."