best GanonDorf vids I seen so far.
You are gonna have to register at the site by clicking Red/Orange button in upper-left I believe. And they send you an email I think, and you respond back by clicking activation link.
But if you do all that and get an account then you have access to more smash vids as Nicovideo is the Japanese version of youtube but with better quality and vids that are not on youtube like the ones I gave.
also type that in the search bar on the top for smash brothers vids. This is Japanese for Dairantou Smash Brothers X as you see the X at the end,
So put スマブラX on top of page in the search bar and click the search button on right.
Also they UPLOAD vids every day so i check there once a day for new smash vids,
Especially the first vid. It is Nice.
When you click theRed/Orange Button. It goes to the registration page.
Here is the Registration page translated in English.
Don't forget, you can click the image to ZOOM in.
Enter info.
Don't forget, you can click the image to ZOOM in.
Heres the bottom. of the page.
Click general member obviously.
then click the bottom black button to submit.
Check your email and find Nicovideo and click the link to activate it.(usually the first one)
Go here and Login. //you may can skip this as I remmeber they auto log you in.
Then reload/refreshvideo the video.
Also gameplay wise it looks as though side b and standing A is guarantee against certain opponents like Snake. It does allow for good guessing games though generally. Also connecting the stomp makes for good guessing games.