TemplarPsi said:
yea well **** happens, i dont have a nice job like yours, my job doesnt give me that option or anything of that matter. Lots of people request it off first, plus it goes by senioroty. Which i havent work there long enough to work there, plus i was hired to work mainly Friday, Sat, Sun.
I wasn't really even talking about attending tourneys really. If you have to work during tournaments, then what can anyone say, **** happens, nothing you can do about it.
I'm talking about smash in general. You use to **** talk me like no other. I'd have to listen to your **** about how you were going to get better than me...and I let that slide because you were progressing fast. But what happened now...you are still on the boards acting like an active smash player yet you don't even play the game anymore. When's the last time any of us seen you play? At least with Mr. J, he's always up for smash, improving himself, etc...yeah he **** talks all of us on the boards but at least he backs up the fact that he WILL come play us even though we have to put him in his place.

He's willing to make the hour drive to come play us and back up his **** talking. You, on the other hand, have been bickering with Mr. J all semester long for what? You have no intention of playing him where as he has every intention of playing you.
You've disappeared on all of us, act like you are still into smash, and yet you don't even play anymore. I don't give a **** if you can't make the tourneys especially when you have a valid reason. But you aren't even in the smash scene anymore it seems. You are all talk, never walk the walk. I'm sorry for coming down on you like this but it had to be said. We are all busy but we find the time to play. If you aren't into smash anymore, then don't act like it. If you are, come play sometime. That is all.
EDIT: I'm done **** talking...I hate it when you and Mr. J do it so I don't know why I am but I'm done; I've said all that I needed to say to robbie.