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Pika Interview Thread

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Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
Did Fino quit?
Tips for the oli matchup?
no he did not, hes currently third in kansas.

olimar it a tough matchup, you just have to be able to get around this spam. move around a whole lot, try to get olimar to move. get him off of the ground, and punish every opportunity he has to land. it is easy damage for us,as olimar cant really do much when landing. grabbing takes care of his whistle, and shielding will take care of all his aerials (just watch out for smashes out of his nair). its the best way we have to rack up damage. also watch his line very carefully. if you know what is up next you can predict what he is going to do. be very careful about using electric attacks when he has a yellow next as he will outprioritise you. and kill those purples with fsmash, they can be a major nuisance if they are thrown. also learn what stages give olimar which pikmin, like lylat is 50ish precent yellow i believe, and delfino on the platforms is 40% purple. be careful on those stages. i take the risk and cp delfino cause i have a lot of things i can do on that stage. otherwise take to Rainbow Cruise or FD. also a little trick, your fair goes through his usmash, as long as he doesnt time it right. i believe the first few frames of his usmash go through our fair, but after that our fair ***** his usmash.

eh as good as i can do off the top of my head. its a ***** matchup but nothing unbeatable. i would say either 45:55 or 40:60 olimar, unsure of which one i would go with

i am guessing on the percentages for pikmin, but the color i mentioned is the dominant color. you can check the olimar boards for the pikmin percentages


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
Good ****, I had no idea about different plucking percentages. Good thing I asked becuase lylat was my olimar CP/neutral. I'll try being dominant with fair and trying out delfino, thanks.

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
just note, if they figure out the timing of the usmash (like fino) it will not work unless you can make them wiff on it. and yeah frigate does it too with the yellows


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Time to get serious on ya stealth :)

How tough has it been going against other players in your region with just Pikachu?

Do you normally have more trouble from a loss of MU inexperience or just
being outplayed?

Disregarding the predicament of playing higher character and having the feeling of maining them, have you been able to take certain parts in other characters games and use them for Pikachu?

How have you been able to handle losses of stage control & momentum during crucial moments, and how does it affect you normally when you lose these factors?


Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
Time to get serious on ya stealth :)

How tough has it been going against other players in your region with just Pikachu?

it is very tough. i know that my region is not great yet i still have trouble. i have fished around for other chars to use, even mk, but pikachu and lucario are the only ones i can use at any good level

Do you normally have more trouble from a loss of MU inexperience or just
being outplayed?

matchups definitly. when i lose to people its soley cause of matchups, i KNOW i have the skill to beat anyone on any given day, but matchups are the main cause of me losing. some matchups im very good at and can surprise people and get called very good. then i lose to wtf matchups that have my friends go how did you lose to them? it is my biggest problem, and one i am trying to fix. i think i am more fundamentally sound since before my hiatus, but i have lost some of that critical matchup knowledge. also another inportant factor is my focus. i almost never intentionally sandbag, but my level of focus really dictates how well i play. if i am dead tired, i cant focus and tend to lose. adderall helps me in that respect, as it can allow to gain a very specific level of focus and attention to detail that allowed me to beat kos-mos. i can over focus (as in the case of the battle vs kos mos) and i can be super drained after that, and i cant focus afterwards. so finding that balance of focus, characer knowledge, player knowledge, and getting in that zone are my keys to victory

Disregarding the predicament of playing higher character and having the feeling of maining them, have you been able to take certain parts in other characters games and use them for Pikachu?

most definitly. i got utilt to grab from lucario, and playing spamus has helped me to understand how to be a better camper.

How have you been able to handle losses of stage control & momentum during crucial moments, and how does it affect you normally when you lose these factors?

i tend to tighten up and play harder. its the running joke among my friends here that i am much harder to kill on my last stock. i tend to play a lot smarter and a lot campier on my last stock and i tend to really do a lot of damage, and sometimes pull it back. it all depends on my focus though. the only character i tend to lose against after i lose momentum and stage control is diddy. just cant seem to get him when i am down :(

loved those questions


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Some players have sided to camping, and others (though few) think playing aggressive works a tad bit more at times. Do you think it's better to just side with one playstyle (defensive or aggressive), or would it be better to play with a balanced playstyle that encompasses all factors?

