So here's a question for all of you guys. Had this on my mind the other day and though it would make for interesting discussion.
A common talking point in why people think a new Advance Wars can't happen is because of "Intelligent Systems not wanting to do two turn-based strategy games" and "would rather do other genre's instead". All that jazz even though i'm highly skeptical of that given we've seen plenty of studio's who've managed two series in the same genre just fine and no comment from IntSys even suggests this.
But lets say hypothetically Advance Wars did get revived but instead, it came from a different development studio. Out of all these studio's, which ones do you think would...
A) Handle the series best?
B) Would make it reach levels it's never seen before?
Granted we don't know if any of these studio's even want to do a TBS game at all but lets say they were willing to take on Advance Wars.
Nintendo Studio's
Monolith Soft: This might seem odd to some but I honestly think the Wars IP could be done justice in Monolith's hands. I mean Wars isn't too far off from being an RPG and all so it might be something up their alley. Of course that would mean a new AW in the artstyle of XC2 which i'm not exactly thrilled about lol. Regardless, this is something I would be interested in seeing.
Camelot: Imagine both Advance Wars and Golden Sun being done by the same studio? Camelot is renowned for their work on the Shining Force series so it wouldn't be as much of a stretch. Personally speaking tho, I wouldn't want this if only to get Camelot working on a new Golden Sun instead lol.
Retro Studio's: They've handled plenty of Nintendo IP before that originated in Japan (DK & Metroid games). I'm sure they could do well with this IP although it might be difficult in between DK/Metroid releases.
Next Level Games: Another western choice for this like Retro. They could take fun, creative liberties like they did with Mario Strikers.
Alpha Dream: I suppose Alpha having AW would make their IP lineup mirror that of IntSys. Both with their respective Mario RPG series and their own TBS series. I wonder if that's something they could do or be interested in?
Game Freak: This is a very oddball choice. It's not something I would be thrilled about especially after the Sword & Shield controversy but man if they somehow got a Pokemon X Advance Wars crossover that would do wonders for the Wars series!
Third Party Studio's
Platinum Games: This might be something up their alley. They're a really creative studio and maybe they could take this franchise to levels not seen before?
Chucklefish: Well this is a no-brainer after Wargroove. If there was one third-party studio I could say with confidence who could take this IP, CF would do this franchise the justice it deserves.
Ubisoft: Mario Rabbids Batle Kingdom anyone? Kinda funny given AW was an inspiration for the devs. I would be interested in Ubisofts take on the franchise if that ever did happen.
Capcom: I actually think this would work great. Capcom has worked on Nintendo IP before (think back to the Oracle/Minish Cap Zelda games). Also, Ace Attorney is a very "Advance Wars" like game in terms of it's setting & tone so if a new AW was made in the style of AA that would be amazing.
Bandai Namco: Another idea that I don't think is particularly likely especially with Smash stuff and what have you. Still, it's an idea I guess.
Atlus: I would throw this idea out there but it's more likely that it gets passed over in favor of more Persona games similar to poor Shin Megami Tensai.

But still, I think Atlus would do a pretty good job with the IP.