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Potential Story Mode Plot Ideas


Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2018
What are some ideas that you have for the plot of a potential Story Mode for Smash 5?
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Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2017
This isn't much of an idea, but I've always the idea of Link, Pit, and Decidueye teaming up as the three main archers would be incredibly epic. Maybe Link and Pit are about to fight (like in Paultena's reveal trailer), but then Decidueye steps in to stop it and they team up? I dunno, that's just one idea I have.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2014
I think I'll be able to contribute to this a lot more when more characters are confirmed. In general I'd prefer that the tone where a bit lighter than Brawl's, though.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
idk about the actual plot but I'd rather they use actual nintendo locales and enemies this time. It'd be neat if they did a playstation all stars type of thing where the levels are made up of different franchises that are merged into one stage

3D Dillon

Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2014
Ever since the rumors of Sm5sh in 2016, I've been doing countless versions of what I'd like to call "Smash Quest".
It comes with different worlds like a stadium, mountain, and castle, etc. You go through levels fighting familiar Nintendo enemies and solving puzzles. At the end of each level is a trophy of a certain fight to grab. The fighter trophies appear in worlds I feel they're most suited in. In some versions of my Smash Quest draft, in the middle of the world, if you find a trophy of a major villain (like Bowser, King Dedede and Ganondorf, etc.), the trophy comes to life and you'll have to fight them to clear the level. The last level of each world is a giant boss. The regular final world is a labyrinth featuring the trophies of third-party characters. The real final world is unlocked if you completed everything in the previous levels including collecting special items.
I know, this does not seem as spectacular as Subspace Emissary but at least I tried.

Nameless Kot

Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2018
Ever since the rumors of Sm5sh in 2016, I've been doing countless versions of what I'd like to call "Smash Quest".
It comes with different worlds like a stadium, mountain, and castle, etc. You go through levels fighting familiar Nintendo enemies and solving puzzles. At the end of each level is a trophy of a certain fight to grab. The fighter trophies appear in worlds I feel they're most suited in. In some versions of my Smash Quest draft, in the middle of the world, if you find a trophy of a major villain (like Bowser, King Dedede and Ganondorf, etc.), the trophy comes to life and you'll have to fight them to clear the level. The last level of each world is a giant boss. The regular final world is a labyrinth featuring the trophies of third-party characters. The real final world is unlocked if you completed everything in the previous levels including collecting special items.
I know, this does not seem as spectacular as Subspace Emissary but at least I tried.
That sounds really cool. Who would be the final boss of the final world? I would personally like an original villain like Tabuu but Dark Matter from the Kirby series could also be a great candidate

3D Dillon

Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2014
That sounds really cool. Who would be the final boss of the final world? I would personally like an original villain like Tabuu but Dark Matter from the Kirby series could also be a great candidate
Often I've used Tabuu as the regular final boss.
If you've completed everything in the previous levels, Crazy Hand comes in to avenge Master Hand for what Tabuu did to him and revives Master. Both Crazy and Master transform into a "crazier" version of Master Fortress.


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
Hm, if they added more playable villains a story mode focused on defeating them would be fun for me.

As your progress through the story mode you gain various allies unlocking them, until you get to a character such as Ridley or Ganondorf which is like a super hard match to win. Then you unlock the villain character too.

Ciro Blanco

Smash Cadet
May 19, 2018
I think this time, if we get story mode, the minions are going to be from each franchise (like Smash Run).
I just hope if it's a sequel, the characters who traveled together know each other (like Diddy with Fox and Falco or Samus & Pikachu, etc...) Also, that the final boss is an original character but related to Master hand, Crazy Hand, Taboo and Master Core.
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Smash the State
Apr 22, 2010
The first game's plot is a child playing with his toys, and in the end they battle his hands. SSE is about the child's dad or the like trying to take the child's toys away and take him fishing. If there is another story mode, it should use similar themes. Maybe the child is growing up and having a harder time imagining his toys fighting.