Are their ways to make more than a few playstyles to keep people guessing in mid-match? Or does it just get too hard to implement due to difficulties in using the playstyles efficiently?

Would you believe learning to create an offstage game make our character better in the long run? Considering that many people stay onstage in fear of something happening, is it more of a psychological problem that we have that doesn't allow us to expand that part of our game?

How do you normally keep your focus during the downtime (aka, in between matches)?


Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
Some players have sided to camping, and others (though few) think playing aggressive works a tad bit more at times. Do you think it's better to just side with one playstyle (defensive or aggressive), or would it be better to play with a balanced playstyle that encompasses all factors?

definitly balanced, specific factors and opponent playstyles dictate what you should do. over time you figure out what works when. no camp is perfect, and being over aggressive WILL get you *****, even if you are mk. finding that balance is the hard part, and the thing that most pros seem to have

Are their ways to make more than a few playstyles to keep people guessing in mid-match? Or does it just get too hard to implement due to difficulties in using the playstyles efficiently?

for me instead of specific playstyles, i have small specific chunks that i do. instead of something overall, i do segments of attacks, combos, approaches, and try to string them together. i am autisitic, and very much a habit driven person. i used to have single playstyles, but i would get predicted to hell. instead of thinking in mid match of every little detail, i break up my playstyle in to small sequences of moves. sometimes its one move, sometimes its multiple, and i jump back and forth through them which helps to break up my predictability. still have a ways to go with that though, i still think i am very predictable.

Would you believe learning to create an offstage game make our character better in the long run? Considering that many people stay onstage in fear of something happening, is it more of a psychological problem that we have that doesn't allow us to expand that part of our game?

definitly need to get offstage more. just this previous tuesday, we had an ike named watkins from maine come to our smashfest, and he was scary as HELL When he jumped offstage. sorta sounds like lolwut ike offstage but he could kill you very fast if you werent smart in how you recover. whereas pikachu has a multitude of recovery options, some of the other people there didnt and they all had their share of getting spiked by him, even my lucario. for me pikachu isnt a complete off stage dominater like mk, but he can still use nair, fair, uair, and thunder pretty well offstage to control where and how your opponent recovers.

How do you normally keep your focus during the downtime (aka, in between matches)?

actually i either wonder around looking at matches, or i pull out my rubicks cube and solve if a couple dozen times. one tournament i even brought a 4x4x4 cube just for the amusment of other people

more good questions :D


Smash Legend
Jun 4, 2009
Arcata, CA
fuuuuu Biggie took three of my questions.

What MU do you believe is the hardest one for you specifically? Why?

Is there anything related to pizza that hasn't been asked that you would like me to ask?

Do you like any low tier characters? Why?

In what direction do you see Pika's metagame advancing in the future?

Who should go next?

Is there a specific player that you would call your rival?

Do you agree that the only things sure for cab drivers are debt and taxis?

How would you describe your pika?

I say FZ or Alt go next.

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
What MU do you believe is the hardest one for you specifically? Why?

tie between marth and ics. marth i cant say much about since i havent played many since my hiatus, but i find it very hard against marth. neither damage nor killing marth is particularily troubling to me, but i have a great amount of difficulty recoving against him. just sitting there by the ledge with sh fairs and nairs, then using an fsmash or dtilt if i get up on teh ledge makes it a pain in the *** to get by him. for ics i just have trouble not getting grabbed. i also tend to choke and make a dumb mistake and lose a stock

Is there anything related to pizza that hasn't been asked that you would like me to ask?


Do you like any low tier characters? Why?

samusssssss always been a big metroid fan, and early last year i picked her up and did surprisingly well, so i like her alot. also ending a winning match by transforming into zss = sex

In what direction do you see Pika's metagame advancing in the future?

currently i dont see much other then gimmicky stuff. unless some ground breaking AT comes out, its all about refining your game and learning to mindgame harder

Who should go next?


