The second midman weekly
This event will be a Project Melee ONLY tournament but with Singles, Doubles, and a crew battle at the end
It will be held at underground gaming, located on 7586 South 84th Street La Vista, NE 68128. Need help finding it let me know.
Time: Friday 13, 2015
Sign ups/Friendlies: 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Break: 7:45pm - 8:15pm
Doubles: (Sign ups end 6:00pm)
Start: 6:15pm - 9:30pm
Singles: (Sign ups end 7:00pm)
Start: 7:15pm - 10:30pm
Crew Battle: 10:45pm - 11:30pm
Venue Fee: $3
Don't get to scared now, there are many ways to get past the venue fee. If you do one of the following things it will make the fee either cheaper or free.
1. Bring a set up of the game we are playing that night. In this case if you bring a working Project Melee set up, (Wii with Brawl and SD card with Project Melee version 3.5) than you will not have to pay a venue fee.
2. Buy something from the underground gaming store at least for a $1 or more and show me the item you have purchased. Can be as simple as a drink, food, or even cards. That item is your pass for the fee.
3. Bring a set up that is not being played that night in this case a Wii U with Smash 4 WITH a Gamecube adaptor (will not take setup without) or a Wii/Gamecube with melee and memory card, but this will only get the venue fee down to $1.
Optional: Can use 2 and 3 at the same time.
Pot Bonus: Total $100+
Singles: Total $65
1st: $30
2nd: $20
3rd: $10
4th: $5
Doubles: Total $34
1st: $10 Each
2nd: $5 Each
3rd: $2 Each
Crew battle: $1+
Team that wins, each player will get $1
Let everyone know now. This money is coming out of my own pocket so pot bonuses will most likely become less of an occasion as time passes. Will possibly switch to an entry fee and divide out the prize through percentage.
Rule Set for Project Melee:
Sign up:
Doubles: Message me your doubles partner.
Any question let me know. I will try to address them as fast as I can.