I don't think Little Mac is broken but I'm glad he got nerfed to be honest. I find Little Mac really unfun to play against and I dread playing against one. Not to say Little Mac is unbeatable, you can easily time this character out and any competent player will kill him if he's off-stage because it is honestly not hard at all. Though super armor, heavy weight, fast speed, amazing frame data, little end-lag on a lot of moves, and he does a crap load of shield damage if you don't perfect shield a smash attack. The main problem with this match-up is that if you plan on timing him out, that's really boring and that's assuming a stage that's not FD is even chosen. In addition good Little Mac players actually know how to stay on the stage and take advantage of his godlike ground game. Playing against Ksizzle and this one guy on For Glory, they actually knew the character really well and did a lot of kill set-ups into KO Punch and actually bothered to use grabs in crap, they weren't like some random For Glory player who just spams smash attacks or dash attack / Side B, they actually knew the character and their set-ups and even used Little Mac's aerials which occasionally caught me off-guard.
Again I definitely do not think this character is unbeatable or even broken and I actually think he's balanced and is perfect the way he is, but that doesn't change the fact that he's REALLY frustrating to play against considering how much pressure he puts onto you. Who knows though, I've only been playing for maybe about three months on the Wii U version (I practically rage quit when I got the 3DS version and never practiced) so maybe it's just a personal issue for me considering I'm still new. This is just my personal opinion on the character as to how I see it, and I definitely know I need to work on a lot of stuff like perfect shielding and teching consistently in such.