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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
ohhhhhhhhhhhsnap babac returns the ownage!!!

btw, i posted the lemonade john in a thread called "worst johns" or something like that, lol.

i have also changed my roster...

Temporarily.. no space animals

Marth, Falcon, Mewtwo, Pikachu, IC's...YEUHHHH!!!


Dec 18, 2005
Palo Alto, California
ohhhhhhhhhhhsnap babac returns the ownage!!!

btw, i posted the lemonade john in a thread called "worst johns" or something like that, lol.

i have also changed my roster...

Temporarily.. no space animals

Marth, Falcon, Mewtwo, Pikachu, IC's...YEUHHHH!!!
Coty without space animals? That's silly talk. And it makes me sad because we really don't need another IC player, Rob is too much as it is.

And for the one that asked a couple of pages ago, there is really no criteria in which you can satisfy to become mod. We choose them when the time is right.

Remember you all, try to keep your comments somewhat constructive. I had to hit a few of you with infractions. :)


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
lol, i was actually going to say something to you bryan... but decided against it.. at least i was thinking of you, lol

and i know... its an insane thought, me without fox or falco, but i have good reasons... ill put it this way.. basically, my marth falcon and sheik suck...bad (the three ive been working on the most until the tourney other than fox/falco)... during friendlies, some of the people i played could get my space animals to one or two stock, BUT, as marth or falcon or sheik, i would three stock them almost consistently... its ********, spacies are going the way that sheik did, everybody is learning how to beat them. so im trying to expand... and as you said (not in your post but you know, in person, lol) i have trouble with marth... hence picking up characters he cant chain throw, lol (which you did to me when we played several months back, *******)

so yeah... dont worry... like i said, its only temporary, they'll be back and i still practice with them, im not gonna let them get rusty sitting in the background... they're just resting for a bit


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
Coty without space animals? That's silly talk. And it makes me sad because we really don't need another IC player, Rob is too much as it is.

And for the one that asked a couple of pages ago, there is really no criteria in which you can satisfy to become mod. We choose them when the time is right.

Remember you all, try to keep your comments somewhat constructive. I had to hit a few of you with infractions. :)
i saw wobbles infinite some poor kid in a video, that was already in the process of getting owned. kinda made me laugh, though.

and yeah, infractions make the world go round. so do regional mods. i'm glad there are designated mods for these specific threads since before it seemed like too much work for the few normal mods. i am pretty sure these last few months have been less cluster-f***ed and ******** than, pretty much since i joined. so hurrah.

For the luv(!) of God, man, don't drop Sheik! I need SOMEONE to show me how to use that unholy amalgam of broken hitboxes, needles, and BREAKDANCING! Zelda can only go so far on her own...

And how dare you pick up Link! I was gonna start using him! Just for that, I'm going to learn Ganon so I can show that fanboy magnet a thing or two! "Heheheh!" *Does Ganon taunt*
if you'll remember, pablo can also pwn anyone with ganon :(
i picked up ganon as a fun character.
at first i was like, "holy hell! this is like captain falcon! except i can actually l-cancel with him because his moves take 1 second to perform!"
i was beating scud's fox and sheik with him...his falco ***** me, though.
oh yeah, and scud picked up fox and sheik, for those who hadn't heard.
we also have a 3rd person in the norman crew, named Andrew, gamertag of "Muca"
he plays sheik, too. and...he is ridiculous at tilting.

I appreciate the comments, thanks ^_^ You two have improved a lot, I better watch my back :chuckle:

I'm changing up my roster, I'll try to commit to this change until the release of Brawl. I'm completely dropping Sheik, Marth, and Falco (boo!) for Jiggs, Peach, Link and Doc (yayz!). Hopefully Link and Doc action will make up for the Sheik loss. I don't use them in any particular order, but I'm still debating about Peach. If anyone one has any input, let me know (except for that uber critic Coty, ^_^)
it's true, the only way rasta and i could beat you is if you were turned away from the TV. then again if you had a mirror...crap!

and yay for doc, i love playing him. probably just because he's so awkward to play against, scud has no idea what to do :p

but, you better secretly practice sheik just in case you have to pull her out again.

aaaand, my non-responsive writing starts here:

why is every new combo video that's not a falco vid, like, totally made by a ******? like, i saw C.O.C.K. and Shized (how dirty), but the marth, samus, etc. all sucked. it's like, when i see 10 combo videos in one night of people that are worse than me, that some OK players could 4-stock...it just makes me think of all the people better than them who...oh, forget it. it's too late for this crap.

but yeah, brett and i will be making a short combo vid soon. it involved 2 buttsecks scenes, meaning literal ****** in smash, or at least the animation looks that way. we've got some alright footage, need quite a bit more, though. just a few more sessions and tada.


