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Official Square-Enix Characters For Super Smash Bros. Brawl Discussion Topic


Deleted member

Hey, I calls 'em like I sees 'em. Cloud's easily, easily the most well-known FF hero.
... But he's never appeared on a Nintendo console and he's lame. I don't want any Raiden on my Cloud like in the film.

He's got more personality than Squall (oh snap!).
True, true. FF8 sucked, as did Squall. Don't think you've offended me.


I'd rather not see either of those two: they were just examples. My point is that there are way too many choices from the FF series to pick out just one that is clearly more iconic than the rest. I myself think Terra or Celes should get the slot, but you think Cecil deserves it more. Every FF has it's fans, but nothing besides "generic" elements (like Black Mages and Chocobos) link them together as a franchise.
Not really. FF4 is popular worldwide and coming up with a massive, high-budget re-make for the DS. FF4 was basically the first Final Fantasy with a story, making Cecil one of the first main characters of a true FF game. He's been there for a while. Ignored... Abused... He's definitely popular enough. He's definitely got good moveset potential - he has two friggin' forms after all. He should be in if anyone.

As for 4's popularity, I don't doubt it, but 7 has sold, far and beyond, way more copies. As has 6, 8 and 10. You raise a good point about the DS remake though...that's one point for Cecil...
Uh, where'd you get these numbers? 4's had the most re-makes over the years (thus far), all internationally successful and released worldwide. I don't doubt 6's success... 8 sold half as well as seven, ten's sales were obviously good because by that point FF was the biggest staple in Japan besides DQ.

I see it goes...

FF7 -> FF4 -> FF6/10 -> FF12/8 -> FF9 -> Rest

But I'm no expert. However, I do know Cecil and his history. He needs in. :(

Deleted member

Well, Sora's pretty much a moot point. Final Fantasy has a chance because of it's history with Nintendo.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
I'd almost rather see a representative of Enix than one from Square. Any of the characters from Star Ocean: The Second Story would be awesome additions to the game, especially Dias or Ashton (my favorite). I know it's extremely unrealistic and virtually impossible, but I'd love to see Ashton perform Tri-Ace as his Final Smash.


I think I might actually make an Ashton support thread. For those that don't think he was on a Nintendo console, he was in a (couple?) game(s) on the Gameboy Color and GBA in Japan. He may not have the popularity that most other characters have, but I can picture his Smash Bros moveset . . . and it is just flat-out awesome.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Um, Star Ocean I&II are being remade for the PSP, so a Star Ocean character would not be a good idea through Nintendo's point-of-view. Star Ocean 4 is also in development for a high-end console, which pretty much means the PS3.

Also, few people here seem to know that Dragon Quest sells more in Japan than Final Fantasy.

Deleted member

I know that. Both are extremely popular, though. They're on the same level.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
Um, Star Ocean I&II are being remade for the PSP, so a Star Ocean character would not be a good idea through Nintendo's point-of-view. Star Ocean 4 is also in development for a high-end console, which pretty much means the PS3.
Didn't know that, but thanks for letting me know. I own a PSP, and remakes of those two games would be fantastic.

Also, few people here seem to know that Dragon Quest sells more in Japan than Final Fantasy.
Also, consider that Sakurai is looking at characters based on a more world-wide scale. Dragon Quest may sell than Final Fantasy in Japan, but how does it stack up across the world?


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2004
.. But he's never appeared on a Nintendo console and he's lame. I don't want any Raiden on my Cloud like in the film.

He made an appearence in KH: CoM on the GBA so he's definately gonna be in.


though you were technically wrong, lolz.

Deleted member

The Kingdom Hearts GBA game does not a Nintendo appearance justify. :psycho:


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2004
we could have a generic ninja-

or even-

CACTUAR! Cactuar would run like G&W, he could have a needle attack like Sheik, a roll out like jpuff, and god knows what else.


Deleted member

You and your crazy ideas. Cactuar is way too sexy to be in SSB.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2004
dude, if cactuar can be in mario basketball, he can definately be in brawl. zamus is sexy and she's in.

Cactuar is too sexy for any game, but he sells himself out.

