thanks for the tips but, what do you mean attack out of shield? What I thought was to release shield and then attack but, I always result in a shield grab...
Any ways, here is my next vid
my bro is the kirby(both times)
i lose
Edit: I forgot to mention this is also before your tips, I'm just trying to get them up
Your tips kind of helped but, I lost a bit more. I tried rolling less but, when I didn't roll I got nailed T.T I think that was my only prob. So, what do I do instead of rolling?
Edit2: Since I've tried your tips I lost every match but 1 T.T what am I doing wrong? I'll get a vid up in a bit.
Edit3: XD here is my third vid (also before your advice)
its a bit quiet. Oh and forget Edit 2, I had a suger rush from Sour patch kids XD
Edit 1: Attack out of the sheild. When you shield, dont let go of it. Just jump while you hold it and do an air attack.
Edit 2: Its cause your not use to it yet. its gonna take some time. That is expected so dont worry about it.
Edit 3: Same as the other 2 videos. When you roll away, you mess up chances to get a free hit. Sh when they attack your shield, dont roll, attack out of it. its a free hit or grab.
I dont see you dash dance or even wavedash. You just rush in. You cant just do that. you have to confuse your opponents. you make yourself easy to read.
Jab more. Use jabs when close to your enemy when you need to do something fast. it also stops them dead in thier tracks.
Start to Float cancel with Peach. it makes her facter and cuts off lag time in air attacks.
Dont always throw the turnip in the air then Fair. after you FC>Fair, fast fall and throw it. then follow up whith what ever you feel is best like a jab, grab, dsmash etc. but mix it up. Dont always do the same thing. that way they wont know what to expect. And then when you do something, it will most likey work cause the player cant really guuess what you will do unless they get lucky with a guess.
You can practice these combos in training mode. But some of them wont work if you dont space yourself when you do them. Spaceing is very important. it makes it harder for people to punish you out of the shield or in general. Even if you make a mistake.
If you ever fight a Marth be very careful with your FC. Marths air game is better that yours and his sword can shot you down easy. Wait till he throws an attack or grab. then follow up with some FC tech if in the air and be fast about it. if not dash attack or grab. mixed it up. thats important. Marths will expect dash attacks. so play it smart and dont give them what they think will happen.
also when you get better with the FC stuff I said you can do, you can mix it with the pillar. ( If you know what that is) If you dont know then look at this video:
XIF does it to this luigi alot. You can also do it to pressure thier shield. Jab-Nair-Jab-Nair ~~~. You have to be fast. it takes practice. thats something advance though.
To pillar well you need to have decent or perfect control of FC. I say learn that list of things I gave you first.Bug out in training mode with it. Feel confortable with it. To a point is second Nature. You can do some of it out the shield too.
You can mix and match the list too. some things I said to last you can do first. and vise versa. just play around and make up your own bag of trick. thats where the mindgames come in. then once you got the hang of it own your friends with it. Bet they will come on smashboards and make a thread asking how to beat Peach Once you have it down pakced you already have control over Peach
you can also jab to Dtilt. You have to space your Jab though. You can do it after a FC> Fair if you space it and they block. The Dtilt has more range then Dsmash. and it can stab the sheild. And it leads to combos. Great move to use so try it sometimes. The move is not as fast as the Dsmash so space yourself.
Remember, this all takes time. You wont get it write away. But when you get the hang of it, you will see a difference.