For anyone who had time with the game prior to this stupid tourney.
The Wiimote+Nunchuck combo does suck, but from what I've been told by my friend(Gamestop Manager) you can take the Nunchuck out and play with the Wiimote sideways. It's supposedly easier to play that way.
On the subject of bringing your own controllers, don't. You will be disqualified if you try to use your own control. Also, there will not be items unless the manager of the gamestop decides to put them in; when it comes down to it all the rules for the first & second round will be decided by the Gamestop Manager. Since the Gamestop Manager in my situation happens to be a good friend of mine, GC controllers, Stock, Final Des, and no items. Woot!
It all depends on which Gamestop you go to...eventually you'll be forced to play by the official rules but hey, at least some of us get a nice round 1 & 2. Oh, and for some bad news for the official rules, only starting roster characters are allowed in the tourney. This is up for debate since if they do this, Ness will be unlocked after the first 5 matches.