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
If you're talking about the falcon from the AZone vids... thats trevyn... who doesn't try anymore and everybody hates him for it, lol... especially me since i spent fifty bucks on a controller for him and paid his ten dollar entry fee....

but if not then yes, /pwnd : P

one more thing bryan, lol... rob says that the IC community is severely underrepresented, which i agree with. and i also like the pokemon, who are also underrepped (minus puff)... so ya, just trying to reach out a bit, lol... plus giving myself a good low-tier chance.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
If you're talking about the falcon from the AZone vids... thats trevyn... who doesn't try anymore and everybody hates him for it, lol... especially me since i spent fifty bucks on a controller for him and paid his ten dollar entry fee....

but if not then yes, /pwnd : P

one more thing bryan, lol... rob says that the IC community is severely underrepresented, which i agree with. and i also like the pokemon, who are also underrepped (minus puff)... so ya, just trying to reach out a bit, lol... plus giving myself a good low-tier chance.
it wasn't a CFalc, but i do remember that video. i think it was a fox, but now that i saw that, it may not even be wobbles. i think i mixed two videos up. man, i am so awesome for having a cocktail memory.

oh yeah, and i just coined a new term. "cocktail memory."
i'm awesome.


Dec 18, 2005
Palo Alto, California
Cocktail memory....such sillyness.

Anyways, yeah that's good you are expanding with your characters. I'm trying to play sheik more as well. And yeah, I completely agree that the IC's are underrepresented. Like really, very little smashers use the IC's. I only said that Rob was too much as it is because the wobbles is really gay and we don't need another wobbling Ice Climber, at least I don't. :laugh:

I think Trevyn is actually starting to try these days again. He got some inspiration when he saw me do so well again tony and sean in teams he says, heh. Like that really changed his outlook in the game and hopefully he meant it. I hear he's been practicing in training mode again.

And yes, these boards have been ******** in the last few months lol. Regional mods are good.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
yeah but with noone using IC, that means noone knows how to beat IC, so the people who do use IC own.

but yeah pablo...if you ever get tired of schooling everyone in smash bros, id be more than happy to school you at stepmania any day of the week. also if you need songs i have too many so yeah...

as far as your characters go...out of those i say links and jiggs.
jiggs because the only real jiggs user we have is babac and he sucks, and link because hes awesome and you could spam projectiles forever. woohoo. everyone loves that.

docs recovery is too bad, and peach is like, blond so yeah.

i recommend samus though, she has missiles and recovery and missiles and extended grapple and swd and missiles. someone of your status who enjoys sandbagging to the extent you do could benefit greatly from extended grapple and swd into taunt...

and lastly, as long as the next smashfest is after 10 days from now and on a weekend i can go. same with monthlies.

aw man. i was just thinking, remember way back a year ago at the first tourny ever, when it was finals and pablo was fighting kevin?

i bet pablo threw the match. yeah....

maybe he should be first...who knows...its kinda hard to tell since im never sure when hes trying...


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
yeah but with noone using IC, that means noone knows how to beat IC, so the people who do use IC own.

but yeah pablo...if you ever get tired of schooling everyone in smash bros, id be more than happy to school you at stepmania any day of the week. also if you need songs i have too many so yeah...

as far as your characters go...out of those i say links and jiggs.
jiggs because the only real jiggs user we have is babac and he sucks, and link because hes awesome and you could spam projectiles forever. woohoo. everyone loves that.

docs recovery is too bad, and peach is like, blond so yeah.

i recommend samus though, she has missiles and recovery and missiles and extended grapple and swd and missiles. someone of your status who enjoys sandbagging to the extent you do could benefit greatly from extended grapple and swd into taunt...

and lastly, as long as the next smashfest is after 10 days from now and on a weekend i can go. same with monthlies.

aw man. i was just thinking, remember way back a year ago at the first tourny ever, when it was finals and pablo was fighting kevin?

i bet pablo threw the match. yeah....

maybe he should be first...who knows...its kinda hard to tell since im never sure when hes trying...
1) i'll beat you at stepmania. so long as we STEP. because you know, it's in the title. "STEPmania, not fingermania" as ty would say.
why? because fingermania sounds like a wicked awesome pr0n movie.

