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Poker Theory: Smash Application


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2009
I made this post in hopes to open up peoples thinking processes and maybe to view the game a bit differently. feel free to comment criticize or critique. this is long so don't post TLDR

I play poker a lot, and besides being bias, am quite good i payed my way through school with it i just never continued with it, i play on and off but not nearly as much as i want to. I play almost always live 1-2 2-5 and 5-5, (that's 200, 300 and 500 dollar buy ins) i never really realized how many similarity's there are between smash an poker..

For those of you don't play poker IL let you know something. at anything beyond novice level of play for good players poker has almost nothing to do with the cards. cards are just a bi-product that supports everything else in the game such as hand ranges, emotional stability, STP (stack to pot) ratios pot odds and commitment post flop along with much more. similarly like in smash execution and tech skill only help support reads, miss-spacing, covering options and covering flukes (phantom hits, shield pokes, Randal) and some other stuff.

Changing Gears, a common term in poker but people have no clue what it is in smash, basically its when you instantly change your style up to trick an opponent or to adapt for maximum effectiveness, very few pros change gears. Its the same reason why pros are labeled with styles. I.e shiz is very aggressive and hbox very passive. very few players can change gears with there characters in any situation, mango and armada come to mind. in poker every top pro does that but it smash only a handful do.

Tilt. simple really. playing based on emotions and not logic. if you get sucked out and lose a hand in poker most players will get mad and just try to beat that player no matter if the decisions they make are bad, they want revenge. in smash if u keep getting killed with the same move i.e rest or keep getting forward smashed by falco u will get irritated and your level of play will decrease unless u have some sort of tilt control. another thing happens, if u get up smashed or rested many times in a row, all u will be thinking of is not letting that happen, that also takes away from your game and forces u to change your style. I hate to say its mind-games but its something similar. maybe tilt in poker is momentum to a degree in smash.

Again much like poker smash is a game of incomplete information which why they are both such deep games. free will and the fact that you have many options in many situations to choose from. what separates good players from not so good players besides mastery over your character( people usually call it tech skill or execution) is bottom line how fast u can process and retain information and apply it effectively. i.e mango processes info and applies it better then anyone else, the only difference is he has complete mastery over his characters. just think its a big thing when u see mango miss an l cancel or fail to jump out of his shine, but with other players u just shrug it off and its not a big deal.

Both games are simple to understand and learn but hard to master, both games have depth.

In my opinion someone should play differently depending on how the other player is playing not just use the options and combos you know best. This is how me and almost everyone else categorize people in poker.

OK in poker i usually categorize people when i play its relatively simple.

1. Tag (tight aggressive)
2. Lag (loose aggressive)
3. Tight passive
4. Loose passive

To give u a better idea IL list what i think is each marth play style.
1.Cactuar, EK
2.M2k, i.b
3.Kfc amsah(marth)

Not that any style is bad i just think different styles of marths are better against certain match ups, it gets complicated when players can change gears between all 4 based on how your playing. that's why i think changing gears is so important.

I will run an something sheik vs Marth since i play sheik. this is pretty basic since marth sheik is a relatively simple match up in comparison to falco fox

TAG the marth is very campy but very aggressive in combos once he lands hits its usually better to use heavy spacing and needles, to force him out of his comfort zone and approach.

LAG The marth is very aggressive and over commits to situations. its better to stand your ground and not get pushed back, punish mistakes but they wont happen a lot. don't really need needle usually shield grab or nair OOS and basic bread and butter

Tight passive Marth doesn't approach and is very careful not to over commit, you can use needles and just pressure him to the side so hes trapped just hit him

Loose passive
Usually the marth will try to be flashy and is not very combo heavy doesn't commit much doesn't really approach, just kinda try's to hit u away. basic bread and butter i think wins this match up

post any thoughts.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2007
Knoxville, TN
Interesting read, the information about tilt and changing gears is definately something I will keep in mind and try to apply those concepts more thoroughly, not getting flustered when I'm getting beat by some strategy and changing up my style to give my opponent a more difficult opponent to read.


Smash Ace
May 11, 2008
Cal Poly / Davis, CA
You should really use punctuation when you're typing a lot of stuff. That being said...

it sounds like tight passive means you don't do anything.. ever. How can you be considered aggressive if you're campy? Isn't the point in being aggressive that you're keeping pressure on your opponent to force him into mistakes/reads? It seems more like tight passive should be someone who spaces well as to not get punished (ie Hbox) or something...


