UFO: I've beaten Chu in dittos, more than once. Of course it depends on your def. of beaten, because he always pauses and resets before he dies, the *******, LoL. The only proof I could think to give you is to ask him. All in all though, it's really not a HUGE accomplishment. Like you guys said, being somewhat new to the char, his metagame still needs improvement. And how would/could someone "challenge" you for the title, Delphiki? SOS talks about his Pichu all the time, and everyone down here says it's good as well, but I've never seen it, so w/e. I saw you at the last UCLA tourny and wanted to play you bad; sorry I missed you. You gonna be at the next one? If so, we'll def get some matches in then, Pichu battles or other-wise...