Is there a specific player that you would call your rival?

among the pikachus kprime/anther. maybe a bit of esam, but we havent played in a while. irl definitley fino

Do you agree that the only things sure for cab drivers are debt and taxis?

im not sure what you are asking so i will agree for the lulz

I say FZ or Alt go next.
mmmmm tasty


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
What would you promote to other Pikas that want to learn him? Things technical wise and psychological wise.

Which character do you think Pika's normal attributes and style of play matches the most and why?

Will you be going to MLG @ NC? How about Airship?
(It's in NC and it's a 4 day.)

Sorry, asked all my serious questions XD

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
What would you promote to other Pikas that want to learn him? Things technical wise and psychological wise.

techincal wise, learn how to control your character. learn how to run and move where you want to and from place to place fast and efficiently. knowing this will help you get inside your opponent to attack. being able to retreat when you are in a bad position is also a must. controlling QA is another thing you need to learn, doing them odd angles helps with mindgames. psycologically, need to learn to be patient first and foremost. pikachu lacks priority and range on most of his attacks, so you need to pick the right time and place to land attacks, and hopefully get combos out of them. having patience really helps in this, even if you start to get down, keep playing patient and smart.

Which character do you think Pika's normal attributes and style of play matches the most and why?

interesting question. ive thought about this many times myself and never really tried to answer it. after thinking it over i think fox. we both have good projectiles (his is better) and we both rely on our speed to land hits. fox has slightly better priority and aerials, but even they can be predicted and punished without too much of a problem if the fox isnt careful. we both have good combos, though his are better at low percents. the main difference is fox gets gayed in many matchups :/

Will you be going to MLG @ NC?

sadly no, me going to tourneys is greatly limited by money and school. current major oos tourneys im planning on going to is mlg in columbus, apex 2, and MAYBE mlg dallas

Sorry, asked all my serious questions XD
love your questions big lol


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
love your questions big lol
What can I say? I just have those deep questions sometimes. :)

Edit: New question.

What do you favor: Playing a character you enjoy the most? Or playing a character that's just good overall and helps with another character MU spread that you enjoy playing? Do you think it's better (and possibly faster) if a person just learned to get better with the character(s) they enjoy and learn to manage the tough MUs regardless? Or would you consider going the easy way (picking up a top tier) depending on the factors? Heck, do you even consider this to be the easy way?

We all tend to relate brawl as chess. Do you think it's mentally stressful and tiring as how chess is? Why would you think some people would say that it's like chess in the first place?

Also, pertaining to the first question, How do you think it affects the person's mind as they choose whether to play it out with their favorite character or just by picking a top tier?


Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
What can I say? I just have those deep questions sometimes. :)

Edit: New question.

What do you favor: Playing a character you enjoy the most? Or playing a character that's just good overall and helps with another character MU spread that you enjoy playing? Do you think it's better (and possibly faster) if a person just learned to get better with the character(s) they enjoy and learn to manage the tough MUs regardless? Or would you consider going the easy way (picking up a top tier) depending on the factors? Heck, do you even consider this to be the easy way?

my opinion is its a game, you should play whoever you like best. if you want to take the top tier route go for it, but with the advantages of playing a top tier you also have to realise that top tiers are more common and the matchups are known better. like the other good players in kc all have a bunch of seconds, inclduing top tiers and mk, but only finos ics can beat me, otherwise i can beat every other secondary they have. i dont think its an easy way at all, maybe an easy way in your head. if you get really good with a char its because you devoted time to learn it, and had nothing to do that its a high tier.