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2010
Long Island
Very interesting, caught my attention pretty well. That gives a good reason to explain why Mango has surpassed M2K and others. Its hard to change, especially when you're so used to doing something a certain way, even though it doesn't work.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
m2k is more like TAG really, he just wasn't at apex for some reason.

also cool read. i've found that it works the opposite way too -- that you can apply things learned from smash to real-life situations. for one, i find that i'm much better now at making snap decisions and keeping calm under all types of pressure.

if i have to do something difficult now, i just see it as a challenge. i usually think about exams that way too. "alright, i've barely studied, let's see if i can ace it anyway >:D"
May 3, 2009
the difference between poker is that in poker, there aren't "matchups."

there isn't a set way of "youre supposed to do so-and-so to this character and not do this etc."

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
think of your hand as your character. a pair of kings will beat a pair of queens if they both bet til the end, but using smarts you can force people to fold at certain times even if your hand loses to theirs. They dont know whats in your hand, the better player can always play better to win.

or something like that, i dont play a lot of poker.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
good thread..me and soft play poker alot and one thing we always relate to from poker is using " the number one rule in poker" which is " you cant bluff a rookie" . rookies dont know when to fold they are just in ther just to play are calling to crack just to see the river card...so the safest way to play them is to play them with good cards and its easier to win against them. only good players can be bluffed out of pots in most cases.

Same thing in smash..rookies dont see the mind games your are trying to do to them because they are just throwing out moves and do alot of double jump dairs when they are in trouble..they just want to somehow throw u off guard and get you fustrated so most advanced mindgames want work on them. best way to play them is to do garunteed combos that will kill them easily.

poker is too good..teaches me alot about smash and how people think. patience is the key in poker and its the same way in smash.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008

i think mew2king's TAG, based on those descriptions, though, lol.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2007
I was playing smash at Apex on saturday and I got 1st out of 200+ people just playing very defensively, and only going in when I had really good odds.
this is what I read.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
i actually disagree a lot about the "changing gears" part

reading people in smash boils down to your level of confidence and the ability to recognize your opponent's emotions

when you see an opportunity, or think your opponent is gonna roll, you need to change from dash dancing, rolling (playing scared), into insane animal confidence to chase them down (with a nair with fox, for example)

players who are naturally good are amazing at changing gears and altering their style

the scary part is that the "pros" (the real pros, IMO) are looking for changes in the pace of the match almost every single move, so they can change gears ASAP to turn the control of the match in their favor

like, remember when wife said that a sign of a good match is when the control goes back and forth? it's because both competitors have enough balls to commit to something when they see an opening, and are good enough to keep it going and rack up huge damage/kill the other guy


i don't play poker, but those are my thoughts on the matter at least :)


Smash Cadet
Mar 16, 2010
I think it's worth mentioning what the terms mean in poker:
Tight players get involved in few hands (they fold before risking chips); conversely loose players play a lot of hands.
Aggressive players will tend to bet out once they're in a hand; conservative players tend to wait for their opponents to bet.

PS tangentially related: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boxing#Boxing_style_terminology


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2009
I think every competitive gamer should pick up poker. I read a couple books on poker, and having not played for 5-6 years I still won $750 in three 1$-2$ blinds cash games. Poker is a game like any other, but many poker players -- are not gamers. Take advantage of that.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2007
Shoutouts to Hbox and PB&J. We lost all that sleep over a $5 buyin lmao.

I can just envision soft gathering my chips telling me how I spew and ****


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2009
Ann Arbor, MI
i actually disagree a lot about the "changing gears" part

reading people in smash boils down to your level of confidence and the ability to recognize your opponent's emotions

when you see an opportunity, or think your opponent is gonna roll, you need to change from dash dancing, rolling (playing scared), into insane animal confidence to chase them down (with a nair with fox, for example)

players who are naturally good are amazing at changing gears and altering their style

the scary part is that the "pros" (the real pros, IMO) are looking for changes in the pace of the match almost every single move, so they can change gears ASAP to turn the control of the match in their favor

like, remember when wife said that a sign of a good match is when the control goes back and forth? it's because both competitors have enough balls to commit to something when they see an opening, and are good enough to keep it going and rack up huge damage/kill the other guy


i don't play poker, but those are my thoughts on the matter at least :)
ya this

poker and smash are both about knowing when to commit


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2009
pokers a lot deeper then that, not going to explain it, its like trying to explain how deep smash is to someone who doesn't play, works the same way.
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