Deleted member

Theory 1
Ok, so right off the bat, you and I notice the quality of these screens. They're not so good. My theory is that these screens were taken quite early in development of the game and were put on the site to test some stuff out. Apparently, they forgot to take them down. Also, the 3DS screens do not have outlines, also concerning the early development part.
Theory 2
The stages Pichu are shown on all appear to be stages from past games. What I think is that they just ported those stages and then used them for prototype testing. Because I don't think they will have Melee stages in Smash 4, similar to Brawl not having N64 stages. But take a look at the stage on the 2nd screen. I don't think we've seen that place before. But what place is it? Again, testing purposes I'm assuming.
So, that is what I could dig up on this. Whether it's a hoax or real image, is beyond me. Tell me what you guys think.