just got done playing friendly fire.
it took me a LOOONG time to be able to beat him.
remember pay$ at OHSNAP1? the playing was like that. it was smashes and fulljumps. i had no idea what to do, so i kept losing at first. wtf.
he's alright. i hold no answer to play without advanced tactics, but considering he's not bad at all without advanced tactics, if he were to incorperate them he might actually beat any of you guys that have tech skill (i win by mindgames only). for instance, i'm sure shade could 4-stock him, since shade is used to playing his littlest bro who has that style.
probably zinth, pablo, marc, brett, derrick, babac, and heath could, too.
but i got owned at first because, well...c-stick humping throws me off my game. it was fun, though, hopefully we have more norman smashers to play with. though, if i play that style too much, i'm going to get too used to it, and suck when i play the tops here (pablo, chris, kuni). so...hopefully, they will learn to wavedash, shorthop, l-cancel, and JCG, as well as learn character specific tactics. i was waiting to be pillared by a falco, and all i got was fsmashed 50 times. so confusing!
in other news...my house smells like dog poo. if that is indeed, true, i must beat my dog continuously (not really, but punish her. because, wtf@poo)