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Poll: Best doubles partner for Zero Suit Samus?


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Youngstown, OH
Whenever I watch team tourneys, I always watch for moments when the fighters chain moves together into an effective offense. But when watching some other tourneys, certain teams will look more or less cohesive. That got me wondering. Who is the best partner for each character? Well, since I’m a casual Brawler, and I don’t have the expertise to judge, so why not ask the experts? I originally tried this on GameFAQs, but the users in general were immature, or not qualified to give the information. Then I remembered the specific boards on Smashboards, so I brought the poll here. So who do you think the best partner is for Zero Suit Samus?


- The poll will last for a week. If it becomes popular, it may last longer.
- You may only vote for one character.
- Assume friendly fire is on.
- Assume there are no items.
- After posting your answer, give a detailed reason why you choose that character. If you don’t give viable information, your vote will not be added.
- You may ask to change your vote if you have a viable reason.
- Discussion on your choices is allowed. NO FLAMES!!!
- If you vote Pokemon Trainer, you must discuss details for all his pokemon.
- If you vote on the Pokemon Trainer poll, you must discuss details for all his pokemon.
- If you want to use videos to explain your reasoning, feel free to post them, but remember. I play this game casually, so you have to explain what parts of the video are important and why they are important.
- You may vote on multiple polls.
- If issues occur, I may add or remove rules, so be sure to review the list.

Bowser – 0
Captain Falcon – 0
Diddy King – 0
Donkey Kong – 0
Falco – 0
Fox – 0
Game & Watch – 4
Ganondorf – 0
Ice Climbers – 0
Ike – 0
Jigglypuff – 0
King Dedede – 0
Kirby – 0
Link – 0
Lucario – 0
Lucas – 2
Luigi – 0
Mario – 0
Marth – 0
Meta Knight – 0
Ness – 0
Olimar – 0
Peach – 0
Pikachu – 0
Pit – 0
Pokemon Trainer – 0
R.O.B. – 0
Samus – 0
Sheik – 0
Snake – 2
Sonic – 0
Toon Link – 0
Wario – 0
Wolf – 0
Yoshi – 0
Zelda – 0
Zero Suit Samus – 0

Replies: 13

If your vote isn’t tallied, you may have done one of the following:

- You voted for multiple people or didn’t make your answer clear
- You voted for multiple characters
- You didn’t give a good reason.


Smash Cadet
Jun 25, 2008
Ohio [Midwest] FC: 5155-2680-1241
I vote Lucas. I say this because of the three characters that benefit from ZSS's downsmash, he has to be the best. I'll start by saying Game & Watch, Ness, and Lucas are all light weight--it's nice that G&W gets a very very powerful attack, but that's not going to conserve his stocks for the team. Ness and Lucas are amazing, but Ness doesn't have as many powerful attacks that Lucas has at his disposal. ZSS Dsmash to Lucas Usmash, Dsmash, Fsmash, or even the risky PK2 definite make Lucas the #1 Partner for ZSS in my opinion.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
GnW is better than Lucas because he's already a powerful character in his own right, the dsmash still hits people while he's absorbing it, and it's a onehit kill on every single character on every single legal stage in the game. Lucas is also bad. That doesn't help.

GnW for sure.


Smash Rookie
Jul 29, 2008
Snake. He has weapons. ZS Samus's down smash will stun, She moves out of the way and Snake hits the opponent with a landmine.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
Game and Watch

Bucketing D-smash is too good. Look in the new video archives for proof


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
Gotta go with Snake since my doubles partner uses Snake. We actually managed to win a round of a tournament with a C4 sticky technique. Planted it on my head and I stunned and ran through the opponent. Crowd goes wild.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2008
game and watch for the down smash bucket combo, and lucas, for powerful ko moves to use after a downsmash, and you can heal him.


Smash Cadet
Jun 25, 2008
Ohio [Midwest] FC: 5155-2680-1241
GnW is better than Lucas because he's already a powerful character in his own right, the dsmash still hits people while he's absorbing it, and it's a onehit kill on every single character on every single legal stage in the game. Lucas is also bad. That doesn't help.

GnW for sure.
It's not a guaranteed 1 hit KO, though it is extremely powerful. I'm biased--my partner only plays Lucas.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
Muncie, IN
I dunno about absolute best character, probably GW or Lucas since they're good with just about anyone. As for me I play with bowser on my team for the most part and it works really well. You have zamus' speed to help control and contain the match and you just let bowser **** stuff. I suppose ike could work under the same conditions.
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