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
I've always envisioned sort of a continuation of the SSE from Brawl. All the characters have gone their separate ways after the conclusion of SSE, perhaps with some forming groups; the villains join together once more in search of a common goal, Meta Knight, Ike, and Marth band together as a ragtag group of travelling knights, maybe R.O.B. and G&W, the two neutral parties who were exploited by the villains, find a way to live in harmony far away from everyone else, etc. The concept of Subspace would also return, along with another original Tabuu-esque villain behind it all; think about it, if Tabuu was a prince, there must be someone to succeed him like a King or a son, right? I dunno, I guess I'm in the minority in that I really like the World of Trophies (the setting to the SSE) and would love to see another story that takes place in it.


Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
With the roster of Smash most likely getting even larger, it seems like it’ll get even harder to find meaningful roles for much of the cast, unless they relegate a lot of it to post ending only.

Perhaps, there could be a number of roles and the player would be able to cast whichever characters they want in each role, kinda like casting Miis in roles in Miitopia. Of course, based on this, the plot would likely be minimal, but you could make it highlight your favorite characters, make it epic, make it ridiculous, etc.
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Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2017
So, I’ve had the idea for this epic (at least I think so.) Story Mode for a Smash game. The only thing is it involves NPC’s. It’s sort of a mix between SSE and Smash Run. It’s very detailed and long, but if anyone is interested I can surely divulge.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
So, I’ve had the idea for this epic (at least I think so.) Story Mode for a Smash game. The only thing is it involves NPC’s. It’s sort of a mix between SSE and Smash Run. It’s very detailed and long, but if anyone is interested I can surely divulge.
I'd like to hear it.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 30, 2018
Plot idea. The antagonist wants to bring "peace" to the world by eliminating all of the differences and homogenizing the world. Cloning, one system, one "look and feel"... It gets pretty bad near the end. Mushroom Kingdom, Hyrule... all the way down to Bayonetta's world are on the brink of death because of this "merger" that is killing their identity. Turning many distinct identities into one instead. In the beginning, we can see all of these different cities that represent the worlds of the different franchises. While at first there are disputes and even wars between people of these worlds, at some point they (the roster) must come together to preserve their differences, despite the challenges they've had to face, in order to stop the reshaping of the world according to this antagonist's vision.

If that is Brawl's story, then I am sorry. I played SSE but I wasn't really paying attention. Haha.

I don't have a good story in mind, but I'm thinking Smash Action RPG is a good way to go. Super detailed 3D World to explore that somehow blends elements of all franchises represented. When the battles go down, it's all Smash.


Through the Story Mode, the kinds of side modes we've come to expect could be accessed. There would be tons of variety in battles with a good mix of just raw battles to conditional stuff heavily inspired by Event Matches. Players would level up characters and gain new skills and abilities. Items can be purchased. Many optional battles (with great rewards) would require either local or online multiplayer. For example. You enter a 4p vs 8cp situation. You'll be matched with the first players who'd accept your request (much like Monster Hunter), whether randoms or friends.
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Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
I've thought about this for a little bit.

So the way I'd approach it, I wouldn't write just another generic sci-fi boilerplate story about this "evil cosmic threat that is going to destroy the multiverse". That's really stupid, unoriginal and boring for crossover games, especially one like this. The main problem with that type of story is that some characters simply are out of place in it - like we understand why the big heroes are there, like Mario, Sonic, Bayonetta, Link, and Kirby, since it's generally their job to save the world, but what are characters like Duck Hunt Dog and Wii Fit Trainer doing in a scenario like that? They're completely out of place and have no potential for a major role in the story. It's completely out of the jurisdiction of a normal dog or a normal yoga instructor to be going up against cosmic death entities.

Instead what I'd do is write a lighthearted meta plot, where all the characters are aware that they're video game characters. Something akin to Banjo Kazooie where the games' events are real, but they simply have a passive awareness of the medium they're in.

So here comes a character I wrote up to be a villain in this story. In Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts, there is a character named LOG, or Lord of Games, who is supposedly the deity of all video games. All games were created by him. So in contrast to that, I made a character named BOG, or the Baron of Glitches.

