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Over Hyped means Over Rated


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Link to original post: [drupal=1153]Over Hyped means Over Rated[/drupal]

Whenever I see a game with a ton a hype around it I instantly know that when the first reviews come out they're never lower than a nine (well, there have been acceptations but still). But then after all of the hype is gone and people aren't blinded by it they realize that it really isn't that good of a game.

Remember how excited everyone was when Brawl was in development? Remember the waiting, the anticipation until it came out and all of the hype? The game got nines and tens across the board. And then time passes.... and then the many flaws in the game are found and pointed out, such as Snake's hit box of doom. Not so perfect now, eh professional critics?

Another example I would like to point out is Halo 3, which is perhaps the most over hyped game in the history of gaming. If I owned a 360 I probably would have been would have been sucked into the zombie-like state of "must... buy.... Halo 3...." but no, I made the smart choice and choose Sony's neglected little gem called the PS3 which kicks the *** of the 360 to hell and back. Okay, back on topic. It's probably because of the this little fact that I didn't buy into it, and when my friend bought it and we played a few games of multi-player and co-op campaign I really didn't see what the big deal was. But no, my 360-loving friend zealously praised it as the best game ever. Two years after the fact he goes and sells it.

Hype is like an enchantress, luring innocent little fans into a belief that what she has to offer is greater than even the riches of King Salomon. But then after her spell has worn off the fans realize that they wasted usually around $60 on something that they could have spent on something better, like Prince of Persia: Sands of Time or Paper Mario or something actually good. This is why I always ignore hype and don't play the game that's being hyped until at minimum a year after it's come out. Of course, there's been a few exceptions but I don't make the mistake of buying into hype often. So when you see a score for a game that's been hyped and just came out, chop off two points and that's usually a more accurate score.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
Hype definitely does affect our opinions of games. Personally, I've done decently well of not letting it raise my expectations too much. Brawl was my most-hyped, and I still love it, 11 months later. But there have been games that were less than I hoped.

But your thing about Halo, just because you don't personally enjoy a game doesn't make it any less awesome. I'm no Halo fan either. I think the FPS genre is vastly overrated. I'll take an good adventure or even an RPG over that any and every day of the week. But I don't think Halo unworthy of great scores just because I don't personally enjoy it much. It's just not for me.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Cantinero, deme mas cermesaa!
I do play FPS. I've played all the Halo games, Call of duty 3 to 5, my first FPS was Golden Eye.

I'm just saying that Halo is a great fps, but its far from the perfect 10.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
But your thing about Halo, just because you don't personally enjoy a game doesn't make it any less awesome.
I did enjoy playing it, I just didn't see what the big deal was. I thought it was an awesome game, but not so awesome that I would be drinking out of a can of Mt. Dew with Master Chief on it to promote it nor would I give it a 10.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Do I know any professional C. Falcon mains? No, I don't care for professionals. And while I don't know any names, I can tell you that everyone I've met who mains C. Falcon acts superior and condescending to others.

And besides, I have a right to be spiteful toward one like yourself. After all, I spend time writing up a blog post and the first thing you say upon reading it is,

Stop being biased.
So then I reply with asking you why you say that, in a statement (a somewhat crass one but one none the less). Then you accuse me of being vindictive. You're a great ambassador of the C. Falcon mains community, you know that?


Smash Marketer
Jan 6, 2009
Anyways, yeah, I know what you mean. Chrono Trigger DS was hyped. I don't feel like replaying it after I've beaten it. There just... isn't a point, really. But games that get less attention are the best. Kirby Super Star Ultra? Not much info before release. It's awesome. The console versions of Spider-Man games? Not good scores. DS version no one hears about until just 1-2 months before release? Best scores of the bunch. Scribblenauts? How many people have heard of it? But it's likely to be awesome. Why? Who doesn't like making any noun they write pop into the game to solve puzzles? (Dragon FTW) Then there's Avalon Code. I'm pretty sure almost no one here has heard of it, but its graphics are among, if not, the best on the DS. It's like a mini console game! You can mess with the codes of enemies and people, effectively removing the code from a sick girl and putting it on an invincible monster, or putting it on your sword, bomb, whatever for poison weapons. It's so awesome, but it's not hyped because not much people have heard of it, nor do they care to look for it.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Anyways, yeah, I know what you mean. Chrono Trigger DS was hyped. I don't feel like replaying it after I've beaten it. There just... isn't a point, really. But games that get less attention are the best. Kirby Super Star Ultra? Not much info before release. It's awesome. The console versions of Spider-Man games? Not good scores. DS version no one hears about until just 1-2 months before release? Best scores of the bunch. Scribblenauts? How many people have heard of it? But it's likely to be awesome. Why? Who doesn't like making any noun they write pop into the game to solve puzzles? (Dragon FTW) Then there's Avalon Code. I'm pretty sure almost no one here has heard of it, but its graphics are among, if not, the best on the DS. It's like a mini console game! You can mess with the codes of enemies and people, effectively removing the code from a sick girl and putting it on an invincible monster, or putting it on your sword, bomb, whatever for poison weapons. It's so awesome, but it's not hyped because not much people have heard of it, nor do they care to look for it.
I remember reading about Avalon Code, I just wish I had a DS so I could play it.

I know what you mean, like three upcoming games that I'm particularly interested are Edge of Twilight, ****ation and Eat Lead. I doubt that most people have even heard of those games.
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