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Olimar is for C-Sticking N00bs imo.


Smash Cadet
Dec 30, 2007
I'm sure thats enough to lure you in :p

But seriously, just the other day I was making certain friends of mine a bit erm..well angry, lol its like a mini smash boards here at times, when something seems hard or "impossible" to beat it "broken" or "they should have fixed this!" etc. etc. Excuses..

But I do C-stick, (even to do my charged stuff, flick it and hold A lol) but I was bashed for doing so, and was told to do Olimar's other attacks. I gave a blank stare..what others?

<-F-> B? Do it all the time
Up B (combo with grabs)
Down B ..(SAF and pikmin recall)
B pikmin..

ok. then my smash attacks? I mean, I may be crazy, but when your opponent is at 90%+ I think I would attempt to start to KO

Obviously I am talking in a sarcastic tone, but overall, and the point of the thread is to ask you Olimar players, have you been bashed, ripped apart, or just yelled out for spamming your disgusting fast smash attacks? (cmon that F->A smash / Up-A is godly)

oh yeah, and according to my friends, olimar is EZ MODE, so you know, sorry fellow oli players, you think you have skill managing pikmin, lining them up for combos, and comboing into strategic gameplay, but your really just a smash attack C-Sticking spammer, who needs to learn to play characters that aren't broken..


EDIT: He's a Ness user ;)



Apr 10, 2008
oh yeah, and according to my friends, olimar is EZ MODE, so you know, sorry fellow oli players, you think you have skill managing pikmin, lining them up for combos, and comboing into strategic gameplay, but your really just a smash attack C-Sticking spammer, who needs to learn to play characters that aren't broken..


EDIT: He's a Ness user ;)

Actually, I use c-stick set on attack, so i can't really spam it,(even if it was set on smashes, I'd be foolish to spam them unconsciously) and if your friends can't ever beat a spamming olimar, then they need to QUIT winning and get more practice. Olimar is a very hard character to get used to fighting. And he's much harder to use efficiently from my standpoint. Olimar users need more skill than a lot of characters to use them effectively and to their full potential. The lineup is very important and after maining him for about two months, I'm still not good at using it to its full potential. No-one I've seen is even close yet. And no-one will for about another half a year or so.

According to the unofficial tier lists in the tier list threads, there's around an average of 7 or more characters more "broken" than olimar. Go argue your point [that he's the most broken character] and put him at the top of your tier list. I can guarantee they'll laugh at you and call you a troll. Olimar's not broken, he's just hard to adapt to. If you want to talk "broken", go off to the MK forums and talk to them.

All in all, Olimar has many weaknesses, but even more strengths. I've posted in the matchup forum that I think Olimar is a HARD counter to ness before you even posted this ridiculous thread. No-one seems to disagree with me either.

And I almost forgot-
to anyone who agrees with Newtwarrior-Quit coming here to complain.

/end thread please.


Smash Cadet
Dec 30, 2007
"Obviously I am talking in a sarcastic tone"

lol, I wasn't complaining in the least I MAIN OLIMAR and I have been since brawls release ;) (seriously I was the only Olimar player on the release tourney rofl)

it was more of a "Have you been in my shoes" type of thread, were your constantly bashed for doing what olimar does a character ;) (seriously saying Pikmin throw is a cheap way to win..camp kite..etc..) is a bit ridiculous no?


Why so aggressive ?


Apr 10, 2008
Sorry, I'm just pissed that so many people come in to this forum and complain about Olimar: "WTF YOU SUCK YOU NOOB SPAMMER!!!" This is the usual. Search these forums for the word noob and it'll come up much more often than on most character's threads.

Seriously though, ness is REALLY bad against olimar. Have them be wolf, rob, or somethin.


Smash Cadet
Dec 30, 2007
S'ok, I've seen them, I tend to lurk more than post. ;)

Olimar online is a coin toss, lag during pikmin spam and its game over for your opponent, lag anywhere else, its hard to manage pikmin >.<


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2007
Olimar is the BEST CHARACTER...online

I'd say Ike is.