The Baron of Glitches is a supremely evil video game deity who hates video games and all of his brother's creations (LOG is his brother). He wants nothing more than to bring all video games to their doom. Every bad thing that has ever happened to a video game character is the result of BOG's evil influence. Ever clipped through a wall and fell to your death? That's BOG's doing. Haunted by terrible RNG that ruins your speedruns? BOG is the one who threw that wrench in your plans. Ever wonder why you keep getting hit by blue shells, red shells, lightning bolts and green shells while you're in first place, which drops you down to 7th at the finish line? Yeah, that's his doing. He's laughing at you for it.

So in the Smash Bros. storyline, BOG (or whatever equivalent I'd end up writing) is an evil character whose presence threatens all video games. So the video game characters need to put a stop to his plans. And now even characters like Duck Hunt Dog and Wii Fit Trainer have a reason to be there. Because something that threatens video games is truly something that all the characters have in common, and may be able to do something about. None of the characters are out of place in this storyline (unless a non-video game character shows up).

With this method, characters could explore storylines that are entirely unique to them, which culminate in the battle against the source of their woes. Each one could have a personal stake in this regardless of the game they come from - for example, maybe the reason Lip or Captain Falcon haven't had any new games in years is because the Baron of Glitches keeps eating their master copies, making it so all their work is ruined. That's the direction I think Smash needs.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2017
I've thought about this for a little bit.

So the way I'd approach it, I wouldn't write just another generic sci-fi boilerplate story about this "evil cosmic threat that is going to destroy the multiverse". That's really stupid, unoriginal and boring for crossover games, especially one like this. The main problem with that type of story is that some characters simply are out of place in it - like we understand why the big heroes are there, like Mario, Sonic, Bayonetta, Link, and Kirby, since it's generally their job to save the world, but what are characters like Duck Hunt Dog and Wii Fit Trainer doing in a scenario like that? They're completely out of place and have no potential for a major role in the story. It's completely out of the jurisdiction of a normal dog or a normal yoga instructor to be going up against cosmic death entities.

Instead what I'd do is write a lighthearted meta plot, where all the characters are aware that they're video game characters. Something akin to Banjo Kazooie where the games' events are real, but they simply have a passive awareness of the medium they're in.

So here comes a character I wrote up to be a villain in this story. In Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts, there is a character named LOG, or Lord of Games, who is supposedly the deity of all video games. All games were created by him. So in contrast to that, I made a character named BOG, or the Baron of Glitches.

The Baron of Glitches is a supremely evil video game deity who hates video games and all of his brother's creations (LOG is his brother). He wants nothing more than to bring all video games to their doom. Every bad thing that has ever happened to a video game character is the result of BOG's evil influence. Ever clipped through a wall and fell to your death? That's BOG's doing. Haunted by terrible RNG that ruins your speedruns? BOG is the one who threw that wrench in your plans. Ever wonder why you keep getting hit by blue shells, red shells, lightning bolts and green shells while you're in first place, which drops you down to 7th at the finish line? Yeah, that's his doing. He's laughing at you for it.

So in the Smash Bros. storyline, BOG (or whatever equivalent I'd end up writing) is an evil character whose presence threatens all video games. So the video game characters need to put a stop to his plans. And now even characters like Duck Hunt Dog and Wii Fit Trainer have a reason to be there. Because something that threatens video games is truly something that all the characters have in common, and may be able to do something about. None of the characters are out of place in this storyline (unless a non-video game character shows up).

With this method, characters could explore storylines that are entirely unique to them, which culminate in the battle against the source of their woes. Each one could have a personal stake in this regardless of the game they come from - for example, maybe the reason Lip or Captain Falcon haven't had any new games in years is because the Baron of Glitches keeps eating their master copies, making it so all their work is ruined. That's the direction I think Smash needs.
This is an absolutely astounding idea, great job! Do you have any ideas for what characters would team up? I have some myself, but I'm curious to hear yours as well.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
This is an absolutely astounding idea, great job! Do you have any ideas for what characters would team up? I have some myself, but I'm curious to hear yours as well.
Yeah, the thing that would drive it would be just the interesting dialogue between the characters. In the story I'd imagine that BOG is dragging up old junk data in the form of villains/bosses from each character's past, and the characters have their own methods of dealing with it.