2) thankfully pablo plays daisy, not peach.

3) i don't remember, i didn't join the smash community until march :(


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
yeah, youll pwn me if we STEP...
but if we finger i bet ill pwn you.

in fact, i bet my fingering could beat your STEPping

that sounds so wrong...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Edmond, OK
Yes it does Andy...
Yes it does,

Is Chris's Marth better than everyone elses?
If so, you mind giving me some pointers Chris?
If not, whoever does have the best marth (besides the currently owned Kuni) got any good skills?

Man, I wish I could go somewhere to smash but my parents won't let me go anywhere...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
RastaImposta- proving more and more stereotypes about black people every day.

Yes it does Andy...
Yes it does,

Is Chris's Marth better than everyone elses?
If so, you mind giving me some pointers Chris?
If not, whoever does have the best marth (besides the currently owned Kuni) got any good skills?

Man, I wish I could go somewhere to smash but my parents won't let me go anywhere...
If you're trying to get a good marth, i'd go with kuni for training. Get a lot of tech skill, then play chris alot. Nothing against you chris, but kuni has a better marth if you're trying to learn something. Anyway, play chris as much as you can, you most likely will lose lots of em (i still do, douchebag) but that way you can see what he does in a given situation. Your mindgames will improve like crazy.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
I don't john, i tell the truth.

And i know noobitis isn't real, i just didn't think someoe would other to post an actual semiserious thread about it, so i copied it and braught it over. Ahh you guys, the only reason austin knows about that thing with the girl, is because everytime and out of stater comes you all tell themmy life story of so called johns. If you guys were quite about them, no one would know!!


Smash Cadet
Oct 23, 2006
If you didn't make a fool of yourself so often, we wouldn't have to spread it around.

Also: I still haven't been to a single Smash thing. This needs to be rectified.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
wtf noones said it yet?

if youre looking for a good marth go to zinth.
hes like marth-man.

also, i dont know why you cant grasp this single concept:


the only way its not a john is if you dont say anything when you lose, except maybe "good game" or "nice edgegaurd", but saying something like "i lost because i miss a girl, lets try that again is", is.


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
hmm... marth training? i was reading the suggestions and was trying think of which marth would be better to play with... but then i realised that people were suggesting marth players to play with, which as far as marth goes, would be more for marth dittos...

which are awesome by the way...

for their part... play with either of them for mindgames (up tilt ftw!)... training mode for technical skill


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
i still can't do the fair to fair combo. But oh well. Marth is gay. How many more sentences do i need so i don't get another infraction?


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Marth dittos are so lame. Its like normally you could have fun and poke them around when your barely in range, and there not. But in marth dittos, they can hit you back, its like what the heck?! Its not fun when they can hit you back this far away. Cus now both of you have long range, and you can't take advantage of it anymore.

And, what about my marth? I can use him quite well. And i can't really be cheap with him the way i am with falco.

Also, those are like the only two johns i ever made that sounded that bad. And your not supposed to make fun of someone, thats being mean. You know what, im giong to stop johning!! Then you guys won't be able to say anything about me!!

Gravity call my house, there is something i need to ask you, and if things go right, i'll pay you some money. Its very important....and i need to know before 1 45


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
lol good luck not johnning. the day you do that is the day i...believe you...

i can see it now: "I lost because im not saying any more johns"

anyway, you forgot the john, "I lost on accident". that ones pretty good.

also, i just talked to him, and he says i should go with either shiek, falcon, or jiggs..

sheik, falcon or jiggs!?
anyone have any input character-wise? out of all those i tihnk captain falcon would be the coolest if i was good, but apparently hes hard to pick up, so maybe jiggs. or i could use shiek and beat chris...


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Wichita, KS
Don't worry about it south paw.

Marth dittos are the funnest dittos imo. It sort of feels like a chess game where two queens are going 1v1. You vie for positions and have to be really careful about not giving away openings or over extending yourself.