Deleted member

He's a cheap *****. He's too green though. Zamus is blue, I noticed, **** racists. They'd never let a naked, green cactus in a Japanese-developed game.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
non of your concern yet lol

She has 2 swords she is not very fast compared to fox but is not slow she also has an amazing jumping ability she dose not have a high attack

Why Should she be in:
Because she would be so bad *** and brawl needs another strong woman to set the paste and take over lol but for real i think she would be a great player to play as and also against shes strong and power full and would bring somethinf new to the mix

Weight 2/5
High 3/5
Speed 4/5
Power 2/5

A- Attacks
A- Slashes with her left sword then right then turns around and slashes with both swords knocking her opp back
A Left/right tap- Kicks up (like Sheik)
A Left/Right smash- Dose something similar to sheiks double kick
A Down tap- Sweeps like sheik but has falco’s effect and send them flying
A Down- Sweeps opps with her swords
A up tap-Slashes upwards in a horizontal crescent moon type way
A up- Back Flip (Fox)

Air Moves
A- Slashes in horizontal motion
A left/right- Slashes over and over till she touches the ground (Like Falco’s kicks but dose more damage)
A up- Slashes up wards while doing a back flip( think marth)
A Down- Falls to the ground with her sword in an x shape but has same effect as links attack when he smashes into the ground

B Attacks
B- Blade Slam- dose a mid jump and slams down on her opp with both swords
B Left/Right- Dance of the Duel Sword- Similar to marths sword dance
B Up- Dance of the Flying Swords- Holds swords like they are bird wings and glides up (looks like marths attack but goes even farther and faster)
B Down- Spinning Dance of the Swords- Starts to spin with her swords out

Almost like Zelda but is not as easy to knock out what she lacks in speed she gains in power and defense with her dark attacks she send fighters into oblivion

Why should she be in:
Beautiful and evil a perfect mix but add power you have Veran. I think she people would have fun with her and also would enjoy the battles i think she would be in like aginst like or Zelda or even against Onox. Also i think SSBB should have a bad girl so the good girls would not shine so bright

Weight 2/5
Height 3/5
Speed 2/5
Power 4/5

A Attack
A-hits with her left hand then right then turns around and slaps with the back of her left hand
A let right tap- dose a back hand sending her opps flying in dark energy
A left/right- Dose zelda's move but it is black and sends then flying with black fire around them
A up tap- Kicks them up with no added effect
A up- Dose something like mew twos attack but looks like a dark energy ball
A down tap-Sweeps the ground
A Down- Blasts dark energy on the ground like mew two but it shoots out a small distance like Pikachu’s thunder shock but in dark energy)

Air Attack
A- Spins around in the air causing a dark energy to come out (Like Mew Twos Attack but at the end send them flying)
A left/right- Dose Zelda’s kick but with dark energy and is much stronger
A down- Dose something like Zelda but she goes down spinning
A up- Shoots Dark Fire up (Like Zelda’s attack and is stronger)

B Attacks
B- Shadow Blast- Blasts a dark ball of fire the lower the percent the more it dose the higher the less (like Zelda’s move)
B Left/Right- Shadow Blades- Blasts out blades of dark energy the more you press b (5 hit max)
B up- Dark Winds- Dose something like zeldas b and up but if she hits some one with it she sends them flying in a dark fire
B down- Life Drain- Makes a sphere like ness but this attack absorb special attacks and when hit by a physical attacks she counters it

 [ The handle is a hammer shape instead of like this]
He has a high attack and high Defense but he is more on the slow side his fly recking ball destroys his opponents he is nothing to play around with he makes the strongest warriors shake with fear just because of his size

Why he should be in:
Ok i'm kinda torn on this one but becase of his size lol and that big mase he is holding that just might make some people trun and run form the start lol but i think he would be a good. Well i would fill sorry for link lol but thats what i think would make him fun because he would be hard to beat but easy to control so he would be fun to play with and Against lol (and in somethings size dose not matter) - get your mind out the gutter you pervs

Weight 4/5
Height 4/5
Speed: 1/5
Power: 5/5

A Attacks
A- Smacks opp with the ball then again making them fly
A left/right tap- Smacks with his hand like ganondorf but dose more damage
A Left/Right- Smashes Opp with his ball
A up tap- Smacks up with the hammer
A up- Rams opp making them fly up
A down tap- Sweeps with hammer
A down- Slams down with both arm (like DK)

