What about a thread to find players with a location card and contact datas (msn, aim etc.) of the european smashers.
I didnt find an european player finder in the european subboards.
Also I would like a thread where players can introduct theirself to the european community.
Another idea would be a free talk thread (based on european smash, but without some specific topic given to you) and a thread, where you can ask, if any1 wants to meet your for smashing/wants to house you.
I didnt find an european player finder in the european subboards.
Also I would like a thread where players can introduct theirself to the european community.
Another idea would be a free talk thread (based on european smash, but without some specific topic given to you) and a thread, where you can ask, if any1 wants to meet your for smashing/wants to house you.