
The most original characer in the series and one of the most deep. Too good to simply cut them out...

An original moveset that demonstrated some grass characters can fit
Smash. It had power, tether...

One of the fastest and most original characters. It was a pleasure to play as him. Just awesome.

It was a clone... but
Project M tought us he can have a pretty good and original moveset. A new game could have been a great chance for making Lucas a new moveset...

I understand Konami is not anymore treating with Nintendo, so that Snake had to be cut. BUT I don't see why we have to lose his original moveset. I think this was the best opportunity to put an
Advance Wars character with his moveset. I could have been awesome.

A villain with an original moveset. Why did they remove him? Because he's not popular? Shall I understand Mr. Game & Watch was popular? Don't see the point.

Ganondorf as a new character would have been a very good option. I understand his moveset evolved enough to say he's not exactly a

clone, but I think this character should have his own moveset and leave this slot to Black Shadow. We would have a canon Ganondorf, still have old Ganondorf and
F-Zero would get more represented... it would have been perfect!
Don't miss:

I love Roy, but I understand why he's out. Maybe in another game they make him a new moveset, but it's not going to happen. What I actually think is
Fire Emblem needs to avoid swordsmen and try to make magician, lancers, axers and riders in.

He was a mistake... so I'm pretty glad he's not in.
Could have been a good opportunity:

I think he could represent those Pokémon generations that are not involved. For example, an

in where he uses Fly and a flying Pokémon assists him. It could have an alt costume for each generation and gender which could change the Pokémon used (just visually). I mean, if you choose Red, Fly is performed by Pidgeotto; if you use Gold, it's Noctowl, etc.
Should be cut in the next game:

I'm not an "anti-clone" fanboy. I can admit some movesets can be kind of changed to make a new character. But this is not the case. Even Sakurai himself has said she's pretty much Marth without sweetspot. That's not the way to do that. I can admit Lucina is in
Smash, but make her a good option. I think
Fire Emblem have lots of characters and very variated. Let's think about some heroes that are not swordsmen: Micaiah (Magician), Tibarn (morphs into a falcon), Sothe (Thief), Ephraim (Lancer), Black Knight (Heavy Knight)... man, we are talking about a game that has lots of fighting roles...

If he is an absolute clone. Come on...
Mario series has a LOT of characters. Do we need this? Don't think so... If they wanted to add even another
Mario character... why not King Boo? He could represent
Luigi's Mansion series as

's nemesis. Also, his moveset could be based on the sight of the rival, moving faster when he's not looking at your eyes. Just an idea, but not making an exact clone of

when his series is over-represented...
[Dark Pit] Only if he is as clone as

. If we have a Falco-Fox case or even a Ct. Falcon-Ganondorf one, I can live with that. But if he's as clone as the rest, I can't see his inclusion. In my opinion,
Kid Icarus has some interesting characters (Medusa could be one), so I just don't see Dark Pit as a valid character.