We all tend to relate brawl as chess. Do you think it's mentally stressful and tiring as how chess is? Why would you think some people would say that it's like chess in the first place?

it is definitly mentally stressing, to me at least. to keep your focus going for so long at a high level, it really drains you. i lost 7 lbs at the last tourney, some of it due to the fact i didnt eat as much, but 7 lbs in two days is a bit extreme to relate to lack of food alone. it definitly taxes you. and when it comes to chess, chess relies on positioning and strategy to one up your opponent, and chip away at their pieces (doing damage) before getting the checkmate (the stock kill). to complete the analogy, after you checkmate a guy in chess, you restart teh game with however many pieces you had left and your opponent starts with a fresh board. it is an apt comparison

Also, pertaining to the first question, How do you think it affects the person's mind as they choose whether to play it out with their favorite character or just by picking a top tier?

if they are playing who they like, they are liking the game. if they are defaulting to a top tier, they have regressed to the point where they dislike the game, dislike their favorite char, and are just trying to win, and in their heads prove the game broken because any top tier can win. have yet to see any of these people win major tourneys though

mmm more good questions :)


Mar 27, 2009

How many bookcases are in your house?

Do you like roller-coasters?

Do you care about the storyline/character development in video games?

A guilty pleasure...?

Tell me about a beloved childhood memory, please...?

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas

Do you watch LOST? and if so are you Lost?

i used to, not anymore

What's your favorite Myth Busters episode?

oh gosh, i really liked the myth of a gun shooting through a guys balls, then hitting a woman in the ******, and it inseminated her lol

How many bookcases are in your house?

way too many, the one in my room doesnt even lie flat to the wall cause it has too many books

Do you like roller-coasters?

**** no

Do you care about the storyline/character development in video games?

i didnt used to, but i do a bit more now. but to me the number one thing about a game i look for is how fun it is, which storyline really doesnt matter to, but more about overall gameplay and difficulty

A guilty pleasure...?


Tell me about a beloved childhood memory, please...?

playing final fantasy 4/6 when i was told by my parents i couldnt play it cause it would be too hard for me :)
10 answers


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
C'mon, ~auto, step it up.

EDIT: Nvm, my vote goes to Kyoshi. We already did Kenny, I'm ********.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
I'm sad that I forgot about this thread.

I should jump back into the question asking stuffz.


Smash Legend
Jun 4, 2009
Arcata, CA
C'mon, ~auto, step it up.

EDIT: Nvm, my vote goes to Kyoshi. We already did Kenny, I'm ********.

Anyways today is the last day to ask the raptor questions so yeah get to it if you haven't. Also nominate your pick for the next interview. FZ, alt and Kyosh are tied with one vote.


Mar 27, 2009
errr.......Id like to see uh... Alt!


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
Darn, missed Stealth..


Conservative or Liberal?

Hot or Cold?

Turkey or Ham?

Ash or Gary?

Red version or Blue version?

Final Fantasy or Mario?

What was your first tourney like? How'd you do?




umm. More to come. Maybe. Or not.


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Oh, I almost forgot it was alt's turn!

I'll post some questions before I leave tonight.


Mar 27, 2009
How did you come up with the name altairian?

Like Ive asked everyone, what kinda girl does the Alt like?

Ice cream or Cookies?

Kaylo or Stealth? and tell me why :o

Ill try agian to actually think of good questions. It's bound to happen eventually.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2009
Ballston Spa, NY
Just got home from a very...interesting...tourney lol, too awake to get to sleep yay driving 4+ hours. So some answers!

Darn, missed Stealth..


Conservative or Liberal?
I'm not much in to politics and the like, but I believe for the most part my views would be considered liberal.

Hot or Cold?
Hot, for sure.

Turkey or Ham?
umm...lol it depends. Turkey is fantastic (thanksgiving is the greatest food holiday ever :p ), but ham sandwiches/subs are pretty good too.

Ash or Gary?
Ash. Gary was a ****head.

Red version or Blue version?
I hate to disappoint but I really didn't play the really old school pokemon games =(

Final Fantasy or Mario?
Definitely Final Fantasy. I took time off work just to play FFXIII >_>

What was your first tourney like? How'd you do?
It was kinda crappy honestly. I didn't know anyone so I mostly sat around and watched people play, and I got completely wrecked. I lost to a Marth and a Wolf. Marth is still a nightmare, but I haven't gotten to come up against a Wolf now that I've learned to play =(

YEAH! Some ******* nearly blinded me driving behind me with their brights on like a mile before I got home! That **** makes me sooooo mad.