Just writing entertaining interactions is enough to drive the story. I test-wrote a couple, mostly involving Earthworm Jim (who I'd find a way to put in the game if I was in charge of it).

Jim: "You're a psychic, huh? I'll believe that when I see it. Quick, what number am I thinking of?"
Ness: "Forty two."
Jim: "Lucky guess. But what's my THIRD brain thinking of?"
Ness: "Hmm... sixty three and a third."
Jim: "Okay, that's just freaky."

[Jim and Lip are on Planet Heck to retrieve Lip's wand from Evil the Cat.]

Lip: "What an awful place!"
Jim: "I know, right? Let's not stick around any longer than we need to."
Lip: "I understand the presence of demons, but why are there snowmen? And who are those strange men carrying briefcases?"
Jim: "Those are lawyers."
Lip: "What? Why would they be here?"
Jim: "Oh, lotsa different reasons! That one there shook down a 10 year old for downloading copyrighted music. That one arranged hostile takeovers of movie companies. Ooh, and that one had the job of issuing cease and desist orders to creators of fangames."
Lip: "...you know what, I'm sorry I asked. Let's just find my stick and get out of this madhouse."
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Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2017
Yeah, the thing that would drive it would be just the interesting dialogue between the characters. In the story I'd imagine that BOG is dragging up old junk data in the form of villains/bosses from each character's past, and the characters have their own methods of dealing with it.

Just writing entertaining interactions is enough to drive the story. I test-wrote a couple, mostly involving Earthworm Jim (who I'd find a way to put in the game if I was in charge of it).

Jim: "You're a psychic, huh? I'll believe that when I see it. Quick, what number am I thinking of?"
Ness: "Forty two."
Jim: "Lucky guess. But what's my THIRD brain thinking of?"
Ness: "Hmm... sixty three and a third."
Jim: "Okay, that's just freaky."

[Jim and Lip are on Planet Heck to retrieve Lip's wand from Evil the Cat.]

Lip: "What an awful place!"
Jim: "I know, right? Let's not stick around any longer than we need to."
Lip: "I understand the presence of demons, but why are there snowmen? And who are those strange men carrying briefcases?"
Jim: "Those are lawyers."
Lip: "What? Why would they be here?"
Jim: "Oh, lotsa different reasons! That one there shook down a 10 year old for downloading copyrighted music. That one arranged hostile takeovers of movie companies. Ooh, and that one had the job of issuing cease and desist orders to creators of fangames."
Lip: "...you know what, I'm sorry I asked. Let's just find my stick and get out of this madhouse."
Oh ok, that's pretty interesting. So, would your potential story mode have cutscenes, just dialogue boxes, or a mix of both? Just curious since I really like the dialogue, but would also want to keep the epic cutscenes from SSE as well.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
Oh ok, that's pretty interesting. So, would your potential story mode have cutscenes, just dialogue boxes, or a mix of both? Just curious since I really like the dialogue, but would also want to keep the epic cutscenes from SSE as well.
I don't imagine there'd be many cutscenes, probably still images and voiced dialogue. Similar to a motion comic book.
Aug 1, 2013
Heres a quick idea. Hades from Kid Icarus wants to get more souls so he can grow stronger. He decides why just take souls from one universe when he can start claiming souls from every universe. So he starts opening gateways to other universes and chaos ensues.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2017
I don't imagine there'd be many cutscenes, probably still images and voiced dialogue. Similar to a motion comic book.
Ok thanks for answering! My only issue with that is that a large portion of the cast doesn't normally talk (like Mario, the Links, Ness, and many others) or just can't talk at all (like Pacman, Megaman, the Kongs, Villager, etc.). Other than that, it's a great idea though!


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
Ok thanks for answering! My only issue with that is that a large portion of the cast doesn't normally talk (like Mario, the Links, Ness, and many others) or just can't talk at all (like Pacman, Megaman, the Kongs, Villager, etc.). Other than that, it's a great idea though!
Pac-Man, Megaman and the Kongs can and DO talk in their games. But even if the characters can't or won't talk, there's still dialogue to be had with them.