Air Attacks
A-Kicks over and dose a great deal of damage with a lightning effect
A left/right-Slaps over with the hammer make opp smash to the ground
A down- Falls on with both legs (like ganondorf and dose a grate deal of damage)
A up- Upper cuts with the ball

B Attacks
B- Dark Fist- Simular to Ganondorf's attack but it is stronger and breaks the guard and also you can no easily stop this move
B Left/Right- Dark Fire Rush- Charges Opps with dark energy around him
B up- Flying hammer- Uses his Ball to help him jump farther then slams down with the hammer
B down- Dark Hammer- Slams down with his hammer if some one is hit by this they a stuck in the ground with an added dark fire effect (like DK's head butt)

Smash Attacks

Nabouru- Final Dance of the Duel Blades- Takes off running and when she hits her opp she knocks them up way into the air with her following them and slashing her opp as they go up then when they reach a certain point she kicks the down making them hit the ground this move cause a great deal of damage

Veran- Oblivion- Veran holds her hand up and darkness surrounds her then the darkness grow until it becomes a big orb then who ever is trapped in it the receive a great deal of damage if you touch the out side you will be shocked but a small portion of what they are getting inside at the end the darkness becomes the shape of Veran then Expels them while she comes out to 0%

Onox-Terror Onox takes of running nothing can stop him if he catches you he will knock you up with his hammer then throw the ball to rap around you with the chain then he will slam you on the ground over and over then to end up he throws you up one more time then rushes you with dark fire all around him


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
Don't know if it's been suggested yet, but, what about Setzer?

Dude's a prime representation of Nintendo and Square's golden days, and generally a good rep for FFVI and classic FF in general. Not to mention he's already got a spiffy KH redesign, so even all these FFVII newcomers would at least recognize him from KHII.

While not as notable as any main characters, he's a real fan favorite from back in the day, and, well...unlike many of these crazy FF main characters, he's not so serious that he'd seem all that out of place in Smash.

(Just ignore the fact that he's just a lot more flamboyant than he actually originally was. And was kind of a pointless jerk in KHII.)

Deleted member

Setzer... Nah. He's not the main character of Six, at least not respected as such even though he plays as major a role as Terra or Locke. FFVI is also not getting the remake treatment like FFIV as of yet, giving an advantage to Cecil or Kain more. A solid choice anyway - I've always liked Setzer.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Smash Daddy said:
Uh, where'd you get these numbers? 4's had the most re-makes over the years (thus far), all internationally successful and released worldwide. I don't doubt 6's success... 8 sold half as well as seven, ten's sales were obviously good because by that point FF was the biggest staple in Japan besides DQ.

I see it goes...

FF7 -> FF4 -> FF6/10 -> FF12/8 -> FF9 -> Rest

But I'm no expert. However, I do know Cecil and his history. He needs in.
I got the numbers from vgchartz, which, while not pin-point-accurate, is the best the public has to go on.

According to them, it breaks down like so:

FF IV - 1.77
FF V - 2.45
FF VI - 3.42
FF VII - 9.72
FF VIII - 7.86
FF IX - 5.30
FF X - 7.95
FF XII - 4.94

In order, from least to most:

4, 5, 6, 12, 9, 8, 7

Anyway, I understand where you're coming from, but I just can't see Cecil being picked over anyone from 6, which is the other "story-based" FF originally on a Nintendo machine.

Copperpot said:
Dragon Quest may sell than Final Fantasy in Japan, but how does it stack up across the world?
Not too well. Really, if not for the FFXII demo in DQVIII, I guarantee you it would've sold about as well as Katamari Damacy over here in the Western Hemisphere.

Thus I don't think any DQ character would get in. Besides, they're all too generic to be worthwhile.

Hopefully this thread picks back up after this...

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007

Yeah, Terra's up there in the first post. We can only hope.

P.S. Setzer was way cooler in VI than Kingdom Hearts...being a giant douchebag (seriously, he must be like, 30, and he's beating kids up with a giant NERF bat?) really didn't fit his character.

