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Photoshopped Characters


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
No it's not, Metroid is 10 ten times more popular than Mother.

Edit: Not really, that's more of a maybe, since both Falco and Wolf are on the same ground. Besides, adding 4 characters to the star fox roster while insane, is worth it, why? it wouldn't need more future tweaking.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Are you ********? or just ignorant? have you at least played Metroid Prime 2? Dark Samus is very far from being a clone.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
Are you ********? or just ignorant? have you at least played Metroid Prime 2? Dark Samus is very far from being a clone.
I haven't played MP2 but I have played MP3, she is a samus who glides and has a hyperbeam, and I'm not retarted to put up with your ****, no one is insulting you to make such a childish and stupid statement but to each their own so :p and Metroid is much more popular in America than Japan fyi


Smash Lord
Oct 5, 2007
No it's not, Metroid is 10 ten times more popular than Mother.

Edit: Not really, that's more of a maybe, since both Falco and Wolf are on the same ground. Besides, adding 4 characters to the star fox roster while insane, is worth it, why? it wouldn't need more future tweaking.
Are you serious Earthbound/Mother just isn't that popular here because it's not out here. And id rather see M3 characters over Starfox it def has alot more originality then Star Fox, I mean c'mon a ***** with a stick and 3 ****** runnin around shootin yellin Hiyaaaa!!!

I'd rather see other characters...


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
@ Vesperview:

Ok, Sorry about the "you're ********", aniway, Dark Samus is not a clone, i haven't played Metroid Prime 3 yet, but in Prime 2 he was Veryyyy diferent than Samus, come on... he became invincible.

And you're wrong, Metroid PRIME is more popular in America, not the Metroid Series, that kinda explains that Ridley is the second most whanted character for brawl.


Yeah, it's NOT popular. the end. And about the Star Fox thing, that's just your personal opinion. But Star Fox would deserve more characters than Mother. It's more popular.


Smash Lord
Oct 5, 2007
@ Vesperview:

Yeah, it's NOT popular. the end. And about the Star Fox thing, that's just your personal oinion. But Star Fox would deserve more characters than Mother. It's more popular.
But they pick charcters upon originality, just because for example PIKMIN series is more popular then Mother doesn't mean they should have more characters...
What we should have 4 reps for Pikmin too... Captain Olimar, Green pikmin, blue pikmin, red pikmin, oh yeah they can ALL have different movesets...


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
But they pick charcters upon originality, just because for example PIKMIN series is more popular then Mother doesn't mean they should have more characters...
What we should have 4 reps for Pikmin too... Captain Olimar, Green pikmin, blue pikmin, red pikmin, oh yeah they can ALL have different movesets...
Claus has a good chance of making it in and Pokey as a Boss, apparently...Maybe some kind of tribute to Ness...but I'm starting to believe no PC Rep for him...A stage and subspace area but no other characters than that


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
You're Wrong.

Just look at the number of characters each franchise has, Mario around 5, Pokemon 4, Zelda 4, etc etc.

ANd the Pikmin argument is just stupid, since Olimar is the ONLY possible PC from the pikmin series. Even if it is more popular.


Smash Lord
Oct 5, 2007
You're Wrong.

Just look at the number of characters each franchise has, Mario around 5, Pokemon 4, Zelda 4, etc etc.

ANd the Pikmin argument is just stupid, since Olimar is the ONLY possible PC from the pikmin series. Even if it is more popular.
Okay but why waste a slot on for say.. Falco and make a WHOLE new moveset for him(Gannondorf exception) when there are characters like Claus who have enough potential from the game their in without having to tweak an already existing (clone unoriginal)moveset, oh it's more popular GIVE ME ALL THE CLONES I don't want anything that would be interesting.. save the spot for Wolf because he doesn't look just like Fox...


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Oh no... I suppot Claus, but besides Lucas, Claus and Pokey as boss. I don't think we'll get more Mother Reps, maybe Ness... but i doubt it. And i think Falco could be taken out for Wolf, just because Wolf is the villain and Falco was already in Melee.

Of course i still believe we should get the 4 reps...


Smash Lord
Oct 5, 2007
I'm just saying just because a game is popular shouldn't mean that they should automatically have the most reps.. in Melee no one knew Fire Emblem at all in America(maybe a select few) and they had two. i don't see why they should limit Mother characters just for the fact that alot of people don't know about it, I mean it has been making it's representation in the Smash Franchise since the N64... Because IMO i'd rather see Poo over seeing Falco fly again...


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
That was Special, IIRC Sakurai was going to add Sigurd as a Japan only character, but someone(i don't really remember who, but i could say Miyamoto) told Sakurai to add Marth(the first lord) and Roy to bump the sales for the newest FE game, then Sakurai decided to make the 2 characters international.

Of course i'm not really sure if that was exactly what happened, but it was along those lines.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
looks a bit more like Ninten to me...(the hair is the real difference between the two...)


Smash Cadet
Sep 25, 2007
^^^Link's hair :urg:

Where did you get the Ness Picture?
Sorry haven't come by smashboards over the weekend, anyway to answer your question, I got it from the Ness thread here at smashboards, I think it looks really cool.


Smash Rookie
Oct 1, 2007
Since this thread is called "Photoshopped Characters" I'd figure I should post this here...

if you can't see this image, go here (also for a bigger image)


O.K., I know I am going to get a lot of people screaming at me for the characters I put in there, or ones that I didn't. It's hard to please everyone even with a 44 character roster, so here are all my reasons...