I was thinking for the sake of this game the usually silent protagonists break their silence and Ness and Mario get some quips in. Link and Villager remain silent but this can be subverted somehow - people who interact with villager are just generally reacting to how alarming he is. And Link would only talk in ellipses in place of real dialogue, but it is implied that he said something to the other characters, just like how he "talks" in his home games.
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Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2017
Pac-Man, Megaman and the Kongs can and DO talk in their games. But even if the characters can't or won't talk, there's still dialogue to be had with them.

I was thinking for the sake of this game the usually silent protagonists break their silence and Ness and Mario get some quips in. Link and Villager remain silent but this can be subverted somehow - people who interact with villager are just generally reacting to how alarming he is. And Link would only talk in ellipses in place of real dialogue, but it is implied that he said something to the other characters, just like how he "talks" in his home games.
Alright that makes sense, thanks for taking the time to explain your thoughts!


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2010
Kirby and Jiggs should at one point team up to fight Nidoking and Nidoqueen who act as bosses, they are much larger than the puffballs that's for sure.

With my desire to see Pichu return and Birdo join the fight, one scene should have Yoshi and Birdo encounter a sleeping Pichu in a field. As Yoshi is good with babies, he picks up the baby mouse and puts him on his saddle. This scene, where Yoshi (and in this case Birdo) looks after a baby version of a famous Nintendo character is a homage to Yoshi's Island, where he does the same thing (only looking after Baby Mario instead of a baby version of Pikachu). This naturally leads to a level where you can play as Pichu and the dinos.

Any potential story mode should make extensive use of voice acting in the cutscenes.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2017
Kirby and Jiggs should at one point team up to fight Nidoking and Nidoqueen who act as bosses, they are much larger than the puffballs that's for sure.

With my desire to see Pichu return and Birdo join the fight, one scene should have Yoshi and Birdo encounter a sleeping Pichu in a field. As Yoshi is good with babies, he picks up the baby mouse and puts him on his saddle. This scene, where Yoshi (and in this case Birdo) looks after a baby version of a famous Nintendo character is a homage to Yoshi's Island, where he does the same thing (only looking after Baby Mario instead of a baby version of Pikachu). This naturally leads to a level where you can play as Pichu and the dinos.

Any potential story mode should make extensive use of voice acting in the cutscenes.
That's the stuff I really want in a potential story mode, just full on character interactions.

Like said above, I really want Link, Pit, and Decidueye to team up and act as the sort of "Three Musketeers", I really want Mega,an and ROB to team up as the robos, with, if he gets in, The Labo Bot joining them. For some reason, I really want Captain Falcon, Olimar, and Bandana Dee to team up. The idea of Yoshi and Pichu together is adorable. I would also want a really edgy character like a Dark Pit to be forced together with Jigglypuff for the comedy, Pacman with Dedede as the big eaters, there's just sooooo much you could do with a roster of this scope, it really is awesome.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2010
With voice acting you could bring back Falco's New York Italian accent and give him a really volatile temper and personality.

He could have a confrontation with Wario in the desert similar to a scene in the movie Casino, even lifting some dialogue from the TV version of the movie with some fixes.
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Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2017
With voice acting you could bring back Falco's New York Italian accent and give him a really volatile temper and personality.

He could have a confrontation with Wario in the desert similar to a scene in the movie Casino, even lifting some dialogue from the TV version of the movie with some fixes.
Yeah, thatd be awesome! Little Mac and Spring Man could compete for the ultimately boxing title, a Charizard and Ridley dragon duel, and an Excitebiker and Sonic race could be examples of character having rivalries too.


Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
All I would want is for Pit to be the main and most important character like how Kirby was the most important character in SE...and also for Bayonetta to be slain


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2017
Okay, so here’s my idea for a story mode, and I apologize because this is long, detailed, and a freaking pipe dream of a story mode.

Disclaimer: Bare with me on this, and try to keep an open mind as there are some controversial things such as NPCs with movesets, and so on.