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
I still support Kefka over any main hero from VI. Cause there were too many of them, and there's no really good reason any of them should be included over another. Terra edges out Celes slightly in importance, and then there's Locke, Edgar and Sabin (who are intertwined and really shouldn't be seperated). And Setzer, who's also important to the story.

I suppose Celes or Terra could be the Zelda we wanted (sword-wielding magical woman) and with Terra's transformation, she could easily fill the shoes of Melee Zelda/Sheik.

But I still support more villains, especially such an iconic villain as Kefka. Hence why I made my move set for him. But now I kinda wanna make Terra, Celes, Edgar and Setzer movesets too....


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
I think the Moogle would have to be my choice is pretty much the character that people associate Final Fantasy with... along with the Chocobos, but they're not even worth discussing since they pretty much just for transportation, and Vaan? he's the worst Final Fantasy leader ever, I love how Ashe always shuts him up in the game, she's much better for a character than Vaan, but overall I think Sora has the advantage.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
vesperview said:
I think the Moogle would have to be my choice is pretty much the character that people associate Final Fantasy with... along with the Chocobos, but they're not even worth discussing since they pretty much just for transportation, and Vaan? he's the worst Final Fantasy leader ever, I love how Ashe always shuts him up in the game, she's much better for a character than Vaan, but overall I think Sora has the advantage.
According to Square-Enix, the mascot of FF is the Chocobo. So there.

Also, Vaan was silly, Ashe was sillier, Sora was silliest. Relm for the win.

Vagrant Lustoid said:
I still support Kefka over any main hero from VI. Cause there were too many of them, and there's no really good reason any of them should be included over another.
Well...Terra's technically the main character of the game. Granted, VI is famous for not really having a clear-cut protagonist via splitting up your party so often...but hey, who's on the VI Advance boxart?

Vagrant Lustoid said:
But I still support more villains, especially such an iconic villain as Kefka. Hence why I made my move set for him. But now I kinda wanna make Terra, Celes, Edgar and Setzer movesets too....
The problem is that you really wouldn't add a villain before you add a hero, right? Imagine if SSB64's roster consisted of Bowser, Ganon, Ridley, Mewtwo, Black Shadow, Andross, K. Rool, and Jigglypuff..........man that would be so cool.

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
However, Mendez, there were twelve characters in SSB64, and they were pretty much all the clearly-defined icons and lead characters for their series. Mario, Link, Samus, DK, Yoshi, Fox and Kirby were the main characters of their franchises. Pikachu is the most famous pokemon (even if it was via the anime) so he clearly had to go in. As for the secret characters, Falcon and Ness were the clear icons and leaders of their franchises. Luigi was a clone, and Jiggly was really popular in Japan.

The problem is, as you said, FFVI doesn't have a clear-cut lead hero. Yes, I'd agree with you that it's probably Terra, but still, you cannot argue that Locke, Edgar and Celes are also highly important, and almost as worthy of inclusion as Terra (except Celes, cause she'd be a clone of Terra). My way of solving it would be to instead place the clear villain of FFVI. An icon who isn't disputed. And also one of the most awesome villains of all time. Kefka.

Oh, and you're awesome for mentioning Relm.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Vagrant Lustoid said:
Oh, and you're awesome for mentioning Relm.
I'm playing through VI Advance currently, and I just got her in my party. It's been a very long time, and I had forgotten how much I liked using her.

Vagrant Lustoid said:
The problem is, as you said, FFVI doesn't have a clear-cut lead hero. Yes, I'd agree with you that it's probably Terra, but still, you cannot argue that Locke, Edgar and Celes are also highly important, and almost as worthy of inclusion as Terra (except Celes, cause she'd be a clone of Terra). My way of solving it would be to instead place the clear villain of FFVI. An icon who isn't disputed. And also one of the most awesome villains of all time. Kefka.
...Wait, isn't the primary antagonist of FF VI...Ultros?


Ceriously though, you've got a good point. Given that, though, I don't think (the current, stupid, remake-happy) S-E, if given the choice, would follow the same thought process. They'd definitely want a PC to be their rep (as would any company), and if it's so hard to find one in VI, then they'd probably push for Cloud or one of the other generic PSX heroes. And hey: there's always Sora. :)


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2006

Enigmatic Soldier would be cool. He's never been on a Nintendo Console, however. Haha.