To stay on topic... Yes, his C-Stick smash is good play, it's easier to get two or three smashes at the same time out. However, there are other moves and the others may be better (Tilts?).


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2006
Colonia, NJ
Olimar gets gimped super easy; your friends just suck. Just beat them with other characters too and they'll quit whining about Olimar.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
I can't say this has ever happened to me when I play olimar. I really do spam the smash times. Sometimes I do it because it is easy and effective while others I do it to try and put some distance between me and my opponent.

I never thought Olimar would be such a fun and good character to play as. When I heard him announced on Dojo I thought low tier instantly. He certainly has proved me wrong.

I think this is the beauty of olimar. He is so easy to pick up and do well with but he has a steep learning curve to truly to be good with him.


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
i've been in your shoes.... but its a fact... if you beat your friends non-stop... it won't matter who you use, they will complain. i won a tourny with pit... everyone there said its official, pit is the best character in the game etc.... i play with olimar now.... wht do i hear again? olimar is the cheapest character in the game, i just say ok now haha. another example.. in the beginning of my oli days, i would be grab heavy... all i heard was "olimar's grab range is too goos, and there's no lag" then i started using up smashes more... conveniently i hear, wtf, u killed me at 90%, his up-smash is too good.....

morale of the story... people that aren't as good as you at smash and don't wish to get as serious as others will constantly complain about what they can not defeat due to their lack of skill. i personally love playing people that just c-stick left and right and spam smashes... i call it a free victory.. you know what they will do and once you have a counter, you win because they are only able to do one thing

@shirnk, yes... i am also very tired of seeing the "olimar is a noob" threads... its so annoying that of the characters they choose to target... "mr. hold the ledge and i die" has been a large target for some unseen reason

as far as him being hard to use... for me it was easy, as my friend put it, i just "clicked" with oli, however from seeing how many people have tried to pick up oli and fail miserably, i can say that he isn't the easiest to use.. and to be good with him is even harder, you have to keep track of pikmin, know weather to pikmin throw, grab, smash, maybe you wanna set up a comboe by throwing a pruple and anticipating where they will be when there either hit, or dodge and etc... learning how to play oli in the air is fdifferent than most characters also, esp since a lot of moves can eat through your pikmin thus oli has to have his timing and spacing altered to correctly compete with this... i think i've said enough... sleep time haha


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
Seriously I'd like to see someone win a tournament with Olimar using nothing but csticked smashes. Because this must be like the 100th or so thread on this topic, where the main complaint is about his smash attacks and side b, which aren't his only moves.

Olimar destroys Ness. If all your friends main Ness i guess that makes Olimar easy mode, but your friends could always try to play someone else....


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2007
Madison, Wisconsin
Yes, Olimar is that Godly good. That is why he is on the B or C rank for tournament wins in Japan and not that silly S rank. S rank is for the stupid 'good' characters.

Witty Board Name

Smash Cadet
May 18, 2008
New Jersey
S'ok, I've seen them, I tend to lurk more than post. ;)

Olimar online is a coin toss, lag during pikmin spam and its game over for your opponent, lag anywhere else, its hard to manage pikmin >.<
^^ This

I usually have so much trouble punching in the nescesary moves to kill an opponent with a character so frail and dependant as Olimar.


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2007
Brookings, SD
I this thread should lure R1ngo in to bash on how "olly is broken!!" and "Shrink can do 0 to death kills and that's unfair"...and "pikmin latch is rigged"...and then he can cry about all I do is c-stick everything (I mean seriously - i even c-stick tilts)...

But the point is - people are gonna complain if you lose with anyone - its just the nature of gaming....


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008

If I see a smash-spamming Olimar, I kill the pikmin, force him to start plucking new ones, and attack during the delay.

Tell your friends/whoever's bashing Olimar to try doing that aside from just gimping.

@.@; really, Nana is to Popo as Pikmin is to Olimar.


Smash Rookie
May 20, 2008
I agree that some characters (Pit, Wolf, Fox) are easy to beat mediocre players with, but you have to actually try to take out intelligent enemies. Complaining about awesome foes means you have work to do. Spend more time practicing and less time whining.
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