Story mode starts out presenting you with 4 options. A toy sword (Mii Swordfighter), a toy pistol (Mii Gunner), a toy wand (Mii Mage), and none/bare hands (Mii Brawler.)

(A new Mii Fighter Type has been added, and all previous Mii Fighter types have been reworked from the ground up.) Mii Customization options have been added as well. You can really make your Mii unique. Only your imagination can stop you. Of course there are still costumes, and all that jazz. However, the story mode has a ranking/level system, armor system, weapon system, enhancement system (accesories/badges), move customization system, and stats system.

Ranking system is as follows:


The ranking and level system grants you access to certain areas, special items, and more difficult challenges. The higher your ranking/level gets, the harder it is to gain exp.

Things rewarded for winning battles:



*Dropped items (trophies, CDs, Badges.)

*Unlockable moves*

F: Lvl 1-10

E: Lvl 11-20

D: Lvl 21-30

C: Lvl 31-40

B: Lvl 41-50

A: Lvl 51-65

S: Lvl 65-80

SS: Lvl 80-99

SSS: Lvl 100.

Stat system is:

Attack - How strong your physical attacks are.

Defense - How well you can take a hit

Special - How strong your B-Moves are, as well as magic/energy based attacks.

Speed - How fast you can move

Arms - How strong items used are

Jump - How High you can jump and air mobility.

Armor System:

Pieces include-Headgear, Mask, Chest pieces, grieves/pants, footwear. (Effects things regarding to Defense, Speed, Jump, and special resistances.) Special accesories. (Effect attack and special.)

Weapon system: (Effects Attack, Arms, Special, and special advantages.)

Pieces include-

Swordfighters - Swords, kitanas/blades, hammers/clubs.

Gunner- pistols/handguns, cannons, heavy artillery

Brawler- Knuckles, boots,

Mage- Wands, staffs, tomes

Accessories/Items system:

Badges: Badges that can be worn to enhance certain areas of stats and resistances.

Items: Buy classic items to help you along your journey.

3 Hub Stores:

Fight’N’Style: Run by Savvy Stylist.

After The Darkness took over, Savvy took to styling warriors to give them the advantage with fighting evil. She’ll get you in fighting condition, and have you looking good doing it.

Win’N’Pin: Run by Baito-Kun (Nintendo Badge Arcade Bunny.) Here you can try your luck at winning some awesome badges that might give you a little or a lotta extra push to save the day!

Stir’N’Stuff: Run by Ashley (WarioWare). Here Ashley can craft items, potions, elixirs, and more to help you along your journey. Ashley charges quite a price however, so have your pocketbook ready, and kiss your bank account goodbye.

Nook$ave: Tom, Tommy & Timmy Nook are here to help you save...and spend. Invest with them and gain interest with your coins so you can buy better armor, weapons, and items! Tom Nook will get his share though. Don’t you worry.

(They all work together in a traveling department store. Tom Nook runs the whole thing, but picked up Stylist, Arcade Bunny, and Ashley.) a hodgepodge cast of lovable characters working together to stop The Darkness the best way they know how.

Once you’ve chosen your weapon at the beginning, you are thrust into a battle with 3 other Mii (childhood friends). A 4-player free-for-all. The more you KO however, the more exp. and stat gains you can acquire.*

If you lose: Rematches until you win.

If you win: Cuts to a cutscene of your Mii victorious and proud. Looking down at their chosen weapon and decidedly choosing to follow a discipline of becoming the best.

The next scene is cuts to your Mii in a class (tutorial of how to play.) Where you’ll spare with other classmates, until all are defeated.

Next cutscene is your Mii being congratulated by the teacher/Master of the class saying he has nothing else left to teach you, and he offers to battle you.

If you lose: Fight the whole class over again, and fight the master.

If win: You go to Rank E, and the Master regards you with new armor, new weapon.

As your Mii celebrates victory, the screen pans up into the night sky where a far of gleam sparkles. The scene cuts closer and closer to reveal a fractured Master Core and Fractured Tabuu floating through space. The Master Core replace Tabuu’s heart and forms a new evil entity. Known as Xin. (Pronounced “Sin”)

The form takes on the manifestation of a hooded figure and a faint sinister laugh can be heard. (He’s plotting revenge.)