Smash Master
May 17, 2002

Enigmatic Soldier would be cool. He's never been on a Nintendo Console, however. Haha.
So this is ES. If only the better Kingdom Hearts 2 was released in the States. I already dealt with Sephiroth. I wanna fight this guy.

On Topic:

Terra or Celes FTW!

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Silpheed said:
He's never been on a Nintendo Console, however. Haha
KH3+Wii, baby.

NukeA6 said:
I already dealt with Sephiroth. I wanna fight this guy.
No you don't. Trust me.

He's a complete and total pain in the nuts, and all you get for beating him is this stupid little crown...

Totally not worth the hundred hours I spent beating KH2 again and doing Jiminy's journal AGAIN...

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Hey, I think KH2 looks fine as is, and on the Wii, Nomura would have a whole TWO Gamecubes to work with, not to mention a good chunk more data. Plus, sould you imagine the reaction commands? The game would physically teach you--by necessity--to Warp Snipe.


I just have a hard time imagining the Disney characters following around "Advent Children Cloud" (which is what Sora and the other Square charaters would surely look like on the PS3. 360 ain't happening...).


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
My god, if anyone from post VI FF or KH games shows up, I shall be angry. Very much so.
Yeah, nobody from the post-FFVI games or KH deserves to be in Brawl IMO.

To Mendez:

You do know that Final Fantasy IV is the third-most popular Final Fantasy in Japan, right?

Finally, I am going to be updating with four new characters soon. I will also be updating the analyses for a lot of the Dragon Quest characters because of the recent announcement about remakes of Dragon Quest IV, V, and VI being in development for the Nintendo DS.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2007
Two characters you should consider.

Neku Sakuraba, protagonist of It´s A Wonderful World for the Nintendo DS. This is the first Square-Enix franchise to start on a Nintendo system in a pretty long time, and from what I´ve heard the game has been a hit in Japan. There have been numerous rumors of the game being slated for release in the US, which would make sense since artistically it is very similar to Kingdom Hearts, which was wildly popular internationally. If it were to be released outside of Japan, it could easily be slated for Q4 in at least the US, and if Neku were to be included in SSBB that would just boost sales that much.
Neku is empathic, meaning that he can sense people´s feelings, but is also capable of fighting hand-to-hand as well as using numerous elemental spells. I haven´t played the game, so my knowledge of his battle capabilities is somewhat limited to that.

Luso, protagonist of Final Fantasy Tactics A2, slated for a Q4 release in Japan. The character isn´t from a numbered Final Fantasy so he won´t be appearing in Dissidia. The game´s coming out for the Nintendo DS, and again having the main character in SSBB will help boost sales--it´s pretty certain that the game will see a US release.
Like with Marche in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Luso uses a variety of swords. However, being a hume, he can change between several classes with different weapons and abilities. If implemented into the game, it could make him a very unique character.

Neither is very likely, especially because they´re so recent, but I think they´re worth considering.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
ChronoBound said:
You do know that Final Fantasy IV is the third-most popular Final Fantasy in Japan, right?

1. Since when?

2. If so, then why haven't I ever seen "adult" comics concerning characters from said FF? Riddle me that.

ChronoBound said:
I will also be updating the analyses for a lot of the Dragon Quest characters because of the recent announcement about remakes of Dragon Quest IV, V, and VI being in development for the Nintendo DS.
Darn straight. I could care less about 5 or 6...I just need to play 4. That aside, do you really think any DQ character picked? There are some FF candidates that make sense, and that frnchise has the inherent edge of being massively popular on both sides of the world. Not to mention most of (if not all) of the DQ characters are completely generic sword-fighters.

Kunitsuna said:
Neku Sakuraba
Pretty unlikely, but he could be fun. Maybe. I don't really know what he fights with. The trailers for IaWW just show him jumping around with flames bursting from the ground around him. Besides the whole 'listening-to-people's-hearts-via-magic-headphones' schtick, he's just some random Japanese kid.

Kunitsuna said:
Neku's more likely than this guy. We don't even have a release date on A2, and I don't think we'll be seeing characters in Brawl before they come out in a game of their own. Plus, the characters in Tactics Advance were...not so good, and I don't expect the cast of A2 to be any different.
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