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
your not supposed to make fun of someone, thats being mean. You know what, im giong to stop johning!! Then you guys won't be able to say anything about me!!
hell yes youre supposed to make fun of people... it got you to resolve to stop johnning, lol, so clearly its good

and light, that i must say is like the best analogy of a marth ditto ever...

and kuni again... marth dittos imo are the best kind you can improve your game with... they require pretty much all of the important aspects in the game... mainly, spacing and mindgames... unlike falco dittos which are gay, and fox dittos which are probably gayer

EDIT: And as far as not getting hit back... we call that TRAINING MODE, lol : P


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Is Chris's Marth better than everyone elses?
If so, you mind giving me some pointers Chris?
If not, whoever does have the best marth (besides the currently owned Kuni) got any good skills?
Wtf are you mad? Those are scrub Marths.

wtf noones said it yet?

if youre looking for a good marth go to zinth.
hes like marth-man.
Bingo, Gravity wins the entire so-called cookie factory :bigthumbu

But seriously guys, I'm disappointed in all of you except for Gravity.

And yes Pablo, do the Jigglypuff! Do it for OK!

Also Gravity, I assume that you're talking about secondary characters? So far I'd probably say that you should go with Jiggs, although for practicality you may want to go with Sheik, since she can fight the characters who give Samus trouble, though then again so can Jigglypuff if you're good enough. You seem to have the most natural aptitude with Jigglypuff though, although I haven't seen much of your Sheik.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
grav, i'd go with captain falcon. It's not like i really care or anything, but captain falcon is the only character on there that isn't a *****.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Hehhhh, i said that i don't like mart ditto's but i never said i was bad at them.

Basic thing is, in marth ditto, make sure once you start a combo, you have to finish it and kill them, if they get out its over, and youll have to start the combo over again. Know what damages are ideal for the f air to down air combo. Watch out when starting the fair combo, since if they have under 25 damage theyle be able to attack you back before you can get your next move in.

Against non marth players, use your wave dash to space you appropriately for your tip. If you see them come at you either

A, prepare to intersept them with the tip before they are in range.


B, wave dash and space your self so that you can tip them after they miss there attack. short hop backwards and c stick forwards is ideal for that situation as well.

Abuse range to its fullest, keep your distance, where you can attack but they cant. If they happen to get to close though, up B or grab are good close range attacks.

One more thing take advantage of the grab. And try and guess which way they are Di'ng. For ex, against peach, if they have ove like 10 damage, and under 40, if you throw them forward and if they are Di'ng forward, you will have to chase them, and maybe get an attack in. but if you grab them and throw them backward, while they are Di'ng forward you can get a free f smash or even grab again. Then after a bit theyle know to Di behind you, thats when you throw forward again and then, you can then get another free attack on them. Just something that i do but, if you still think its all just crap coming from kuni ignore it if you want.

Im not a stratigy guy, and i hate having to think to figure out problems, dispite all this, Beating people in fights is no problem with enough matches against them... at least thats the way it is in my opinion.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Its a bit more important in marth dittos though, since he has no range to keep presure you have to keep it on them by giving them the impression, "If you miss, ive got you"


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
Andy, Im going to make you eat those words, my Jiggs>You.

I cant wait till that monthly. *Sigh* I thought it over and I MIGHT hold one before the monthly. Ive been meaning to beat other people, instead of just paemon, with my new characters.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
well see bacbab...

yeah i see that typo, but im not gonna change it because its too cool.

and if you do have a fest, if its next weekend i cant go, but after that i think i can.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
holy ****

i just woke up.
so much for living a productive life. i didn't even see the sun today...wow.

and so much for having people over for smash. i would say tomorrow, but it's supposed to be like...weather pwnage. so, i don't want anyone to drive into death.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
i should start getting specific.

to grav: ok...kuni (not fixing your misspelled words)

to rasta: bout **** time you held a smashfest

to shade: no.

to dokkoise: it was supposed to be like weather pwnage today, and nothing happened.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
i went to weather.com, i pulled the url out of my *** and it was legit, and it said by tomorrow morning there will be less then an inch of snow, and by tomorrow night, there will be 4-6 inches.

so yeah...dont wanna drive to death, on a road to death.