The next day strange ominous invitations arrive requesting characters from all across the universe to battle in a tournament known as “Final Smash”. The award for winning this contest is the winner’s greatest wish granted.

(Before I get bombarded with “what would a character like Wii Fit Trainer and Duck Hunt Dog wish for?” Wii Fit Trainer could want to wish to be the fittest and healthiest person, and Duck Hunt Dog could want to be in the spotlight again. Not everyone has to have a greater wish like Ganondorf wanting all the pieces of the Triforce, or for Bowser to be married to Peach. The heart wants what it wants.

The characters that accept (base roster + a few hidden characters. 50 characters.) A hooded figure who calls himself “The Chosen One” greets the combatants and tell them of the reward at stake. The tournament begins.

Characters like Bowser, Ganondorf, Mewtwo, etc villains are tempted by whispers in the Darkness telling them they serve a greater purpose. That other evils from all over the Galaxy shall soon come into power. All the must do is vanquish all those who stand in there way, until the finale, and then throw the match so that however becomes victorious can be annihilated so that they may all be victorious. For the entity knows their are many Lights amongst them, but that one is shining brighter than the others (Your Mii).

You’ll fight throughout the tournament fighting many heroes and icons, gaining experience a long the way.

There are many cutscenes between the fighting showing the progression of the villains plot, and the formation of friendships with hero characters, namely Palutena, Zelda, Link, Rosalina & Luma, and Lucario. (The Mother of Light, and her Protectors of Light.)

They are looking after you because they sense a great evil on the horizon, and believe you are the chosen on.

When the final battle comes, you will fight Ganondorf. He throws the battle, and your Mii is victorious. As your Mii walks up to “The Chosen One” he reveals himself to be Xin and tries to attack you. Right before his blast hit you, Palutena protects you. Zelda, Link, Lucario, and Rosalina spring into action. However, other villains such as Andross (NPC), Wolf, Team Rainbow Rocket, Hades, and other other Nintendo villains reveal themselves and attack the rest of the characters. They are overwhelmed an “The Chosen One” shatters the Final Smash Ball, making his wish to be the ruler of a universe shrouded in darkness, and that he may reward those who have been faithful to him (Villains). Power flows through Xin and new, larger versions of Tabuu’s wings form behind him. He closes them in, gathering in dark energy. Rosalina commands Palutena, Zelda, Link, and Lucario to board the Comet Observatory for anyone caught in the initial blast will be plunged into darkness. Link stays behind with the other characters to try and fend of the Villains from reaching you. The Comet Observatory falls off, as Xin unleashed his wings releasing a blast that covers the universe in darkness. The shards of the Final Smash Ball are scattered throughout the universe. The hold immense power and are know tainted with darkness.

You must travel throughout the universe collecting the pieces of the Final Smash Ball in order to restore it and make a wish to undo what’s been done.

You travel from world to world of different Nintendo franchises fighting enemies, weak and strong, mini bosses, and bosses. Finding friends (newcomer, vet, and NPC alike) to help you along your journey to restore peace.

Other story details and examples:

For example, one of the bosses of the late game would be Giovanni, but you’d actually be fighting Mewtwo, and when you win, you unlock Mewtwo.

Characters like Mario and Link have their trophies being held captive by Bowser, Ganondorf, and etc. You have to find an revive all of your fellow comrades. They’ll help you in the final battle.

The final battle is a 5-part sequence fighting Xin, and once you win, you get the last shard from Xin’s Core, and make a wish that Xin and the Final Smash Ball never existed so none of the events ever happened. The Final Smash Ball cracks with piercing light and explodes releasing light that obliterates Xin and the Darkness.

You’re sent to a peaceful area (Melee’s all-star rest area.) where Palutena appears before you thanking you for your bravery and valiant heroism, and blah blah blah. She promises to always watch over you, and sends you home with no memories of the prior events, but faint recollections and feelings that an amazing adventure happened, and that you fought for the good.

