t "Well...what exactly does 'catch one in the dome" mean
...I had never heard that, but at least i can guess that it means your basic kuckle sandwich, lol
Shade. Please don't blame your ignorance on your mother.
No johns.
I see you're learning, lol.
in my own response
1) i have a sleep disorder where i sleep about 12 hours a day usually
2) i haven't slept in about 40 hours.
...awesome... just like the STD ... multiquote is da shiz btw
Edit: one more thing... have more videos, but i dont want to upload them all unless they are all wanted... so
Gravity (Samus) vs SP (Jiggly)
Heath (RFox) vs Shade (Fox)
KOS-MOS (Peach) vs Vega (Falcon)
KOS-MOS (RFox) vs Shade (Fox)
Shade (RFox) vs KOS-MOS (RFox)
Shade (Marth) vs SP (Fox)
Shade (Falco) vs Vega (Sheik)
Shade (Fox) vs Vega (Sheik)
SP (Fox) vs Vega (Falcon)
SP (Marth vs Heath (Fox)
Vega (Falcon) vs Shade (Marth)
Vega (Sheik) vs Heath (Fox)
Vega (Sheik) vs Shade (Fox)
Vega (Marth) vs Gravity (Samus)
Requests may now follow, lol. Though I already have a couple.
And... I didn't record/mention some matches here because I wasn't sure if people would want them... for instance, Chris's samus vs my puff... if anybody still wants those ill give them, but ill do that later
Note that whoever won the match is whose name I put first in the filename