Next big Monthly happening in Eugene September 27th at the UO. More details to come.
The UO Smash weeklies are starting again, we held the fall '14 debut yesterday at the Global Scholar Hall where they will be held - Matt said he has Sundays available so looking at Sunday Smashfests there.
Since UO weeklies are happening, the Springfield weeklies look like they may come to an end, this friday is canceled - hopefully see everyone at UO GSH and on the big tournament the 27th.
Just a bit of criticism about the video posted: Overall very sensible play, spacing looks pretty good but option of attack could be better - this could be from a "hard finger" play where most inputs are hard inputs, dashes/smashes/etc.; try to relax the hands and get more tilts and walks in it helps with the spacing and less "nooby" attack options (i.e. raw smash attacks).
Also, I like the Ninja tag.
I didn't watch most of it because I am working and a bit busy, but I'll try to return to it at another time.