All the story details aren’t worked out, but trans versing worlds would be similar to Kirby Star Allies, and fighting in levels would be a combination of SSE and Smash Run where you can pick up things that raise all your stats slightly. Select an area, fight its enemies, raise stats, get coins, get exp, and visit the traveling stores.

I do have post game secret bosses picked out.

There’s only 7. (Special requirements must be met.)

Dry Bowser (Pushes Attack into SSS rank.)

Shadow Mewtwo (Pushes Special into SSS rank.)

Calamity Ganon (Pushes Defense into SSS rank.)

Galacta Knight (Pushes Jump into SSS rank.)

Mother Brain (Pushes Arms into SSS rank.)

Fire Emblem Villain (Pushes Speed into SSS rank.)

Once all stats are maxed out and you’re level 100, you can battle “α Xin” via Kass who sings you a sing of a Hero who saved everyone and vanquished all evils.

α Xin is a stronger, faster, harder hitting Xin with some new moves.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2014
What I would most like to see in a new story mode is a tighter focus on extensive character interactions. Of course, the overall story is important too, but I feel like the moment to moment interactions is where the story would really shine, not unlike Brawl's Subspace Emissary.

While Brawl's interactions were great and oftentimes humorous, I feel like a new story mode would greatly benefit from the addition of voice acting where it's applicable. Giving characters like Shulk and the Fire Emblem cast spoken lines while keeping characters like Link and Kirby the silent protagonists they're known to be would do justice to them all as characters, as well as potentially set up for some humorous situations. Giving some characters actual dialogue would keep the original feel of their respective games intact and please fans of the series. This could potentially set up for the overarching story to be something different from the Subspace Emissary; rather than having a single destructive threat the characters need to work together to stop, the story could focus more on character development instead.

I would still be stoked to get a new story mode regardless of how they handle it, but I think the inclusion of voice acting would be a great new direction for them to take.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
All I would want is for Pit to be the main and most important character like how Kirby was the most important character in SE...and also for Bayonetta to be slain
Sorry pal, Bayonetta doesn't cave in to wimpy angels. Her entire existence revolves around slaughtering them in her games.

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Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Sorry pal, Bayonetta doesn't cave in to wimpy angels. Her entire existence revolves around slaughtering them in her games.

A man can have hope for Bayonetta losing to the only angle worth losing to (Dark Pit, AKA Mr.Edgy, couldn’t last a second against her and Palutena didn’t even want to attempt fighting once her weakened and perfect protector gained gooey eyes)


Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Yeah, but Angewomon is probably not getting in this game. So instead you're stuck with Pit.
Well good thing I was talking about Pit (especially since I don’t know who that is at all), he just gotta make sure to keep it in his shorts when he fights her (we don’t need him to pull a Luka)


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2018
Stuck in the Special Zone
If anything I'd just want a relatively simple plot that's not too crazy, just like SSE. Just like SSE, everyone is in a unified world of sorts, but it has all of the familiar locales from each series like Mushroom Kingdom, Hyrule, Dreamland, etc. actually existing rather than a world comprised of generic forests, deserts, swamps and such aside from Castle Dedede and the Halberd. I imagine some higher power of sorts or something gathering the villains who are all sick and tired of constantly being defeated by the heroes, and coming up with a plan, probably something simple like having the villains share resources and stuff and attack heroes they don't fight normally to catch them off guard. This entity, kind of like Tabuu, uses the villains as puppets for a grander scheme, and turns its back on them after they fail at the end. Not all villains included in this group have to be playable characters, with some being bosses. For example, Ridley (regardless of being playable or a boss), could send in space pirates to attack Hyrule, with Link having a difficult time dealing with their futuristic weaponry and such.

Regardless, I want to see some interesting character interactions and team ups happen in any sort of new story mode such as Shulk and Lucario fighting off a horde of enemies together using their vision and aura abilities respectively, or Captain Falcon and Ryu easily serving a boss their own butt on a silver platter.


Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
You were talking about the only angel worth losing to, which is definitely not Pit. Look up Angewomon.
yeah...I’m sticking with Pit (or atleast a true angel like Deadpool)
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