ok, i'll just have to give you directions. Get on i-35 going towards OKC, get on the hefner parkway and stay on it until you find rockwell. You will pass a set of apartments with a ****** selling crack outside of the gates. If the ****** is on a payphone at 7 eleven you've gone too far. turn left at the apartments and head straight for about freebird and a half. Then the paved road will end, find the first set of crossroads and stop right outside. In the exact center of this crossroads you will find A box with a pentagram inside a circle carved in the top. Inside the box is a chicken bone and some gunpowdery looking substance in a small glass vial. Put something of yours inside the box and bury it. (Note, it has to be something only YOU posess. Everyone has a quarter and such, but one of YOUR toenails or a hair from your head or a picture of you, something along this line) Bury this where you found it and close your eyes. When you open your eyes there should be a person standing right in front of you. If this is the right person, he should be in a purple suit and a purple top hat and answer to the name "satan". Offer your soul to be the greatest "person who still has a soul" and his head will explode from confusion. Take the car he drove in. It will be the only other car parked out in the middle of nowhere with a soft top made to look like batwings. Floor it and you should end up in another dimension. Look for a shack with a matress burning in front of it. Dive on the mattress. You *******, it's on fire. Anyway, go inside and there will be a crippled old man with one wooden eye and an old cannibal lady missing her right arm and her left leg. If she's missing at least one leg, run, why? because she's a ****ing cannibal. behind the house there are 2 doors leading down to the cellar. Before you go in you should go back inside the shack and ask the old man for a bottle of hooch. He will sell it to you for 5 dollars. If you're a ****ing cheapskate, kick the shillelagh (pronounced shi-lay-lee) that the man is leaning on out from under him and pick it up. beat him with it and leave the hooch. Beat the old lady too, she's a witness. When you're done with all this, go back to the cellar with either the hooch or the shillelagh and go in, leave the doors open, this is a ***** otherwise. A demon should pop out of the shadows and ask who you are. You can either A. give him the hooch and ask for the key he has around his neck. Or B. kill him with the shillelagh and take the key, you don't play that ****. When you have the key, leave the cellar and close the doors. Lock them with the key, then unlock them. You shouldn't be able to see down into the cellar no matter what time of day it is, jump in. If you've followed all my steps right you should end up on the front porch of rasta's house, which is where we're all going. Or kenya if you missed something.
EDIT: risingken, what's your real name?