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oh my god dedede


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
I seriously have no idea what the hell to do to beat them because this is ironically my hardest matchup and i've read the matchup thread. I know d3's side of the story but I just suck when it comes to going head to head against the king and then other diddy kong players say this is easy :mad: Help me someone! It's jsut so hard for me to approach them for some reason!!


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Tennessee V_V



His CG is a lot less effective this way, although pain-in-the-*** DeDeDe's are gonna prolong their travel to that spot as long as possible, so the banana's might disappear...

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
lol, I never have trouble against D3s, I even beat them with Donkey Kong.

...yes, the D3s weren't even D3 mains and weren't too good =/

I guess I can't really give any advice... it might be easier if you'd post a vid of you against a D3 :)


Smash Cadet
Jun 15, 2008
lol, I never have trouble against D3s, I even beat them with Donkey Kong.

...yes, the D3s weren't even D3 mains and weren't too good =/

I guess I can't really give any advice... it might be easier if you'd post a vid of you against a D3 :)
dk is a d3 counter

i almost always win vs my amasing @ d3 freind... if he starts chain bairing u off the side, spam hit ditty hump til it goes off b4 bair does... it would kill um usually but its the only way to get out of it. u out camp him so play defencively. u can chain uptilt him til like 40%. d3 is also very easy to chain dash/backglidetoss/dash/repeat on. use grabs a LOT, try to substitute most combo moves witha grab. follow him off the ledge and force him to uair and airdodge it then ditty hump him works well too, if he airdodges u can hump him anyways...

and yes, d3 is a very easy matchup for other dittys lol


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
dk is a d3 counter

i almost always win vs my amasing @ d3 freind... if he starts chain bairing u off the side, spam hit ditty hump til it goes off b4 bair does... it would kill um usually but its the only way to get out of it. u out camp him so play defencively. u can chain uptilt him til like 40%. d3 is also very easy to chain dash/backglidetoss/dash/repeat on. use grabs a LOT, try to substitute most combo moves witha grab. follow him off the ledge and force him to uair and airdodge it then ditty hump him works well too, if he airdodges u can hump him anyways...

and yes, d3 is a very easy matchup for other dittys lol
besides your awful spelling, that was really useful, thanks! :p


Smash Cadet
Apr 18, 2008
Hiding in the Playboy Mansion
Wow......I consider every heavyweight ESPECIALLY bulky characters like DDD to be the easiest fighters to face. Just saying..... :ohwell:

I guess....
1. Work on your dodging skills especially your side dodge.
2. Utilze all if not more of Diddy's attacks as you fight.
3. Focus more on your opponent than your character

I know that was crap advice, but seeinng as how I can't determine from a vid, that's all I can reccomend.....


Smash Lord
May 9, 2008
Socal -> FL
play defensive against D3 if you can >.> use banana against him since Diddy has a 60:40 against D3. When hes using his wall of B-airs, peanut gun his face and rush at him. Do Not Use Same Combo Starter because of the Shield grab. T_T.Power shielding against his f-tilts help to if hes great at spacing. Always have a banana at your hand if you have it
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