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Possible New Diddy Banana Combo Sorry No Vid

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Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2007
Portsmouth VA
Having not played much Diddy of for that matter much Brawl, I'm not entirely sure whether this has already been looked into or not. I've heard nothing about it as every Diddy Banana Combo or lock thus far has included Glide Tossing. This is nothing of the sort. If this has been looked at/discovered already I apologize for wasting your time.

This combo or psuedo combo uses Brawl's ability to catch items (specifically bananas) using an aerial. Simply put, by Short Hopping over your opponent and using the Cstick to throw a banana straight down you can almost immediately recatch the banana using a dair (also using the Cstick). If you were to immediately Fast Fall after the Dair to auto-cancel the aerial, you can regain the ground fast enough to follow your opponent and repeat the process. So you simply throw a banana more or less directly down onto an opponent, use a dair to catch the banana, autocancel it, follow your opponent on the ground/in the air, and throw another banana down in the same fashion to keep your opponent in hitstun.

Please be warned I'm not at all sure this will work on humans, just that I've racked up 12 consecutive throws with it in training mode. More can be done but I've only been doing this for an hour. I'm not sure that it'll work on every character however, although some seemed easier to do it than others. Fox and MK were fairly easy whereas Pit was more difficult. This may have something to do with their height, I'm not entirely sure yet. The knocback remains constant for this move which allows it to be chained.

Unfortunately, I don't know any good methods to set up for this. Most opponents obviously won't want you 3feet directly above them. Thus far my greatest success came when an opponent slips on a banana, and you have another banana handy to start the combo with. Other aerials will grab the banana but my limited testing would indicate that only the dair has enough startup lag to not hit the opponent. Luckily, using any of the other aerials will act as a combo finisher. Sorry to say it but I will not be able to post a vid of this as I don't really have the means for that.

Please get back to me as to whether anyone finds this to be useful and hopefully work. If this has already been explored and debunked, I once again apologize.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
BayArea Norcal
Yeah This has been found, good job finding it on your own though, theres a big thread discussing this somewhere on here. it's kinda new but weird to set up like you said.


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2007
Portsmouth VA
Well Balls! Oh well thanks for letting me know. Funnily enough I was just watching your montage.

I was hoping to able to set up for it by Glide tossing a banana forward, catching it in midair (since it always flys back towards you in an arc) and downthrowing from there but I couldn't get that to work so I'll keep working on it. Maybe play around with some setups.

Thanks again.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
It works on humans just fine. Setting it up isn't that difficult actually, just use some glide tosses.
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