His points aren't valid, he's arguing against a powered up costume of the same character. If that is the case, then P:M will have to take out a lot of character costumes in the game: white DK (super DK), fire mario, fire luigi, almost all of samus. They'd also have to take out waluigi, daisy, mario/luigi on wario, imposter mario on luigi, dixie, and dark metaknight because you "can't have recolors of another character."
From what I can derive from your poorly worded sentence, I'd argue that this game is made for the more competitive scene. Look at the game and tell me it isn't. Wavedashing, l-canceling, SHFFLing, teching; none of these would be put in the game if they wanted it for everyone. No casual is even going to learn wavedashing.
The stages are way more balanced. Casuals usually like the worst of the stages: temple, spear pillar., and 75 meters.
This game was not made for casuals. "Acting like it is, or that people who take the game more so casually are part of a special brownie club, and they are dumb."
I'd also argue that casuals are the reasons so many melee characters were nerfed and why the vanilla brawl is so unplayable. (TRIPPIING)
If you want "LOL, ITEMS ON MAX, HANENBOW, FREE-FOR-ALL SUICIDE AND TAUNT MATCH, TEHE! <3" go to brawl minus. It's a fun, crazy, non-competitive smash that is perfect for casuals.
As for me being dumb, I'm getting a double degree and a minor.