anyway, i concur, about time for a smashfest...its been too **** long since ive been over there...in fact its been too **** long since ive been outside, but theres nothing to do in the ice. maybe once it snows i can make snowballs or something...i havent been past my driveway since last friday


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
well then, if anyone wants to test it, come to my house tomorrow :)

also, some guy from cali told me i must suck because i'm from OK, and this other guy in WA must be pretty good.

so...i feel like owning him, considering i've never even heard his name before, and i am one of those "smash nerds" as i called zinth. but i can't, because he lives in cali. sigh, come FC time, one of us (kuni/pablo/chris) better be good enough to be on the crew team. that means some serious getting betterness, if that even makes grammatical sense.

we need to find other ways to rep, too. zinth, make an OHSNAP2 Oklahoma player montage with the footage you have, if it's good enough. like pablo with the uthrow-->tap reset grabs. those looks sexy as hell. and chris's jiggly ownage.
**** kuni for not showing up day 2.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
.........I had no ride and no money. How in the world would i have made it to ohsnap 2?

Anyhow. I'll fight him, and well take him on the same way we took austin and me and chris will 4 stock him. And i'll be zelda and hell be yelling at the screen by the third match match. Or i'll be falco and well get a reaction similar to austin's after i ran away with lasers for about 5 minutes.

california dude: *irritated..............who the **** taught you how to play??!!! It was really funy. lol.

Im sure we can bring up our game soon enough. Can't wait for the next out of state tourny tough. Those are fun to go to.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
i meant god**** the things that prevented you from going to OHSNAP2

but yeah, random california dude can suck it.

kuni: when i do double fair combos across the stage with marth, i often do an ftilt when i land after the second jump.
so it's like, short hop-->fair, fair; l-cancel, shorthop-->fair, fair; l-cancel, ftilt
am i trying to jump to quickly, or is the the opposite, and i'm doing things too slowly?

oh yeah, and if you want to learn how to play marth, yes, ask kuni. i'm not disrespecting kos-mos or zinth at all, they are very good, i just think kuni is the best teacher. like, he could actually teach you the most in the same amount of time. the only people who have been better at telling me what i'm doing wrong are...DoH and Scud. so yeah...when i say "if you want to learn marth, ask kuni," it's because i mean he is the best at teaching marth. not to mention he did the best against FLT :)

oh, and just so everyone knows, scud is better at team battles, since i instructed him on why we were losing team battles. it's like,
"well, while we were both alive, you weren't paying attention to the whole screen. when i was the only one alive, i lost because i suck and you're better." :p

stop beating me, Kuni/Pablo/Scud!
oh yeah, i plan on moving up in the next power ranking. you'll see why. i have 2 new tricks with sheik, my marth is in training, and my CFalc has about...10 new tricks. i tought scud all my tricks, too, so...i think scud might get top 3 next power ranking, just to scare the hell out of everyone. :) if he does move above me, i still won't be less than 5th, if things go right. norman is rep'ing like nobody's business.
and plan for the new person in our crew to make top 15 when he comes to the first monthly.

speaking of which, i'll have to talk to the other panelists about it, but we may change it to top 20, just because our smasher base is like...getting pretty big by now. there've been over 40 people in-state that have been to a tourny or smashfest! i think zinth/vega are responsible for most of that.

and wow, i'm just like, saying anything that comes to mind for no reason.
*ends post*

edit: one last thing- i think we should have official OK smash AIM chat room sessions once a week, to lessen the amount of posts here, and to better converse with each other about future plans, character help, or anything else. pick a day and time.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Haha smash chat huh. that would be pretty fun i guess.

If your diong ftilt by accident, it means either

A, your missing your L cancle.

B, your pressing jump to early and its not doing it

C, your not pressing jump enough, and the button isn't going to respond to that pressure.

I recomend you slow things way down, try doing just three in a row, take a few seconds break and then do 3 more. And repeat.

once you can do it perfect 4 times in a row, try for 4 f airs. until you can get it down with out thinking about it much.

Also, you can just hold the control stick to the right or left and then time your jump, A and L cancling if it makes things any easier. Once you get things fast enough though its best to learn to do it with the C stick, since you can control the direction you go then. But for now, just hold the stick and time the buttons. youll get it soon! im sure. I need to go to brets house, its been too long....
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