Naruto: An annoyed Sasuke charges in to strike down the Raikage. One of Raikage's subordinates puts up a water wall and then an electric current goes through and strikes down Sasuke. Im not sure if Sasuke's electricity backfired due to the water or if Raikage hit Sasuke. Despite, Sasuke is down. The lightning shinobi know all of Sasuke abilities already and Suigetsu is shocked. The other subordinate uses genjutsu on Sasuke's team. Sasuke gets out of the genjutsu with ease via Sharingan. Raikage rushes in and throws a punch at Sasuke. Suigetsu gets in the way and takes the hit for Sasuke. Zabusa's sword gets broken in two and Suigetsu's arm breaks into many many water pieces. Suigetsu comments that the punch would have broken any other person (Suigetsu is made of water so he didnt die). The dude who used the water wall says he's gonna go look for Karin. Hearing this, Juugo activates his curse seal and his personality alters into Crazy Juugo. Raikage isnt impressed. End.
Bleach: The chapter begins with a flashback from Barragan. Aizen, Gin and Tousen approach Barragan offering him a sword and telling him he is theirs now or something. He says he's the King of Hueco Mundo and wont come with Aizen. Gin and Tousen kill all of Barragan's subordinates then they take Barragan. He claims he will be the one to kill Aizen. Goes back to the present. While Barragan is turning into nothingness, Aizen doesnt even acknowledge his death and the other two Espada are disgusted by this. Stark says something like "Something like that is unforgivable, but I have to continue fighting." End.
One Piece: Oars Jr is still rampaging around. He plows through the marines like they're nothing even bypassing the Marine Giants with ease. A bunch of pirates go into the bay after Oars Jr (Oars made a big hole for them to get in). Hancock kills them all by stoning them and then kicking/crushing their statues. She also kills a couple marines stating that she has no allies and all men are her enemy. Oars Jr stops to talk to Whitebeard for a second. Whitebeard tells him he will die if he keeps charging in without thought. Oars says he owes Ace a lot so he wont stop until he saves Ace. He continues to go forth. He is attacked by three Shichibukai, Kuma, Doflamingo and Moria. Kuma hits him first with something, I forget what. Doflamingo comes in and slices Oars' leg off. Moria is pissed since he wanted Oars' body but since he doesnt have a leg anymore, he says Oars is useless. He stabs Oars through the heart. End.