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OcTIx's Diddy. 2/21/09 UPDATE!


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
I've picked up Diddy Kong seriously, and this is the 4th day I've been playing as him. Here are some videos of me. Note: All of these are on wi-fi. I don't have any offline videos yet. Some players (Sheik player named Billy or a Ganondorf player named F3nix) have videos of me offline at a smashfest, and I think I was doing pretty well.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=walZsLZJIFg&feature=channel_page-Day 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4dug9MTWfM&feature=channel_page-Day 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWlyWoQth94&feature=related vs TL
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIKjMCFifWw vs Marth 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oblpM0hVdGc vs Marth 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmZMWvij3qY&feature=channel vs Marth 3


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
watched the matches. only things i can say are
- went trying to get back to the stage dnt be predictible (you were asking for spike in the first match)
u have 3 ways of returning back. mid-air jump/sideb/upb mix it up :3. also note when using ur side b. dnt use ur kick since that just disables your upb thus killing u >_<
- when throwing ur bananas do not auto-pilot and start glidetossing cuz its effective but use it for mindgames such as if you know ur opponent likes to roll alot then place bananas behind u or in front for free punishes.
- do not always grab bananas on the stage far from u with dash attack as it can be punished...badly o-o, pressing a or dashing into downZ helps alot more to setup spacing.
- when your opponent has a banana set some mindgames/barrel canceling. force him to glide toss force him to throw it at u in the air. create openings for him to create a planned counter. also do not attack near your opponents banana as it will usually cause u to trip and give opponent the desired punish. instead retreat/peanut retreat/grab banana/ remember diddy can be good without his bananas but its worse for diddy if an opponent has ur bananas,
- needs moar combos. i did notice some ftilts here and there but would love to see some dtilts/uptilt combos.
- when throwing ur banana instead of immediately dash attacking instead throw another banana for extra damage/create the banana lock/grab him and throw him to otherside for single naner lock/down grab into bair for dmg/fthrow for kill at higher %'s. bananas are basicly free punishes so just overwhelm your opponent with them
- mindgames. i liked how you just run back and forth then throw the banana its good but you could be more creative as that marth did expect it :\.

overall your on your way. just incorporate combos/counters/mindgames and your set :3 i want to see more!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 13, 2008
mississauga, ontario, canada
I saw the diddy-marth match, and although it's wifi, it still looks like you're learning quickly. You did a lot of random things sometimes (like shooting a close range peanut), but I think that was probably just wifi lag, right? And, your last death was a side-b kick death, and I assume you've already learned that you can't recover if you do that, so just remember. If you have banana control, play more aggressively, I'm sure you'll just become a better Diddy player with the more experience/comfortable you get


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
I saw the diddy-marth match, and although it's wifi, it still looks like you're learning quickly. You did a lot of random things sometimes (like shooting a close range peanut), but I think that was probably just wifi lag, right? And, your last death was a side-b kick death, and I assume you've already learned that you can't recover if you do that, so just remember. If you have banana control, play more aggressively, I'm sure you'll just become a better Diddy player with the more experience/comfortable you get
Yeah. The sideb kick death was from wi-fi lag :/
I watch a TON of AlphaZealot and NinjaLink videos, and not necessarily replicate, but pay close attention to what they do. I haven't been able to get in touch with F3nix for my offline videos from Day 4, and It's bothering me lol.

I also have looked into Diddy's match-ups, and made a list of things I need to practice. I'm taking this seriously haha. I'm going to stop doing Wi-fi so much as well.

Question: I saw a comment NinjaLink made on one of his youtube videos, and it said he would be able to 0-death a MK. Can someone describe how its done? or link me to it's thread (assuming it has one)?


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
i told everyone im sticking with my "dk" statment, they dont listen >.> i was 3 stocking ur diddy on wifi with wario, but that doesnt prove anything! i demand a friendly!

hmm, 0-death, it might be a grab relise thing, mk is easy to grab relise, and it might have to deal with a banana then follow up with a spike, thats my best guess.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
So far I've noticed:
I hardly Tilt
my Recovery is predictable at times
I have trouble setting up for the more "advanced" banana tricks (Double banana lock, single banana lock, P1 CG, etc)

Anything else guys?


Smash Cadet
Apr 29, 2008
Winter Park, Florida
That poor marth looked like he has not played a diddy before..

I was gonna say the tilt thing... as well as jabs... its fast and can throw them off

Mix up your glide tosses a bit more... It'll make your game less predictable and more effective. Just mess around with the different directions and figure out what you can do with it. You glided backwards while throwing it forwards a lot... I used to do that a lot, but since bananas only do 4-5 damage usually, it's better to use them to go into other attacks and grabs.

Nice diddy tho :)


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
New match added with one of the better players in my area. I got read like a book towards the end :/
Critique and help me out!


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
yea u pointed out the mistakes really. desu read u well towards the end and adapted to ur game. what i did like is how u get out a banana and instead of going for banana u ran straight into him and grabbed him. that alone was awesome mindgames :3. u didnt need to dair/fastfall tho on that last stock O-o?


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
yea u pointed out the mistakes really. desu read u well towards the end and adapted to ur game. what i did like is how u get out a banana and instead of going for banana u ran straight into him and grabbed him. that alone was awesome mindgames :3. u didnt need to dair/fastfall tho on that last stock O-o?
Yeah, idk what that was lol.
But other than that, was there anything noticeable that I did wrong? Desu is good at reading people (00:52, 2:14, 2:32 for example) and around the 2:40s my recovery got read which set up for the final kill.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
-right at the beginning of match you had time to get a banana but u stalled? that gave your opponent that free tornado but u did DI well.

- having one banana is good only if your opponent knows how to use them well. in this case he actually just threw the banana away :\ so take advantage of that and punish him with two bananas.

- doing the side b kick isnt always useful returning unless u know it will hit or get past shield. he punished/read u perfectly almost with each one.

- the jumping around 1:00 was fun to watch but didnt seem like u were trying to accomplish anything perhaps bair as u jumped could of been better or just spacing away and getting a free banana

- once u got punished from that fair from metaknight instead of fair for di use upair or bair :3. but i think u fair'd thinking he be that fast O-o. i would of done same thing haha xD

- do not shield grab MK unless hes literally next to u otherwise like u saw with the stock. its a dsmash in the face : <

- when u hit mk with the banana at 1:28 u should have kept running and forward grabbed him instead of fsmashing since he was far away.

- 1:47. u threw both bananas away O-o. since mk is a jumpy character its understandable but against him if u know he will jump instead of glide tossing do sh throws.

- at 2:11-2:13 it was kinda obvious u would throw the banana at him since it was in your hand logically. for mindgames u should have either rolled or simply jumped :3 always be safe than sorry.

- sometimes rolling to your opponent is mindgames to them thinking u be rolling backwards which u did into a tech chased grab.

- just be smart on how to approach mk as he has the best punish. every move u do will either benefit u or harshly end in disaster.

otherwise pretty well done. just moar practice with banana tech chasing.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Psh Desu is trash, what you doing getting 2 stocked by him =p? I'll give you some pointers next WABA if you want.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Psh Desu is trash, what you doing getting 2 stocked by him =p? I'll give you some pointers next WABA if you want.
I think I've met you before.
WAYYY back maybe the very 1st Waba tournament, did you play Mario?

Anyways, Are you going to the tournament this month?


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Bump for new vids!
Seems like I'm lacking matchup exp.

otherwise, critique please
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