Well, I'm new to these forums and relatively new to smash in general, so I felt this would be a good place to start. I go by Deinosaur, as that was my alias on a competitive Pokemon forum that I used to be a part of. I started with smash in Melee when I would play with my neighbor, but I never actually purchased the game. And up until now I had only played Brawl sparingly when I was at a party or something, and I was pretty bad. There wasn't a character I liked, and I really had no idea what was going on. About a month ago, I stumbled upon a stream of a Melee tournament where I witnessed players like Wobbles rocking Ice Climbers and Armada using Peach to make professionals look bad. This got me interested, so me and a friend started playing smash quite frequently, but I'm still nowhere near the level I want to reach. I play Ice Climbers, but I'm sure I put them to shame, so I joined to try and learn. If there's any way someone can help me, that'd be awesome!