Smash Champion
according to this, from the v4 tier list, we are now on spamus.
I personally like playing against spamus. While she CAN get to you with all her missile and zair spam, (charge shot = we get health), most of it is fairly predictable and can be dodged. Charge shot can be predictable too, because a samus will ALMOST ALWAYS use it following a missile or zair or something else random. If they just throw it out, it's easy enough to dodge (don't always need health) and resume.
somewhat slow grab on samus' part make us shielding constantly a somewhat viable option. we have good OoS options (nair, fair, usmash, PKT!!! [ill never use it, but you can work it in if you are lucky], AD, etc.). Samus will bombard us with ranged attacks while we slowly approach with safety. A few things to note are that samus' fair has somewhat good range, jab is quick, jab cancels will often be taken, and utilt is quick and powerful. also, maybe bair or nair at random times. Lots of times, they will just airdodge and use zair all day long. If that's the case, PKjump can help. keep slightly out of zair range, PKjump just on time, opponent is caught slightly off guard and you get a uair followup from the fire. If not, the uair misses and you get either a grab or fair or pkt due to short landing lag on uair. If you still hate pkjump, you'll have less options to approach and will rely on shield dashing and perfect shielding to make sure that you can't get punished unexpectedly. PKJump just gives you the extra something.
samus can't kill very early... we use that to our advantage. Her kill moves often leave lots of space to punish (except a good bair). Do well in avoiding KO and you can live long or punish hard, both of which just add to percent leads and give ness a slight advantage.
nothing is overpowering for ness, but I see no way that Samus can totally outcamp/outspeed/outrange ness. In my opinion, I say 60:40, but It could go towards samus' favor more if played unbelievably well. In terms of general gameplay though, I say that ness has a pretty fair advantage. Reflect projectiles, Absorb charge shot, Kill slightly easier (not too much, but he can kill better than samus can), good OoS to counter shield pressure, and some ways of approaching (although some are less safe than others). If I can find any other reason in samus' favor, it'd be 55:45, but I can't think of much. Samus has an easy time recovering most of the time (I've seen several samus players live for quite a while and recover with ease), but it doesn't make the greatest of difference. Samus isn't hard countered by ness, but samus doesn't have an easy time with ness at the same time. Ness CAN have a hard time with samus, but mainly with mistakes made. If ness doesn't fall for obvious (at least obvious to me) traps that samus is making, then he shouldn't have a huge problem.
Final word on ratio: 60:40 Ness, but can lean toward samus. Possibly 55:45 ness. I wouldn't go any further down.
Ugh Samus?
Why are we even taking our time on low tiers lol.
Lets discuss Ness' hardest MU's or high tier characters. His MU's w/ the people under him are pretty much Concrete I don't see it going anywhere. Can we please discuss olimar! lol.