Uber Canteen
+Can also be used in the Day
+Makes user immune to all forms of death and any actions for that phase
-Good actions used on you are denied as well
Butterfly Knife
+Grants a one-shot kill for the user
100% success rate for Spies, 25% success rate for Heavies, and 50% success rate for other classes.
+Blows the target backwards, roleblocking them and 25% chance of killing them
Bonk! Atomic Punch
+Makes user immune to all forms of death that Night
-Cannot perform any Night-actions
+Allows user to use their Night-action twice instead of once that Night
Disciplinary Action
+Allows the user to select one other player that Night to use their Night-actions twice instead of once
-Only works on members of the same team
+Chance of roleblocking someone for that phase
75% success rate for Scouts, 25% success rate for other classes.
Pain Train
+Grants the user an additional vote
-Every vote on them counts as having one more as well
only be used in the Day.
Takes effect the following Day phase:
+Grants the user death-immunity the following Night if they vote for someone who gets lynched
-Cannot use any other action or item until it successfully takes effect
+Can kill a player if they have been set on fire that Night
Flare Gun
Sets a player on fire.
Dries up a wet player.
Neon Annihilator
+Can instantly kill a player that is wet
Mad Milk
Makes a player wet.
Extinguishes a player on fire.
Solemn Vow
+One-shot Role Cop check
-You will not get your results until the beginning of the Night
-Your target will be notified as to exactly who knows their role
only be used in the Day.
+Keeping this in the user's inventory automatically protects them from a kill from a Butterfly Knife
Stout Shako
It's a hat!
Steel Shako
For all intents and purposes, any non-Robot player will mistake this for a Stout Shako.
Rock, Paper, Scissors Taunt
When used on a target, they are prompted as to whether or not they'd like to play Rock-Paper-Scissors with you.
+If you win, they die
-If you lose, you die
If you tie, nothing happens.