Pokemon Ranch is basically a 10 dollar Mew.
Yeah, pretty much.
Which brings a big question up; why is Pokemon Ranch 1000 Wii Points while many other WiiWare titles (all of which most likely have more substance) are cheaper? I mean, at 1000 Wii Points I may not even buy it. If it were 500, I'd be much more likely to give in, because there are arguably a few other uses so I can debate that it's worth 5 dollars for a Mew and some storage, and an entertaining thing to watch when you're bored. For 1000 Wii Points the little stuff can't fill in the stuff that the Mew doesn't. And I don't intend to pay money for an Event Pokemon unless it's a small amount, because it's not even real.
Then again, you're paying for most event Pokemon anyways, whether or not you realize it. Just the cost of gas racks up quickly, and if you have to go a fair distance to get the Pokemon...
Agreed. The only thing Pokemon Ranch is of any use is to get a Mew that you would otherwise have to hack to get. Now if they can just do it with all the other big legendaries that aren't normally capturable, and then we would be set.
Yeah, if they had added Celebi or any other Event Pokemon (or maybe a Flying Pikachu since that can't be imported from 3rd gen) at all, or some of the minigames PBR lacked, or even a way to play Diamond/Pearl on the TV (It is definitely be possible; think about it, Wiimote + Nunchuk scheme, press buttons for the buttons and use the motion sensor to touch the touch screen (on the TV). It could be done, and it took me no more than 2 minutes to come up with that, so it can't be like they couldn't think of that.) Pretty much any features that add more than a bunch of useless Pokemon and storage for a single game (you can't even mass transport from one game to another, like if you wanted all of your Diamond Pokemon on Platinum when it comes out like my friend wanted to do with Pokemon Ranch), plus a Mew. The Pokemon you get aren't even that great, other than Mew.
I wouldn't give money to Nintendo at the moment anyways, since I'm not happy with the way they're going, but I don't think I'd buy the game anyways.