The internet is serious business.

Sorry I don't really enjoy canned meats!

How did you come up with the name altairian?
It comes from a short story my best friend wrote when we were in 6th grade. It was inspired by The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and he made all of our friends in to various alien characters and such, and the character based off me was from Altair. When I needed a username for AOL (that's right, get@my dialup when I was in middle school!) like a year later, that was the first thing that came to mind =)

Like Ive asked everyone, what kinda girl does the Alt like?
Cute, fun-loving, talkative girls are the best. Oh and they pretty much have to be in to gaming/anime at least a little, or we'd probably have nothing to talk about lol

Ice cream or Cookies?
Cookies! Believe it or not I'm actually not a big fan of ice cream. Except soft serve. mmmmm soft serve...

Kaylo or Stealth? and tell me why :o
I'm gonna have to go with KayLo!
Stealth seems cool but I've actually met KLO! and gotten to play her/hang out with her for a bit so she wins this one.

What music do you listen to?
Lots of different genres. Metal and Techno are probably my top 2, but I like at least some music in any genre. Even country even though it's uncool and even rap despite being a super white nerd boy. ;)

White, milk, or dark chocolate?

Walk in, see this

What do you do?
I tell her that I love her but I can't deny my dream to be a pokemon master any longer, take the pokeball from her and set out on my journey to catch 'em all.

Any serious pet peeves?
Oh god so many, lol. To name a couple: when people say "loose" when they really mean "lose" (haven't seen this one much lately, but one that I saw daily back when I played starcraft and warcraft 3 and even world of warcraft >< ). Also tons of dumb/annoying/dangerous things people do when driving. Such as my above rage about the dude driving with his brights on. So many ****ers do that, even on the highway (kids don't drive with your brights on on the highway, it's not necessary to see and it blinds the other drivers! :p ) and it really ticks me off lol. I'm convinced that one day I'm going to get thrown in jail for road rage.

Keep the questions coming! :D


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I'm gonna have to go with KayLo!
Stealth seems cool but I've actually met KLO! and gotten to play her/hang out with her for a bit so she wins this one.
I could be civil and gracious and not say anything..... but nah.

<marquee>HA HA STEALTH, I WON!!!! ALT LIKES ME BETTER!!!! YAY FOR ME!! I'M THE BEST!!!</marquee>

Jkjk, I'm just messin around, lol.

EDIT: Alt, I'll think of some questions for you by tonight. =X

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
what are some of your hobbies?

what are you going to school for/want to be when you get out of school?

what kind of car do you drive (if any?)

how long have you played smash?

what made you/influenced you to pick up smash?

who do you use besides pikachu?

why do i think of the pokemon altaria when i read your name?

there you go :lick:

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
Mr. Alt:

If I met you in person, would you shake.....wait a minute...
Why Pikachu?
Did you Melee?
Do you miss Pichu?
Best tourney accomplishment?
Worst tourney failure?
Who is your cell phone provider?
If you could have any woman for a day, and have her do anything and everything you say, who would it be and why?
What do you do outside of Smash?

I think that's all for now.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
I'll ask five questions.

Why five? Because I can:

1) What's your favorite cereal to eat without milk?
2) Is that Shana in your sig? If not, who is it?
3) What's the anime you like the least?
4) Who's the fastest thing alive?
5) What kind of Pokemon are you?
Bonus) How do you do the things you do?


Smash Legend
Jun 4, 2009
Arcata, CA
If you could use Reshuffle on anyone who would it be?
What are you currently listening to?
Do you know why Ramon from KoF wears an eye patch? Because I do.
What color is your GC controller?
How is your journey to self improvement going?
If you still lived in San Diego would you come chill with me?
Isn't ice cream with cereal legit?
Are you stoked about the world cup this summer?
Should I watch Air instead of Yakkitate?
Would you change your name to Nacho Bernal or to Tim Bernstein?
Are there any bands/artists that you like but you're embarrassed to say you do?
How fast can you run a mile?
Serin or Werekill?
Would you fry some tilapia for me and my Filipino friend?
Who should go next?
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