Pit: In already.

Mario: In already.

Luigi: Face it, it would be so easy to give Luigi the moveset from Luigi's Mansion, and he is becoming a stand alone character more and more. This is an almost definite.

Bowser: In already.

Bowser Jr.: This was a hard choice, but I eventually put him in because of his constant appearance in other games and his paintbrush giving a unique moveset, (possibly a Down + B Shadow Mario transformation.

Peach: In already.

Wario: In already.

Yoshi: In already.

Snake: In already.

Diddy: In already.

Donkey Kong: In already.

King K. Rool: This was another hard choice, I thought the DK series needed another representative and Dixie would have been a near clone, so King K. Rool took the spot. It would fiil Sakurai's "Villain" quota and is a somewhat popular character. But even now I am not sure if I should have added him.

Link: Already in.

Zelda: Already in.

Gannondorf: Come on, Gannondorf has been proved a fun villain to face off with. His Final Smash could be somewhat similar to Bowser's, with a Gannon transformation, but clearly wouldn't move and attack the same. All Gannondorf needs is a unique moveset and he is in.

Skull Kid: This was, I think, the hardest choice of them all. With a spot left for the replacment of Young Link, Skull Kid and WindWaker Link were nominees for the spot. All in all, WW Link would have been a near clone, (in my eyes), and Skull Kid would have a very interesting moveset. So, Skull Kid FTW.

Midna: Yes, she is in her Imp-like form because she is in that form for almost the entire Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess game. LoZ: TP is the newest and most say the best LoZ to grace a video game console. So, it needs representation, and Midna was the best choice. Now if she has Wolf-form Link or not, that is up for grabs, I am not designing the game (sadly) just a roster.

Krystal: Most likely weilding her staff from StarFox: Adventures, a polearm would be very refreshing and fun to throw in the mix. She also helps thew "Female" quota that Sakurai wanted.

Wolf: I think Wolf would replace Falco as being a more poular character, and could possibly have a more unique moveset. Also fills the "Villian" quota.

Fox: Already in.

Lucas: Already in. Almost definite replacing Ness.

Ice Climbers:


Smash Cadet
Dec 16, 2006
That is a very good selection screen, especially the platform the characters at the bottom are on. I agree with your roster except Skull Kid, Wolf, King K. Rool, G+W, Soma Cruz, and Ray 01. Lol


Smash Rookie
Oct 1, 2007
Ice Climbers: Already in.

Pikachu: Already in.

Jigglypuff: One of the original 12. She got in over Gardivour (I think I spelled that right). Gardivour seemed to be a good choice because I wanted a representative from every generation Pokémon.

Mewtwo: Sadly, I think he will be in. He won over Tyranitar (a rep from the 2nd generation). Even now I look at it and say "Why did I put him in?" But, Mewtwo would be fun to play with if he had is own unique moveset.

Pokémon Trainer: Already in.

Lucario: The best rep for 4th generation Pokémon which needs a rep; it's almost as a milestone for Pokémon. This is must.

Isaac: Best rep from Golden Sun... and... yea.

King Dedede: "Villian" quota, and another rep from the Kirby series. And, it would be fun as hell to play with.

Kirby: Already in.

Captain Falcon: Already in, well, almost.

Ike: Already in.

Micaiah: "Female" quota and a light magic user. The Fire Emblem needs at least two representatives and this was the best choice given the circumstances.

Mr. Game & Watch: Please don't hurt me. Mr G&W is a very retro character and reps Nintendo's past. Just because he is 2D is no reason he should be booted. Also he has the one of the most unique movesets.

Samus: Already in.

Zero Suit Samus: I didn't put here on the menu the same reason Shiek isn't on the SSBM menu. It's a transformation.

Ridley: "Villian" quota and the best second representitive for the Metroid Prime series. Dark Samus wouln't be an exact clone but a clone nontheless. Trace almost got the spot but Ridley won notheless.

Meta Knight: Because he's f'ing awesome, oh, and because he's already in.

Bomberman: This was a hard choice but I believe his signature bombs would bring more fun to the overall gameplay. And he would be the rep for his series.

Soma Cruz: Castlevania needs a representative, now. And his abilities would make one of the most unique movesets.

Mii: How fun would it be to Volt Tackle your mom, or Falcon Punch Hitler in the face (from IGN)? With Mii's being a near trademark of the Wii, it's a near must. Thier attacks could be from the Wii Sports and Play. For example, a Left + B could be a bowling ball attack.

Sonic: 3rd Party members are a go with Snake in the mix, and Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games are Nintendo finnally mixing the two. Think about it, it will also increase the Sonic character status because all his recent games suck.

C. Olimar: The best rep from the popular Pikmin series, he is also a VERY poular candidate.

Ray 01: A popular candidate and the best rep from Custom Robo. Not have played Custom Robo myself, I went with the public opinion (not the silent majority lol).


Smash Lord
Aug 15, 2007
Very scary ruins
Yes! this thread is alive again! does this ooze the clown have a smashboards account? he should post his stuff here too!


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2007
I've seen those before somewhere. It's fake because of the background, it doesn't match the one in the names update.


Smash Lord
Oct 5, 2007
It looks like a piece of **** with no detail, good thing you're not making the characters.
Just like your piece of **** n00b sig, i'm sure you made that yourself too, **** ***, no talent c0ckworm, you can't even blend right so you used an outer glow n00b *****.
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